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how do you want to die?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2010 07:19
No, Xolvexs. Please, do not bring forth any evidence. Even after all the wtf moments reading your posts, I'd still prefer to know you are alive.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 11, 2010 06:26

On 2010-07-10 05:34, Xolvexs wrote:

you believe what you want to believe
5000 years alive with fear and avoidance are as good as dead--by the time you are 87 you will be on half dozen pills at 5000 you do the math
proof-i mean come on dude we are talking alchemy here unless you expect me to commit suicide and prove it theres no other way i can bring you proof..though there are lot of books on this but your question is such that even if i bring forth evidence you wont accept it so its no point

I already take 8-9 pills a day and I'm only forty. It normal and natural for mankind to supplement their experience of life with things and technology external to themselves.

There is serious scientific and medical advancement coming about right now that make an extended human life very likely within our lifetimes. People will extended their lives any way they can. This will continue to be an exponentially growing trend.

Lastly, I take it you have no proof then?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2010 09:08

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 13, 2010 17:14
I would like to die in a boring manner, I guess.

Old, healthy enough, while sleeping in peace being satisfied with my life lived long and strong.

eaten by whatever - or cremated - or preffered, body used for useful and @good@ science.



On 2010-06-20 11:50, Psynaesthesian wrote:
.... My wise brother once told me .....

"Everybody wants to got Heaven; but nobody wants to die!"

..... that struck a chord real hard!!

Taken from here?

Your brothers quote is the main chorus in the lyrics. Greast track as well by´t.w

*Swedish lyrics.

prob not

“Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.” Peter Tosh quote.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 11:52
^^ .... cool track!!

wish i understood the lyrics!

b'om!           "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 17:05
My only wish about my dead is i will can die in peace, and the people who love me will not suffer just they never forget how unique and good soul tried to be,,,
          Goanmantra Rec. / Omveda Rec. / Mind Experience Rec. / Urban Antidote Rec.
Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2010 22:20
read a funny qoute some time ago and cant remember who said it..but it was

death is not to feared...birth is! 

Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Oct 20, 2010 09:22
On 2010-07-13 17:14, psytones wrote:
I would like to die in a boring manner, I guess.

Old, healthy enough, while sleeping in peace being satisfied with my life lived long and strong.

eaten by whatever - or cremated - or preffered, body used for useful and @good@ science.

+ 1 or overdose of drgs
Oni Katsu

Started Topics :  101
Posts :  704
Posted : May 4, 2011 00:45
How i want to die? i'd like to just die peacefully in my sleep tonight, so that i wont have to wake up to this nightmare called life.  

I said I like it dirty, not muddy.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2011 14:05

On 2010-06-21 10:56, Xolvexs wrote:
when the soul enters the body of material it experiences love which really is lead the soul into a spiral of attachment to the physical and fear of death.

i fully agree with you here.
in fact i base my entire universal understanding based on this idea.

perhaps learning to let go like Aldous on his death bed. A final exhausted breath,, and then ,,,,,letting go. fear will make it difficult for you..
now its not love keeping you hanging on to dear life until you are so old and unhappy and extremely extremely tired. ITS FEAR.
so eat your dry rice-cakes and veggies and hang on as long as you can.- true sailing is truly dead, i agree with you Jimbo

like electric energy passing through a resistor creates light. perhaps we are passing through a resistor. could be a learning phase. 1 of many.
our light might be getting stuck in this material resistors for eternity until our light is pure enough to reach the source.

excellent poem btw. i enjoyed reading that
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 12, 2011 19:25

On 2011-05-04 00:45, Oni Katsu wrote:
How i want to die? i'd like to just die peacefully in my sleep tonight, so that i wont have to wake up to this nightmare called life.

do you need a hug? if your post is serious go and search for help.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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