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Honu Eclipse 2010 > Easter Island - Rapa Nui > Total Solar Eclipse Festival

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 02:41
There is some truth there Loc.. Very hard to call when you don't have much information, or only have 1 bit of information..

From watching the speech it seems she is quite genuine..

Well, hopefully everybody had a good time that went and got to see the eclipse!! Hope everything gets sorted out for everyone..

Peace out.

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 03:40

djnanda wrote:
From his Wall in Facebook, Baba D..Tanka say: "the organizer try to escape! Soundsystem, Lights and domes are confiscated by the landowner because no payment!!! Police is now looking for Rozio that try to get of the island!!! This is my statement!!!"

to this treat that Baba.D has in his wall in facebook.. Gary Jones a.k.a. Magoosa answered today (he is one of the main organizers of the fest. the one who cant enter the country):
Baba, try to get facts right before spreading rumours. Rocio was not removed by the police, she actually done it of her own freewill and was never even on the flight. She needed at that point to be in Santiago to negotiate an end to this fiasco with Rafa lawyer who made all the negotiations on his behalf and know the exact amount pending in payment ... Ver más (not the 4 x that rafa is illegally demanding and holding people and equipments hostage).. but.. that didnt happen, which is the fault of the people who deliberately stopped her (which was not the police).. Concerning your maya tipi.. we made it very clear which one you would use, but you chose the lazy option to use the one which was already built which was designated to something else... come on baba.. now is the time to grow up were responsible to build the tipis, so the only to blame for no maya tipi is YOU. The tribe needs to be unified in this and not forming sides or interest.. the clear truth is that Rafa has got everything wrong, and under great pressure, he has collapsed.. I have known him for many years now, and this has completely suprised us, as his actions (as you have been witness) have been violent and unreasonable. ~You saw him, everybody there was in the same hostage situation with him. So, please, if you choose to continue in this gossip, atleast give me the respect to speak to me before spreading the daily gossip... as its a manipulated truth.. and best we get things right for the good of all....
Baba D..Tanka:
hehe Gary now you speak!!!? Last time you cut the phone only to say me it was the wrong tipi...we put 3 tipis more wood to build the 4th Mayan tipi!!!! But thats not the problem, the problem was no drinking water and i was more than 10 times ignored by Rafa and Rozio (saying she had more important things to do...checking passports!??) from ... Ver másthat moment of ignorance i quit...ALL! Just took care for the international eclipse family, but i was OUT and they totally ignored my help to organize! That are never called me again! Was never consulted again!! That was very stupid going against the elements! I have to go out to clear the eclipse day!!!
Universal Assistant Diphal, the Lord of the faces of the Solar Winds!!
alias baba D..
Gary Magoosa:
Baba, on behalf of myself, all the production team, the Honu tribe, the people of Rapa Nui, and not forgetting God and all the angels... We thank YOU for clearing the skies for the eclipse done it doubt about that..

As for the statement of no more wood for the 4th mayan tipi (the perfect one with the banner of peace)... we know ... Ver más thats not true, the site is surrounded by eucalypts and bamboo, it just took a bit of work, a few volunteers, and 6 hours of dedication.. it didnt happen because you didnt let it happen.. and all the elements were there for you..

Now, I know the conditions were very difficult with the constant storm that damaged most of the infrastrcutre for the first 3-4 days of the festival.. so I dont blame you for this fail.. but you are so easy to let that blame out to others when ofcourse you should recognise this as your own fault.. the maya tipi was free, but you never made it..

concerning the telephone calls.. well, we were busy on other things.. and most other people in the team were informing me of conflicts with you, wanting to change things from the original plan, acting like you were the boss, you even shouted at the security team man.. I remember speaking to you.. and you said YOU had Rocio doing the work... come on mate.. its positive to maintain a sense of specialness in ourself..but thinking the world revolves around just you.. is far from the truth.. WE are one, a tribe unified with a unique goal.. once people start to take this unity and see it as their own.. thats when things start to go wrong..

I asked you a very precise role to play in the festival, which you ignored and left for other people.. and then the tipis 3 out of 5... so overall score for Baba D, Lord of the Solar Winds 3/10 ... hope you had fun and enjoyed the trip...

(now that post has been deleted by gary)

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 15:00
I found days ago this post which was deleted from the Honu Eclipse in Facebook:
If this people had already problems for drugs traffic in Chile, is it not the reason why they´r persecuted like the woman said in the video? I think her husband just can´t enter to the country for drugs problems (he is british right?) and that´s the real reason, otherwise, why all the critical comments have been deleted from the pages of the festival??
In one side, latins denouncing something really nasty since long ago, and foreigners arguing the opposite, more in the fairy tail of the "love and peace", which is not bad...but comon pp...don´t deny facts!!!
I go more for the latins, they seems to be much more realistic and knowing WTF they are taking about it.
Something seems to be very blur here with the organizers of this fest.

