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In which direction would you like the "psytrance boat" to sail ?

Mike A

Started Topics :  185
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Posted : Nov 19, 2010 20:15

On 2010-11-19 03:13, Fometrius wrote:
Lots of new nice ladies

wtf is that? female borat?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 19, 2010 20:28
would love to see some more artists try and take on a more theatrical element in their tunes - the few acts i see doing this are principles of flight, phyx, tickets, brethren, rubix qube and scorb .... like rather than just power focused tunes (especially within the twilight/south african sound), it would be sick to see there being more depth .. a pinch of psychedelic - music for both the body AND the mind 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 02:47

what the hell. why don't I know how to imbed an image

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 06:22
I want it to sail back to 1990's goa.

Woop woop.

On 2010-11-19 14:16, A.Rosengren wrote:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 08:04
just go forward to new territoris.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 08:18

On 2010-11-19 20:15, Mike A wrote:

On 2010-11-19 03:13, Fometrius wrote:
Lots of new nice ladies

wtf is that? female borat?

me and the Red One on a Jacuzzy...god damn!!! xD!!!...they look aight for me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 08:22
yeah they look very smart and psychedelic.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 11:19

On 2010-11-19 20:15, Mike A wrote:

On 2010-11-19 03:13, Fometrius wrote:
Lots of new nice ladies

wtf is that? female borat?

year peoples all over the world,
unity, buy more music, support your local dj and we will may be have the chance to help the trance boat sail to the right destination!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 20, 2010 11:38
no joke aside. i will respectfully write a sentence or two to the first post.

i would like to see and i do see the trance scene going in two directions. the first one is the sunken titanic and it is perfectly okey to me. i dont wanna be on board while sinking because this makes me responsible for something i never did. so i left the ship long ago. every time i look through the glasses, i see it sinks more than the last time. and i am happy about it. it needs strength and spirit to keep over water and those who survive will move to the second alternative anyway.

the second direction is the one i would like to see and it will be more intense in 2011 ( because of the astrological star constellations too) . people with visions and people who believe in the philosophy of trancing, will mix up more and more with the other scenes, like the scene of the new age yogis and healers grwoing in the cities, world travellers, ethno cultural festivals, and also with the cyber freak scene and the new age scientists. electro will get more and more resonance ( again because of the star constellations next year that will bring more aries and more " earth" and " fire" and so much "shooting" far away in the air). there will be more and more festivals during the day that will paint the picture of the main new age cities in the world. we will listen more and more to the old stuff. big festivals will more and more disappear in 2011 which is also perfectly okey. the emphasise will be put on the culture and on the idea to unite with the rest of the world outside of the trance island. generally lots of things will die. finance will be the main reason. perfectly okey, because i refuse to pay for the boat above.

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 12:10
The boat is a collective hallucination, there is no boat. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 14:07
this is like the wisdom with the friends > tell me what you hallucinate and i will tell you who you are. but freud knew this best. there is a boat but it is empty.

some more points that i want to see and i do see coming:

- astrology and feng shui will play much bigger role for festivals. ppl will chose the dates according to the stars, the places according to the earth lines and the music according to the stars.

- the governments will support this rather than trying to kill it. the senats will be proud of it and finance it.

- all festivals will be a green zone and very soon self sustained. they will become more and more political.

- and it will happen with or without the trance boat. but the trance boat has more magicians of sound than any other boat. so i suppuse it will happen with trance.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 14:16

On 2010-11-20 14:07, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
this is like the wisdom with the friends > tell me what you hallucinate and i will tell you who you are. but freud knew this best. there is a boat but it is empty.

some more points that i want to see and i do see coming:

- astrology and feng shui will play much bigger role for festivals. ppl will chose the dates according to the stars, the places according to the earth lines and the music according to the stars.

- the governments will support this rather than trying to kill it. the senats will be proud of it and finance it.

- all festivals will be a green zone and very soon self sustained. they will become more and more political.

- and it will happen with or without the trance boat. but the trance boat has more magicians of sound than any other boat. so i suppuse it will happen with trance.

Yet another reason why this Boat is sinking (I jumped off the boat a while back).. Astology and Feng Shui? geeezzzzz to the rest too! 

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Nov 20, 2010 15:06

On 2010-11-20 14:16, Beat Agency wrote:

Yet another reason why this Boat is sinking (I jumped off the boat a while back).. Astology and Feng Shui? geeezzzzz to the rest too!

Maaaaaaan, all that negativity, your chakras must be out of alignment....

You must be needing a crystal suppository (only $500 dollar a session). 

2,000,000+ views and counting.

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 16:21
More technoid psy! I love love love it
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 19:12
submarine with nuclear arsenal and something that will blast us from deep ocean straight out of this solar system and beyond this milky way into a new galaxy where there will be a hazy mazy cave and we all will our own head gear gum boots we be speaking one language one tone one mute ooomph ooomph oaam ooomph and when want everything to be turned off we just say om

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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