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Hyping old artists

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2012 08:15
new etnica sounds like boring full on music, system 7 deserve more attention... they really are awesome           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 19, 2012 08:19

Don't believe the hype!

The answer for your question is very complex, there are many factors involved, but it's not really that interesting. In the end, you go to the party, and either the music works or not.

As for Skazi, this is quite good (even if not very original):

Much better than this for sure:

Try to contain yourselves, ppl, I feel almost like a troll posting these here... hehe...

Remember, it's just music, and people make the music they wanna make, for whatever reasons move them to do it.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 19, 2012 10:03
Re: The infected track, here's the whole thing.

Infected Mushroom - U R So Fucked

only like the bit between minute 2:10 and 3:00, the rest sounds like they're trying too hard to be pop. Is also possibly the worst music video ever made, competing only with the new Sakzi video.

this version goes down much better imho...

Infected Mushroom - U R So Fucked (Opiuo Remix)

Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 09:55
i used to be part of those hyping, then realized how silly it is, and almost a scam really.

nothing should be deserved, only earned!           
The Way Back
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 11:58

On 2012-03-22 09:55, faxinadu wrote:

nothing should be deserved, only earned!

Which is the case with artists releasing music for over a decade and consistently playing around the world.
Even tho some of my favorite artists do not even make psytrance anymore, I do respect them for what they have been doing for bonkers years and I do respect the fact that they simply want to do something else these days.
And artists whose music I never liked, yet I appreciate the impact they have had on people's lives who do love their music, they have my respect cause they pushed the sound they loved throughout the years.

Which is what I am saying when people look down on veterans because they don't make the music they (the fans) like, yet they make music that they (the artists) actually like at this time.

Peace out.  
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 12:42
no one said they shouldn't be respected, but there is no reason to hype something that just doesn't cut it (in your, mine, or whoever's opinion)....           
The Way Back
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 13:13
I don't think that anyone is hyping something he does not like...I don't and I don't know of anyone who does.  

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 20:32

On 2012-03-22 09:55, faxinadu wrote:
i used to be part of those hyping, then realized how silly it is, and almost a scam really.

nothing should be deserved, only earned!

A scam it is ! Absolutely agreed on the last statement. Nectarios, 2 questions...
1. Why the new name?
2. Why respect someone for releasing same old same old? And this time, just for your sake, I am making a general statement, I am NOT referring to Max...

I don't look down on veterans because I don't like their music. Sometimes I feel an utter lack of creativity on their part, and I will not hesitate to speak my mind, even if some people here are offended by what I have to say. It is not meant to offend. It still is not looking down, it just is a statement, my statement. And having listened to this sound for more than 26 years now, I do have an idea, of what is creativity, and what is same old same old...

And I do like a bit of controversy at times.... thought you'd figured that out by now. And I hope you're not pissed off at me man...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 22, 2012 21:40

On 2012-03-22 20:32, Upavas wrote:

On 2012-03-22 09:55, faxinadu wrote:
i used to be part of those hyping, then realized how silly it is, and almost a scam really.

nothing should be deserved, only earned!

A scam it is ! Absolutely agreed on the last statement. Nectarios, 2 questions...
1. Why the new name?

Personal differences mean that I will be making music alone from now on as Martian Arts/Disco Hooligan.

On 2012-03-22 20:32, Upavas wrote:
2. Why respect someone for releasing same old same old? And this time, just for your sake, I am making a general statement, I am NOT referring to Max...
I don't look down on veterans because I don't like their music. Sometimes I feel an utter lack of creativity on their part, and I will not hesitate to speak my mind, even if some people here are offended by what I have to say. It is not meant to offend. It still is not looking down, it just is a statement, my statement.

Because they might just like to release this kind of music? For example Man With No Name, Simon...are a couple of names of the top of my head that have a certain sound that they have stuck to for a long time...still they enjoy a lot of respect and rightfully so if you ask me.
It is what they like to do.
For example, if an old rock band like Black Sabbath release a new EP with tunes that are just like their old stuff and is not like the new metal sound, does it mean that they got bored in the studio or that they simply did what they like do as musicians?
And yes psytrance by definition involves using new sounds and techniques, yet Etnica, MWNN, Simon did push the envelope a lot back in the day and they stuck to something they like, is that not worthy of respect?...and when I say respect I do not mean that you should jump around in awe of their new material...Etnica's new EP is nothing ground breaking, its just good ol' psytrance that has drive and speaking for my self, synth work and general vibe that "clicks" my psychedelic neurons. Obviously I don't expect everyone to have the same feelings about this kind of music and fair enough if you don't like it. But we are talking about respect.

On 2012-03-22 20:32, Upavas wrote:
I don't look down on veterans because I don't like their music. Sometimes I feel an utter lack of creativity on their part, and I will not hesitate to speak my mind, even if some people here are offended by what I have to say. It is not meant to offend. It still is not looking down, it just is a statement, my statement. And having listened to this sound for more than 26 years now, I do have an idea, of what is creativity, and what is same old same old...

And I do like a bit of controversy at times.... thought you'd figured that out by now. And I hope you're not pissed off at me man...

That's all good, you should question everything if you feel the need to.
Creativity is relative, you can have a darkpsy fan that likes tempo variations of 50BPM within one track full with weird incoherent noises that they love to listen when tripping...they will say anything other than this style means utter lack of creativity.
Another example I will use is my self.
I listened to this music and I connected with it more so than anything material and immaterial (besides my missus) I have encountered in my life.
So now I make music, not because I want to reinvent the wheel, but because I want to re-create the sounds I have fell in love with, maybe in a slightly different context, but still...all the sounds and riffs I have heard when I was off me tits on some dancefloor, have been resonating inside me so wildly out of control that I can't do anything else BUT recreate them.
Everything I have done music wise, is a direct influence of something I have heard in the past.
Anyone else who does this and is a happier/better person because of it and makes some more people happier/better as a direct result, gets my respect...even if I think their music lacks creativity, or is just, well...shite.
I like a bit of controversy as well and I am not pissed off at you mate, not that it should matter if I was.
From your posts and the time you have been into this music, I can understand that you are also very passionate about it, which is a good thing

Peace out.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 22, 2012 21:54
Whatever happened to GMS ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 11:24

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 23, 2012 12:37
Scooter is a god amongst mortals

Solid Snake

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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 14:51
LOL hyyyyper hyyyyper!

Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 20:08
"And yes psytrance by definition involves using new sounds and techniques"...really?

To me psy trance is just a formula like any other type of music, maybe different artists use different sounds in different tracks but that doesn't mean it's groundbreaking.

I think you all need to be realistic: psy trance is not revolutionary, envelope pushing, innovative music - at least no more so than any other form of electronic music - it's just music for having a f@cking good time, dancing with your mates and strangers alike while perhaps indulging in some psychoactive substances...that's it.

I'd even go so far as to say that Infected Mushroom/Skazi/Younger Brother are being more experimental in their approach to making music than a lot of other (so called) least they're using different time signatures/bass patterns etc.

Unfortunately the results aren't necessarily satisfactory - horrible even.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 24, 2012 00:35
To me psytrance used to be groundbreaking....but then again in the early years it is relatively easy to break new ground, as the territory is new.
Techno was breaking new ground, progressive was breaking new ground, drum n bass, you name it...Its just become very saturated...although I do not understand why you mentioned IM, Skazi and YB...all their last work is clearly steering away from psychedelic trance..  
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