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Hyping old artists


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 02:30:43
So it is interesting, Some artists such as Etnica, seem to get hyped up into oblivion like nothing else, just because they wrote good music once. Then you have other artists, such as Skazi who get trashed continuously, yet, Skazi's old old stuff is absolutely awesome, and his new stuff not necessarily worse than Etnica, yet no one give respect for Skazi, someone give respect for Etnica, yet again, someone like me, really doesn't give a shit about either, and then there are the big exceptions, such as MWNN, System 7 and others, who one does not hear a lot of and who do not seem to get a much hype, albeit they deserve some, but what they write is brilliant, from 1988 until now... why do some mediocre artists get hyped, and other brilliant artists not?
I can understand this trend in say more popular genres, psy is underground, and I am shocked to see this trend getting stronger and stronger, just like in hip hop. what's going on?           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 02:50
not only the music but live and dj sets prestation to not forget, some artists have built a solid reputation cause of their sets and not only the music.
skazy is not even psytrance music to me , i see him on a flyer i know it s a shit party

alos name like etnica and other goa artists are the one who made enjoy this music to could be a reason of the "hype" like you say
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 03:24
about etnica i haven't seen them play since long time..but i would rather see them than lot of other full on artists ,for me their last release is not bad compared to lot of full on that i heard but they could do so much better that what is disapointing a bit.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 03:43
Man With No Name gets a lot of hype, even more so than Etnica, at least in Greece. He plays exactly the same music he has been playing for years, and guess what, clubs are rammed and people stomp the shit outta the dancefloor...does he not deserve respect because his music has not evolved either?

Not that I liked his old music, but have you seen Skazi's latest video? Nothing to do with psy-trance what so ever.
He is doing something else and that is fair enough, its what he likes.
You need to get over your self Upavas. No one said Etnica re-invented the wheel with their latest EP, they just did what they have been doing recently.
And they have been getting gigs because they are still active in the scene and have been for many years.

OK so you don't like their last release, so what? Who cares? You are making something out of nothing and you keep at it as if people have been raving about the 2012 EP being the best thing ever to hit the scene.

People like to see veterans still making the trance music they loved in the past, even if they did not progress one bit. Its called taste and listening to music you have grown to like.

And yes, their latest release is not bad at all, and yes they could do better, but instead of gunning them down, I'll enjoy these tunes, which are more than decent and await for their next release.

Peace out.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 03:44
Skazi's "Animal" and "Storm" were simply amazing when they were released. If someone says they have never enjoyed one of those tracks back then is a big time lier, imHo.

I'm a big Etnica fan. Both of their live acts that I've seen were simply amazing (ok, the 1st one was in 2003 and the 2nd in 2007). As for the new tunes, trendy or not, they're still much better than lets say, 80% of the crappy Full-on music being released these days. And I dig them. That's good enough for me.

But on more serious basis: what difference does it make??
Enjoy your tunes and be happy with the music you're listenning to. I can asure you I am!!

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 04:46
Ah it's just that I was really stoked to see wow, new stuff from Etnica, and then I was so very disappointed by what I heard... I too liked some of their early sound, back in the day...

The difference it makes is simple, some people like that kind of sound, like you Johnny, others seem to like the name, not the music. And that to me is a huge difference! The former is a matter of taste, the latter is simply unauthentic bullshit.

I'll try to get over it DH... but it's hard, and really makes me wonder about this scene in general...

One more thing, yes, MWNN does write in the style they used to, but it somehow evolves and keeps changing, different nuances every time, difficult to manage for an artist, nevertheless the sign of not only a good music technician, but also a real musician, so I think their fame is somewhat more justified. I urge you to check out their old stuff vs their new stuff, there are differences! Not only in sound quality....
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 05:28
I never really got or enjoyed Etnica back then or now. Not my cup of chai at all.

Enjoyed early Skazi, and I can say that while I never listen to his music at home his live show has a lot of energy, and having just seen infected mushroom live I'd choose skazi's current live over theirs any time IMO.

I just find a lot of the stuff released by the older members of this scene currently to be boring whether it's MWNN or Cosmosis or Etnica or GMS etc.

I respect what they all did for this scene in the old days, and had much fun back then, but I prefer new cutting edge stuff than a lot of what to me is just rehashed sounds to modern full on style baselines & kicks.

