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I hate Apple!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2013 13:21
They're a company. They ultimately exist to make profit, not make everybody happy like a charity.

But yes since Steve Jobs passes away Apple seem to be in a decline. I am hoping they can fix this but I'd say it'll be a number of years before they do anything even mildly revolutionary.

But then again my mates who use Pc say nothing in PC world or by Microsoft has been amazing for A long time           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Sep 2, 2013 16:59

On 2013-09-02 12:44, knocz wrote:
So, IMHO, Apple for music is not nothing more than a myth.

+1. Years down the line and newer OSs and hardware, both my Macs, runnign legit Logic versions, where never as stable as my old PC running "demo" version of Logic 5.5.
Not even close.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2013 17:25
one thing i can say it s that i never had any issu with firewire sound interface and they kept the port for long time removing it just on the 13 if i m right..they didn t t totally forgot the pros market imo even if it s not priority.

also never had any issue with core audio,this thing work flawessly and seems very well optimised to me

look at logic too? maybe a bit more than one or two month old there is 2 patchs full of fix and enhencement, they really suprised me on this.. and they kept updating logic 9 with patchs for years too.. if they didnt care just a little about pro market they wouldn even make logic x..they dont make their money with this..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 20, 2013 05:57
My final statement on Apple is this. My wife has a physical disability that prevents her from writing, and using a computer sets her trigger thumb off where she then needs painful injections.

We invested in an iPad Mini after testing all the "pads" on the market.

It has revolutionized her ability to work and enjoy other forms of media. She no longer suffers from trigger finger pain, she no longer has to carry large documents around as she is able to store them on her iPad, her work output improved so much that her workplace reimbursed us for the cost of the product.

Not only this, she is able to use this for the first time to read books and magazines. The spasms she has because of her disability made turning pages extremely difficult so now she is free to enjoy reading again easily.

As much as I dislike Apple in many ways, they have improved my wife's quality of life in work and at home extensilvely and for that I thank them.

We found all other pads to be very difficult for her to use and modify to her needs, the iPad took little time to set up for her and in the year she's had it there has not been a single issue.

Except our son broke screen when we weren't watching him and the Apples store replaced it last week at no cost despite the warranty having finished 3 months earlier.           Cuntus Maximus.

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Posted : Sep 21, 2013 10:27
I love win 7!!!!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2013 18:51

On 2013-08-28 06:10, TimeTraveller wrote:
Vista was well known for it bugs and open gates, as well as all other versions by Windows.

True, partially. It took them 3 service packs (over 10 years) to clean up and streamline Win XP. Nevertheless, both Win 7 and 8 are pretty stable. I don't know about 7, but 8 asks you for admin login every time you (or somebody) try to install anything or modify a system setting - just like OS X does. This means that it would be very unlikely for you to get a virus or a Trojan without your knowledge.

BTW, about "Mac doesn't need an antivirus" myth. Yes, it does need an antivirus. True, it is more likely that you you'll be able to run a Mac virus-free for 10 years than a PC (Will's case must be 1 in a million, he truly surprised me). But it's not because there are no Mac viruses. They are just not as common as those written for Windows. And the OS X habit of asking you for an admin login for every little change makes it difficult for a virus or Trojan to get onto your system unnoticed. But with Win 8 doing the same thing now - the ground is probably more even, as far as viruses are concerned.


You will also never find a single serious company in germany running their stuff on PC's.

I work for a German company. Everybody who needs a computer for work (i.e. everybody besides Production workers) is issued a Lenovo ThinkPad with Win 8. There are plenty of IT issues (programs not working properly, net drives disappearing etc), but they are all related to something global IT guys screwed up in their setup. Otherwise, it's an excellent computer and a good OS (although I prefer the look and feel of XP, sigh...)

Anyway, my wife switched entirely to Apple products: MBP, iPad, iPhone and is not going back. I can understand why: she has not had a single problem with her MBP in 2 years. I installed Win 7 for her on a separate partition and a Win XP in a VM only because she still needed some study course software that was only in Win. Since she finished the course, she never switched from OS X.

I am happy with my iPhone and iPad but cannot stomach the thought of paying up to 40% more for a computer that has essentially the same components I can buy on an open market and put together myself. It's time for me to get a new computer but I don't think it's going to be a pre-made Mac.

On the other hand, Apple obviously abandoned their PC line: sales dropped a lot this year and it does not seem to bother them. Why would it? Surely, they knew that tablet sales would detract from laptop sales, right? I suspect they may drop "real" computer production (except for high-end desktops and fancy ass toys like Air) alltogether. At which point all current models will drop in price to the generic PC levels. Just my guess...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 20, 2013 19:50

On 2013-09-21 10:27, Upavas wrote:
I love win 7!!!!

this is me Winning7....           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 25, 2013 21:06
Hackintosh is the solution! Also planning on building one after more then 8 years with Apple legit desktop computers and a ton of very costy repairs. Totally subscribe the "super drive always fails" thing, had a nightmare last year with an Apple disk that failed on me that I'm still recovering from.

