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Hyping old artists


Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Mar 10, 2012 22:14
Here is a little something to reiterate my point

System 7 with Son Kite...
Goosebumps, and old made new!          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 11, 2012 02:00
This is a really good track, but I still don't get your point.
If I understood you correctly, I am not getting my knickers crossed because you don't like Etnica's new EP. It does not make a difference to me, I like all the same as I did before you posted.

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2012 02:36

On 2012-03-08 02:50, PoM wrote:
not only the music but live and dj sets prestation to not forget, some artists have built a solid reputation cause of their sets and not only the music.
skazy is not even psytrance music to me , i see him on a flyer i know it s a shit party

alos name like etnica and other goa artists are the one who made enjoy this music to could be a reason of the "hype" like you say

You haven't heard a lot of the popular EDM out there have you? I've started getting back into the general EDM scene and Skazi's new clips really aren't that bad music wise compared to a lot of the much bigger commercial EDM groups around.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 11, 2012 02:54

On 2012-03-11 02:36, OzMike wrote:

On 2012-03-08 02:50, PoM wrote:
not only the music but live and dj sets prestation to not forget, some artists have built a solid reputation cause of their sets and not only the music.
skazy is not even psytrance music to me , i see him on a flyer i know it s a shit party

alos name like etnica and other goa artists are the one who made enjoy this music to could be a reason of the "hype" like you say

You haven't heard a lot of the popular EDM out there have you? I've started getting back into the general EDM scene and Skazi's new clips really aren't that bad music wise compared to a lot of the much bigger commercial EDM groups around.

This is Skazi's new clip. This music is besides the point/off topic.

porko rosso

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Mar 11, 2012 10:56
^^ chronic constipation

someone should give that poor skazi an enema

Started Topics :  82
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Posted : Mar 11, 2012 13:48
leave skazi alone and let him do what he does  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Mar 11, 2012 22:09
Give me Skazi over Disco Hooligans any day IMO!

just jokes...

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 11, 2012 23:14

On 2012-03-11 22:09, OzMike wrote:
Give me Skazi over Disco Hooligans any day IMO!

just jokes...


Glad you found a music that you can relate to mate

Peace out.  

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Mar 12, 2012 00:48
At least there are two girls kissing each other in the videoclip.....           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Mar 12, 2012 01:33

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Mar 12, 2012 10:38

On 2012-03-11 02:00, disco hooligans wrote:
This is a really good track, but I still don't get your point.
If I understood you correctly, I am not getting my knickers crossed because you don't like Etnica's new EP. It does not make a difference to me, I like all the same as I did before you posted.

Peace out.

My point is, He has made this kind of music since at least 1988 (yes 88), it is undeniably the old System 7 style we have come to love in olden times, yet he somehow managed to totally reinvent his sound. You could have given this to me without a name of who it was, and I would have said System 7 immediately. The track has very few elements, yet an incredible depth. Very inspirational. Old school that can be played on any party today (maybe not triplag and the likes, but you know what I mean).

This to me deserves serious respect. Think about it...

After this gem, everybody still rants on about Etnica, Skazi... and don't take it the wrong way, I am just saying...

So who hypes System 7 vs Sonkite? Anyone else? Thank you Isratrance Facebook for bringing this track to my attention !

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  134
Posts :  1516
Posted : Mar 12, 2012 14:37

This is Skazi's new clip. This music is besides the point/off topic.


For hard rock/light heavy metal, this is pretty boring, sorry for the offtopic
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Mar 13, 2012 17:31

On 2012-03-08 10:11, DETOX wrote:
I stopped reading the original post when i reached this remark "Skazi's new stuff is not necessarily worse than Etnica".

Same here
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Mar 13, 2012 18:08

On 2012-03-11 02:36, OzMike wrote:

On 2012-03-08 02:50, PoM wrote:
not only the music but live and dj sets prestation to not forget, some artists have built a solid reputation cause of their sets and not only the music.
skazy is not even psytrance music to me , i see him on a flyer i know it s a shit party

alos name like etnica and other goa artists are the one who made enjoy this music to could be a reason of the "hype" like you say

You haven't heard a lot of the popular EDM out there have you? I've started getting back into the general EDM scene and Skazi's new clips really aren't that bad music wise compared to a lot of the much bigger commercial EDM groups around.

haven't heard any you re right but i don t want to mean his music is bad but to me it don't really have his place in psytrance parties i enjoy going,don't like much big comercial parties.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  242
Posted : Mar 16, 2012 00:38
isn't expectation what creates the Hype?
a artist is damned if the change they're style to fit the times and they're damned if they stick to what they have always done. people like to assume that they know the intentions behind songs and such but unless it comes straight from the horses mouth (which can still be false) then we really have no idea.

and mwnn and system 7 from my perspective didn't come from or have the same impact on the global "psytrance" scene like etnica. global Psychedelic scene yes but not psytrance. for me mwnn and system 7 played a large role in my life. that oakenfold distance to goa mix with those Mwnn tracks sent me on my path to discover groups like Etnica and such. it lead me here

if I had to make an assumption on that Etnica ep I would say they made it that way on purpose. it sounds (to me) like they sat down and said let's write a clean organic ep that develops as if it were to be released on vinyl. it's a little boring (to me) but it's simple and right. it's as if they started all over and that's cool. it still sounds nice

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