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 10:11
I stopped reading the original post when i reached this remark "Skazi's new stuff is not necessarily worse than Etnica".

          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 10:40
What veterans are still performing at peak potential? It seems like almost all the big names from the old days are just milking it... but can you blame them? Everyone wants to live from music and these people are able to do so. It doesn't really matter if the music they're releasing these days lacks the qualities that made their old stuff legendary, the labels are still going to pitch every new release with everything they have available to them.

A short list of old-timers who aren't milking it, mostly because they're doing something completely different:

Juno Reactor
Eat Static
Seb Taylor
Simon Posford
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 11:48

On 2012-03-08 03:44, John Doe® wrote:
Skazi's "Animal" and "Storm" were simply amazing when they were released. If someone says they have never enjoyed one of those tracks back then is a big time lier, imHo.

I never bought, copied, downloaded and heard the two albums you mention. But I have seen Skazi play out numerous times and it was the reason I never sat down to hear any of their music.
Same goes for AP and IM, although I do like 1 AP track "Analog Voyager" and one IM track "One Absolute".
I did own Dancing Galaxy and BPEmpire, but I gave them away to a friend who liked them albums, as they were collecting dust on my then, CD shelves.
Not that it matters, but I kid you not when I say I don't like this music.
Actually the only israeli artist who's album I have heard lots of times was "Cosma - Non Stop" which was for me the only nice release from Hom-Mega.
I kid you not and I lie not. Not that it matters anyway, different people like different stuff.

On 2012-03-08 04:46, Upavas wrote:


One more thing, yes, MWNN does write in the style they used to, but it somehow evolves and keeps changing, different nuances every time, difficult to manage for an artist, nevertheless the sign of not only a good music technician, but also a real musician, so I think their fame is somewhat more justified. I urge you to check out their old stuff vs their new stuff, there are differences! Not only in sound quality....

MWNN writes simple music, in terms of audio mangling and editing. He focused on simple riffs that are also devastating on the dancefloor. I prefer his music to the early Etnica stuff and the newer Etnica stuff.
He hasn't evolved one bit, and for me, he never had to. I still play his music and I love it just the same, as simple as it is, it is a journey and I love his sound design and layers.
I also like a lot of old Etnica stuff (when it was 4 of them), more so the Crop Circles project they were involved in. I like it more than the 2012 EP, which I also like.

But all that is besides the point. The main thing is to enjoy the music you like and let others enjoy the music they like as well and also respect people that have been making psy-trance before the internet ever existed... and are still at it today.

Peace out.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 13:37
Cmom DH, I know you have a Skazy - Total Anarchy Limited Edition signed by Asher and B-Bass!!

I used to dig a looooot of Cosma, Domestic and XI.
Same thing for Pixel's "Reality Strikes Back".
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 19:24

On 2012-03-08 11:48, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2012-03-08 03:44, John Doe® wrote:
Skazi's "Animal" and "Storm" were simply amazing when they were released. If someone says they have never enjoyed one of those tracks back then is a big time lier, imHo.

I never bought, copied, downloaded and heard the two albums you mention. But I have seen Skazi play out numerous times and it was the reason I never sat down to hear any of their music.

skazi´s animal album is a reference in psytrance history, whether we like it or not.
everyone has their tastes, but we can undoubtly say that animal is a reference in psytrance history music.           ...

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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 22:31
well DH is not the only one to have never heard it.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 9, 2012 00:04

Unless Skazi were not playing their own tracks in their live sets in the mid '00s (and they were getting booked an awful lot in Athens and London where I lived at the time), then I have not heard them...

You guys like it and that is fair enough.
The original argument was about Upavas comparing Etnica's recent output, with Skazi's...actually he said Skazi's recent music is not necessarily worse, to which I can only say that you can't even compare the two, as Etnica don't have pop vocals nor play guitars all over the place.

I mean seriously....

Anyway, some of you guys like that kind of thing and that is fair enough...I simply fail to see how on earth is this remotely similar to Etnica's new any case there have been zillions of Skazi bashing threads, no need to start another one.

I understand they are like gods in Israel, but there is no need to get your knickers crossed if I did not like their music.

Peace out. 

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Mar 9, 2012 01:12
Indeed Skazi wrote history with "Animal". It was then psytrance started to become a joke...
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