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 15:33

^^ nice words boomshanti

also thnx djnanda for the updates

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 16:41

On 2010-07-19 15:00, boomshanti wrote:
I found days ago this post which was deleted from the Honu Eclipse in Facebook:
If this people had already problems for drugs traffic in Chile, is it not the reason why they´r persecuted like the woman said in the video? I think her husband just can´t enter to the country for drugs problems (he is british right?) and that´s the real reason, otherwise, why all the critical comments have been deleted from the pages of the festival??

you're right Boomshanti... Gary is british, Rocio and him went to jail in 2004... Gary has been banned, denying him the possibility to live in the country since till today.

The censorship on their pages as well on some forums treats has been an issue for all those ppl who've tried to warning the scene; way in advance; not only about their penal pass but about their history about them as organizers... The gov. of chile doesnt prosecute them because "of what they do", they just dont let Gary inn the country and Rocio in her speech just manipulate the whole (you must understand that she loves to give "long" speeches after every party...) .. unfortunately, this ppl have used the scene down there justifying that of what they do its because of love of the scene and not for the money, but every single time they organize something they end up dividing the scene, not paying their workers or artists and creating a lot of trouble around . all related to money. They owe a lot of money to many ppl down there. This its not the first time that they lie in what they offer and what they gonna have but they never deliver. This its not the first time they use the crowd as volunteers to manage what they should have mange with time (in time) before the day of their event suppose to starts.. this it has been the tonic of them .. charge huge amount of money for something you never see on site. and they always loose (?) any how.. this went too far. and its time to put them in the right spot.

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 23:23

On 2010-07-19 15:00, boomshanti wrote:
I found days ago this post which was deleted from the Honu Eclipse in Facebook:
If this people had already problems for drugs traffic in Chile, is it not the reason why they´r persecuted like the woman said in the video? I think her husband just can´t enter to the country for drugs problems (he is british right?) and that´s the real reason, otherwise, why all the critical comments have been deleted from the pages of the festival??
In one side, latins denouncing something really nasty since long ago, and foreigners arguing the opposite, more in the fairy tail of the "love and peace", which is not bad...but comon pp...don´t deny facts!!!
I go more for the latins, they seems to be much more realistic and knowing WTF they are taking about it.
Something seems to be very blur here with the organizers of this fest.

Now it all makes sense, thanks Boomshanti for bringing this to light.

Avalon (Nano Records)
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 02:05
Ok, so who was actually there, as what I'm reading is not what I saw.

Firstly I know the story behind djnanda, originally wanted to get a set but got refused. So she goes out her way for 6 months trying to bring the festival down before it begun, She is very bitter as she didn't get to play I heard from all the chileans there. Even getting her friend who was there to take pictures of the dancefloor during the rain and beginning of festival when no one had arrived, so she could give bad press after. I mean read these long posts, why waste you're life doing that. You wern't even there.
I shouldn't even be wasting my time writing this but felt I had to set this straight and tell the truth what happened.

I have played at many parties all over the world. But this was one of the most special. Yes there were organisation fuck ups, trying to put a party on easter island isn't easy, but we all pulled through and in the end had the most amazing party. Great crowd, great sound and what a magical eclipse and island. The locals were so welcoming, they love a party!

So yeah there was only 250, probably 300 at the peak. But This made it even more close and special. With such lovely people from all over the world.

Honu eclipse Rocked!!

so believe what you will, I was there, I saw the vibe, the smiles, the eclipse:-)


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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 09:13
Glad to hear your view on it Leon... wish I could have made it and sounds like everyone had a stomper of a time on such an amazing place

Eivissa - you have lost the plot... if you read my post I am in support of the festival and if you think the psytrance scene doesn't have hippy roots then I hate to inform you it does... The fact it is in such a remote place means all the overheads and running cost go up therefor the ticket price does as well numbnutz... "oh yeah" I hear you say. Anyways - enough wasting time on your small minded views.

And Jimmy - there is no bitterness from me at all - in fact quite the contrary - its also good to see you keeping up with the label and eagerly awaiting our release - don't worry you won't be waiting for too much longer. Its always nice to hear from our fans

Again - congrats to the organizers for daring to dream - hats off to you indeed and to all that were lucky enough to be there


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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 18:48

On 2010-07-21 02:05, Avalon (Nano Records) wrote:
Ok, so who was actually there, as what I'm reading is not what I saw.