Fuck Apple! I only really need to work in Logic because I'm so used to it I feel that I'd be handicaped elsewhere. So hackintosh is the way to go.

Think I'll build myself a 3rd or 4rd generation i7, since I'm not so keen to go with the xeon processors (they're kind of outdated), and will probably use the processors own graphics card (not a big deal for audio anyway) and use the spare money on a Universal Audio card.

I've seen processors like the i7 3370k running at 4Ghz+ frequency (all 4 cores, plys hyperthreading), and totally stable as long as you have a proper cooler. And the overclock is done with the intel chip, no hack stuff, so it's safe. If you see this thing running Logic 9 you'll go nuts! Yeah, even if you happen to own a former Mac Pro. Done my mind! Apple is the devil. Hackintosh the messiah! Aleluia brothers XD
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 25, 2013 21:13
The product I like the most from apple is the iPad, quite fun little device, but it's crippled with out any USB ports. I am sure in short time the Surface pro will take its place, specially for music apps.

Then the Mac mini is quite nice and not that expensive, but man why apple has to put a 5,400 drive there? it would be perfect for a daw, also quite portable.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Nov 26, 2013 16:57

On 2013-11-25 21:13, Login wrote:
The product I like the most from apple is the iPad, quite fun little device, but it's crippled with out any USB ports. I am sure in short time the Surface pro will take its place, specially for music apps.

Then the Mac mini is quite nice and not that expensive, but man why apple has to put a 5,400 drive there? it would be perfect for a daw, also quite portable.

you can setup one "mac-mini" kind of hackintosh easily for less money and with a proper daw-ready drive. mini-atx configurations have been tested and known to work flawlessly with mac OSX.

check this out:

there's all sorts of configurations in there. there's also 3rd generation intel processors available (much cheaper then 4th gen, and performance wise barely noticeable at all), and I've seen the recommended "firewire" card in there as well, an issue to many of us thinking about assembling one, but not willing to switch our audio interfaces.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Nov 27, 2013 19:42

On 2013-11-26 16:57, frisbeehead wrote:

On 2013-11-25 21:13, Login wrote:
The product I like the most from apple is the iPad, quite fun little device, but it's crippled with out any USB ports. I am sure in short time the Surface pro will take its place, specially for music apps.

Then the Mac mini is quite nice and not that expensive, but man why apple has to put a 5,400 drive there? it would be perfect for a daw, also quite portable.

you can setup one "mac-mini" kind of hackintosh easily for less money and with a proper daw-ready drive. mini-atx configurations have been tested and known to work flawlessly with mac OSX.

check this out:

there's all sorts of configurations in there. there's also 3rd generation intel processors available (much cheaper then 4th gen, and performance wise barely noticeable at all), and I've seen the recommended "firewire" card in there as well, an issue to many of us thinking about assembling one, but not willing to switch our audio interfaces.

recently i have built a ivy bridge HACKintosh usin tony mac guide..... and i cant recommend it enough......

totaly worth....

not even considerin that those hardware compatible with hackintoshes will have a realy great quality in case you decide to keep usin win 7....

my first experience with macintoshes was when i tried macbooks and it was realy frustratin related to hardware quality of the macbooks.... but usin osx in hackintoshes so far was realy powerful...

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Dec 9, 2013 15:03

On 2013-11-27 19:42, Vermeee wrote:

On 2013-11-26 16:57, frisbeehead wrote:

On 2013-11-25 21:13, Login wrote:
The product I like the most from apple is the iPad, quite fun little device, but it's crippled with out any USB ports. I am sure in short time the Surface pro will take its place, specially for music apps.

Then the Mac mini is quite nice and not that expensive, but man why apple has to put a 5,400 drive there? it would be perfect for a daw, also quite portable.

you can setup one "mac-mini" kind of hackintosh easily for less money and with a proper daw-ready drive. mini-atx configurations have been tested and known to work flawlessly with mac OSX.

check this out:

there's all sorts of configurations in there. there's also 3rd generation intel processors available (much cheaper then 4th gen, and performance wise barely noticeable at all), and I've seen the recommended "firewire" card in there as well, an issue to many of us thinking about assembling one, but not willing to switch our audio interfaces.

recently i have built a ivy bridge HACKintosh usin tony mac guide..... and i cant recommend it enough......

totaly worth....

not even considerin that those hardware compatible with hackintoshes will have a realy great quality in case you decide to keep usin win 7....

my first experience with macintoshes was when i tried macbooks and it was realy frustratin related to hardware quality of the macbooks.... but usin osx in hackintoshes so far was realy powerful...

hey, can we know the exact build you've put together and a little more information about how it performs?

I think I'm going to build myself one based on the i7 3770k processor - that I've read some great reviews about, with a gigabyte mother board with the z77 chip on it.

if you manage to load up a video with Logic just doubling tracks or something for us to get a good grasp on how it behaves, would totally kill!
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