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Hinduism- The Purest form of Capitalism

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 21:16:01
From my recent reading and understanding of hindu-way of life and philosophy, I have come to believe that Hinduism is definitely more inclined in favor of rather than against capitalist theory. I will illustrate 3 examples from Hinduism that have led me to believe so.
1. Gods- Every Hindu is capable of becoming a god, hence 33million of them. God is modern economic terms is nothing but the CEO, board of director, advisor, the top management/ owners of the company. To reach to this level there are certain disciplines one has to follow or if one is "fortunate" its inherited. The concept of god in hinduism is something that can be attained, got,bought, or reached at, just like a corporate ladder, there is a spiritual ladder every natural hindu (natural hindu is one who has not learnt hinduism through books and sermon but lived the hindu way of life.) Some practices of hinduism cannot be learnt by simple reading. Every god metaphorically speaking represents a Corporation. Each god has a way and that in an essence is like the operational manual or the policy manual, very clear very logical and has certain prescribed ways and methods. Its like a telephone number, one wrong digit and you fail to connect to a person. Similarly most hindu gods are reachable if the follower follows the instructions, for which god has a team of consultants aka brahmin or sadhu. Each of them are striving to be "closest" to god -the individual who has achieved everything and now is helping others achieve. A Hindu god is something like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet in their present avatar, aka retirement/ the sense that it does not make much of a difference to them whether they loose a billion or gain a billion. That said loosing makes a difference only to their organizations which is primarily their followers.

2. Hindu gods love jems and jewelery all the idols and portraits of theirs are adorned in excesses of life. When it comes to excesses Hindu gods are the real "BLING".

3. Caste system and specialization- As bad the hindu caste system may seem today it laid the foundation of what we today call specialization. In its present form caste system is totally abused and has been its original form what it stands for is home education is the best form of education.

Well this my view and I am sure it may raise some eyebrows and doubts...but this is just how i interpret it as.
If anyone of you any other point of view or another interpretion please describe it. If you have questions simply write the question and try to keep wise-cracks, I know i myself get tempted to post them , to the least possible.
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 13, 2009 00:23
Pretty stupid view you have if you ask me.

I dont know you if you were born a Hindu or not, I was and always will be one, and if you were born Hindu I have to ask you what made you lose your faith? Was it the big rich temples like Tirupati? The caste system?

Lets get one thing straight all those jewels and gold and rich temples doesnt mean much ok. Its something just to show adoration for the god. Doesnt mean youre automatically enlightened. Its a show at the most.

The caste system? fuck the caste system. This has already been dealt with in the history of Hindusim. The caste system comes from the Vedas. Philosophies and practices like Renunciation, Bhaktism and Tantrism largely ignore the caste system.

Everyone is capable of becoming a god? Hinduism is structured like a corporation? what the hell are you talking about?? Yes there are many many different paths to what is the ultimate reality (brahman). Many different practices for many different gods. Yes that is all agreed. But why would you think this can be bought or inherited? In the end, in the very end all that matters is if your mind has progressed to a steadier state and if you have achieved self realization, if If you havent hopefully youve atleast led a good enough life so karma doesnt fuck you over. Hinduism is a very personal religion. yes guidance is required initially but from a certain point it all comes from within the person.

If youve ever seen a candle flame in a room, with no wind, or motion. like how that flame burns completely undisturbed not even moving. to me, the goal of Hinduism is to progress your mind to a steady state like that. You can enjoy the benefits of that in your own lifetime and continue to work towards the self realization.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 13, 2009 17:50
yeh...actually ur right.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 21, 2009 10:42
not different from any religion!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 21, 2009 12:59
all Gods we talk about...are/is the creation the of man himself .

**treat ur mind like a bad neighbourhood - dont go thr alone**
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 21, 2009 13:13

On 2009-09-21 12:59, ouroboros wrote:
all Gods we talk about...are/is the creation the of man himself .

Truth has been spoken!
peyote eyes

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 09:17
every one is god in hinduism.....
hinduism is not a religion but a way of living life and is totally based on self realisation and karmic practices