Firstly I know the story behind djnanda, originally wanted to get a set but got refused. So she goes out her way for 6 months trying to bring the festival down before it begun, She is very bitter as she didn't get to play I heard from all the chileans there. Even getting her friend who was there to take pictures of the dancefloor during the rain and beginning of festival when no one had arrived, so she could give bad press after. I mean read these long posts, why waste you're life doing that. You wern't even there.
I shouldn't even be wasting my time writing this but felt I had to set this straight and tell the truth what happened.

I have played at many parties all over the world. But this was one of the most special. Yes there were organisation fuck ups, trying to put a party on easter island isn't easy, but we all pulled through and in the end had the most amazing party. Great crowd, great sound and what a magical eclipse and island. The locals were so welcoming, they love a party!

So yeah there was only 250, probably 300 at the peak. But This made it even more close and special. With such lovely people from all over the world.

Honu eclipse Rocked!!

so believe what you will, I was there, I saw the vibe, the smiles, the eclipse:-)

You have made me laugh mr. Avalon
Clearly you dont have clue what you're saying, or idea who I'm, otherwise you wouldt have repeated things others could have told you.
First I'm an ex partner of Rocio, one of the organizers, and actually I'm one of the founders of Dreamvibe('96)... I know very well how Rocio "organize" parties..
Second, I have NEVER, no even in dreams, wanted to play, i would never play for the organizers (i've learned my lesson in the passs), also i am not a "trance DJ" and i dont look for fulfilment of my ego in sacred places.. and paid by others. meaning... I have my own criteria about where to celebrate or play, specially if its a sanctuary like Easter Island. but yes, i bet the solar eclipse was an amazing experience..

Third, i didnt have any friend on that party. Specially taking pictures.. the picture I have published here was taken by a guy who actually wrote that he was having a great time.. hahaha.. i just found it hilarious that you have mentioned that.

We, ppl in Chile who have worked with the them in the pass understood that this it was a big (another one) SCAM.. We knew that most of the things they were offering on their website was a big lie... some ppl got concerned about the island and others about the travellers who could have spend loads of money for a festival very poorly organized. etc.

Any how.. i can understand that you have had a great time and even fun and that the crowd also had a nice time in the island. unfortunately, you left b4 the problems really started. did you know that the organizer tried to leave of the island without paying to the owner of the land??, that the Landlord confiscated all the sound and light equipment as well the domo structures from the workers (who i think worked harder than any one to make things happen) ?? did you know that some guest of the party have denounced to the authorities that they have been scammed by the organization because they have paid "big amount of money" for something it never existed??
did you know that the organizer been formalized by the law under corruption?? that she cant leave the country and meet with her family ??

do you really care that the same ppl who booked you and u are defending here are fucked because they couldnt deliver something they have been promoting for more than a year..??

I'm not the person you think you know story(s) from. I'm simply a person from chile who have been working hard for the scene. and if you knew me (just a bit) you knew that i'm a person who cares.
its so funny to know they were talking about me in the island hahahaha! and that I wanted to play and they didnt let me hahaha.. hahahaa.. its kinda sweet isnt?x
Avalon (Nano Records)
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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 01:24

Please call me Leon:-) Well this is just what I was told by a few people and to be honest not that interested anymore.
As for the soundsystem, the land owner was a crazy drunk, (but really nice when sober)
Anyway, He was drunk on the last day and suddenly demanded twice the fee, which was alot and they didn't have it. so they stood there ground, I can't blame them.

But honestly it's so easy to spread rumours. But you were not there, So why spend so much time writing all this negative stuff, hmmm? but it is forum I guess so rant away:-) x


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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 02:17
hej Leon, its true i wasnt there and i dont mind.
its true the landowner seam to have drink prob, and maybe created loads of problems, but even when i wasnt there.. i already knew many things like this could happen. any how. i am only guiding my self by the facts. (i must say i really like your music too cheers x

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 08:05
here we found a video from the same guy who did the 1st one 2 pages back.. its interesting to see and hear his point of view, bit of contradiction reg. organization though.. but very positive at least to know guests have; thanks to the volunteers and DJs who did their job; had a great party..


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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 02:18
I think this Photo Album represent the most clear vibe of the festival and i appreciate her explanation with her images and her good spirit.!/album.php?aid=236453&id=632325750
I should say that I am glad to know the ppl who went there had a great festival. I could apologize about only spreading the bad stories about the organization and the whole, but i think the organization still need to give some explanations. i do believe, and i have said this b4, that there wasnt any bad intention in do the festival .. any how. for me this story ends up here. Cheers x Nanda

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 01:40
here another video.. from the solar eclipse experience.


Started Topics :  15
Posts :  132
Posted : Oct 6, 2010 00:33
have you seen that the original homepage for this festival has been hacked by some weird dudes?

Hope you all had a blast there by the way!

Loooove           rulla runt bland mjuka kuddar
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