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Headphones for production

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  729
Posted : Sep 19, 2013 22:08
Just got the red ATH-M50s. Here are my notes so far:

Currently listening to FLACs of Monolake's "Ghosts" album really loud on the Cowon J3 player. Am liking them a lot. Loads of bass, definitely no need for any kind of bass enhancement shenanigans in the J3 settings. Highs not that extended, stereo width soso, but for the price very good. Will see how they break in over the next few weeks.

they definitely have the in-built smiley curve...

built in smiley, but much more bass boost than high end. high end is boosted, slightly ragged, but not very extended.

isolation is obviously much less than with the old etymotics, which can be a pain when you're listening to spoken word podcasts and a car drives by and you miss that essential nugget. lack of isolation also forcing you to turn things up a little louder than necessary = not good for your hearing.

might sound like i'm being harsh on them, but everything i'm comparing them to is orders of magnitude better (atc monitors, hd600s and the etys). for the price they are great.

haven't had a pair of closed back on ear cans for a few years now (since i retired my audio technica w100s), so getting used to that boxed in sound.

also they may "break in" somewhat over the next few weeks. really hoping the raggedy treble gets a bit nicer.

mid range slightly subdued/unclear, probably a result of the smiley.

there's no way i'd trust a pair of these for mixing, but for walking about (which is what i bought them for), they should be ab fab. i think i actually prefer their overall sound to the etys. time will tell!

new padmasana album sounded great, janelle monae's album sounding great now.

on the cowon j3 i'm finding setting the jet effect 3.0 BBE+ 3D Surround to 2 is giving me the nice stereo width i was missing. am actually tempted to eq the bass down too.

next will test them with the crookwood DAC and headphone amp. should sound better. then it'll be 24 hour break ins with loud music, white noise, pink noise, then square waves, to see if they open up a bit.  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Sep 19, 2013 22:52
agree , i think that why they work good and are popular for club style music , got them recomend by a pionner of house music that tried loads of cans, said me these have the best low , that frequency curves might be similar to clubs ect..big pa..and offer good translation for bass heavy system

their also punchy/fast and feel closer to lisetning to monitor that lot of headphone imo.. great cans for the price to enjoy music or work on some tunes..sound is kinda warm and not much tiring imo also usefull to check translation once you re used but these are not the most detailed for analytical listening..

kind of headphone that always good to have around.. if mine break i bought a pair the next day

first psy kick bass i made on these, was imo in similar league as circuit breaker full on stuff i used to reference..just to say it s porissble to get good result wihtout much hassle on these down there..better than monitors in untreated shitty room for sure but it need reference or you might end up with somethign totally out of the place when not really used to their sound/cans..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  729
Posted : Sep 21, 2013 12:17
yeah, they are not flat at all, which actually means they are a good reference can to use for hearing what most people will actually be hearing.

and of course, if are used to them, and know how your favourite music sounds though them, then you can adapt and use them in production etc.

agree also, they are punchy and fast!

i actually like them a lot, am just using them with my portable player (cowon j3) for walking the dog, travelling about on the public transport etc.  : :
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