Xolvexs- srry i cant agree to ur philisophy of hinduism its very amature understanding............if ur not born a hindu its very complex for anyone to understand its relevance...... its orignal form is very stong in core undisturbed and practised in himalayas maybe u wana live over for some yrs in indian or nepal villages ......regards
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 10:17
come to think of it the real question is why you create? or why someone like GOD would like to create?
one reason would be to satisfy something inside, like ego, or that inner sensation...once something is created or objectified...the value of that creation maybe something for the creator and something else for the generate a greater value out the creation, thus putting "the creator" on a higher pedestal, the creation must generate value...and therfore the elements of Doubts, Fears, and Wishes are introduced...these three elements function like currency...i mean think about a dollar bill or euro or whatever currency you are holding in your hand..that currency can instantly convert something negative into something- like my old signature- $100 can feed a child or can you do coke...this objectification or creation is nothing but a selling technique..its like a carrot tied to a stick...even after you catch the carrot, the string still looms around and another carrot is created...if you do not consume the creation that god created or another way of saying it if you do not believe that GOD created are labeled disgruntral, atheist and typically a negative adjective...this deduction translates to a believer that GOD created everything as positive and thereby increasing the value of God's creation... now compound that in presence of 330 million gods. Each of their figurines has a lot of bling- gold gemsstones, etc..many are completely made of precious metals, marbles etc...these are then put on a higher pedestal- a temple ...which feeds a lot of mouths, employs a lot of people, and has a head priest- a CEO of sorts who communicates with the GOD---and so it goes...if it were not for capitalism or consumerism why would be there a need of
1. so many gods
2. so many temples
3. why does the religion need more followers?

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 14:08
I believe religion is a good way of living since the most religions are for good more than god.That should be enough to live more confident.
Apart from this,I believe spiritualism you can best descover when on a good trip,than you feel what it is,and you can be nearer the transcendence of the undescribible or the ? beyond our understanding.
And it is good..Call it god if you like ,since nobody know it and nobody ever can be sure.
I follow my way and believe there are only gods and demons,but it is only words in english though we know more or less what is the meaning.
Ying Yang and stuff also I believe in this meaning.
I'd like to follow the time only in gooodness but I believe Ying Yang philosophy has a realistic meaning.You can not be perfect ,you can be confident when accept your unperfectness.
And apart of all this,I strongly believe this what really is the point of all our human seeking will never be told ,it always will be the ? beyond the human understanding.
Near death expiriences are interesting,have expirienced one in my young age and I know there are things we would never believe.Maybe parallel worlds ,maybe paradise and hell ..maybe all what is possible in our understanding and millions of it in an own individual way.Maybe each one creates his future ,and his imagination is the later truth.
Deja vu's... I think all is connected really.And then I strongly belive we have all seen us before and we won't disappear without any rest.This would not make any sense,I can't get the real sense,but it will be logical and not bad even though not understandable for our minds now.Just my travelling opinion.
Best way is to follow own expirienced proves or anyway follow the good by any means.That makes the time nicer for sure,better than a simply time waste.
peyote eyes

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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 15:28
all u see is from ur two eyes but what do u act on and what connects yourself to any action of life ?
theres when ur third eye comes to play
many such theories of being is hinduism
its all database of beings n experiences of them in times of "satyuga" the age of truth or pure energies away from todays currupt minds
yes now after british came to india its been exploited battered and shaken
n money caame with them changing the time over time bringing the "Kali yuga" this is the age we belong to .....the age of darkness or evil energies
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 05:08
I think that what is wrong here to begin with is what you understand by capitalism.

There are at least 4 forms of capitalism:

1.- The USA almost free market, small goverment, but money market its a monolopoly wich also is build on the debt system.

2.- Almost all europe with a bigger state, more regulation but also money monopoly and debt system.

3.- Olygarchist capitalism or modern merchantilism: Nazi germany, China, latin amerca, where the goverment is used to create monopolies.

4.- Anarco-capitalism.- No State, private security and private law system. Also, very important: free money market, no debt system.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Dec 12, 2009 04:58

Is that even a word?

That sounds almost as strange as "monopolopoly".
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 20:26
I can't even think were to start to reply Xolvex. Almost everything you write about Hinduism is either wrong or way oversimplified.

I will say that I recommend you first check what Hinduism are you talking about. Inside what people today call Hinduism there are so many philosophical systems, belief systems, myths, codes of living, social systems and religious systems and they are all stretched over more then 3000 years of civilization, huge geographical area, tens of languages, and thousands of writings and oral traditions. In fact- there is no Hinduism really.

So I suggest you go deeper and study a little before you make such an assumption.           ---------------------------------------------
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 15:58
well let me put it this way- the only economic system that can adhere to principles of Hinduism is the capitalist system.
I guess capitalism is tuned to all religions in that case. capitalism seems naturally inclined towards tolerance...its when you achieve the high levels of prosperity you can give time and money to god...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2009 06:18

On 2009-12-18 15:58, Xolvexs wrote:
well let me put it this way- the only economic system that can adhere to principles of Hinduism is the capitalist system.
I guess capitalism is tuned to all religions in that case. capitalism seems naturally inclined towards tolerance...its when you achieve the high levels of prosperity you can give time and money to god...

Capitalism wanst designed, capitalism is what results from freedom of choice, and private property (whic is usefull but not completely necesary in the way we know it today).

Capitalism, to be precise Free market - No barriers for trading, is just natural, its the State which is artificial.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Hinduism- The Purest form of Capitalism

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