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Has Anyone Ever Seen Psynina?

Zimon Post Forced

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Posted : Dec 20, 2005 11:13

On 2005-12-20 11:08, DJ Buju wrote:

On 2005-12-20 10:39, Zimon Post Forced wrote:
Pfff... blablabla... of course she is real, i'v seen her in a party last week with skazi, and if you dont belive me, HAHAHA, i toke a pic to prove it !!!¤t=PsyNinaLive.jpg


of course
Esterian Project / NOK

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Posted : Dec 20, 2005 12:28
so i think the storry is finishes, right... ?? The domain is reserved for the psytropic guy.. crazy ..but funny....... i call my self now NOKIANA!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 00:36

On 2005-12-20 12:28, Esterian wrote:
so i think the storry is finishes, right... ?? The domain is reserved for the psytropic guy.. crazy ..but funny....... i call my self now NOKIANA!!!

Not Finished until we get a picture with Thomas + Nina smoking a doob together @ his place.. But im sure Nina must be scared of Camera's (childhood trama i guess )
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 02:28

I love this thread!
What started as a simple question, turned into a hot new Soap Opera, exposing various "characters" everyday!!

Awesome work Surrender, let's just see how this unfolds.

Peace & Love;


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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 04:28

On 2005-12-20 06:22, Surrender wrote:
i would like to mention that contrary to popular belief... WhereIsNina and i do not know each other at all. but i sure like all the hard work this person is putting into their work... its input like that which makes this little topic to be taken much more seriously. i hope the truth comes out, whatever it is...

That is true, we don't know each other and we have never even chatted, but we surely share many points of view concerning this subject; like many other people that are not posting here...

There is something I'd like to point out, although this thread should be taken seriously, the intention here is not to crucify Thomas. This thread should not been seen as some kind of inquisition, I find it sad if it looks that way.

If Thomas is using an "alter ego" (PsyNina) to promote his production, as we suspect, he should at least apologize for the forgery and stop doing it as well as many others that are possibly doing the same.

We don't want to damage PsyTropic records, it is a good label with great artists, Thomas is doing a great job there, but using this kind of forgery as a way of boosting the label is unacceptable.

Now I have a request, could you please listen to some mixes done by Chemicus (Thomas) and "PsyNina" found at PsyTropic's website:

and check to see if you find any resemblance? I mean, there is a common factor in an artist' style, that's what I'm asking you to compare and check. This is very subjective judgement, but i think there is a good amount of similarities between the songs to believe they were both made by the same person....

There is another interesting fact about these mixes, "PsyNina" knows how to work with mixes pretty fine! Obviously there is a huge difference between an studio mix and a live set performance... but it seems like she could do it fine as well.

Check the file's info for the Chemicus Mixes:

They were both created in the same day and with approximately 1 hour of difference. This info is stored in the Metadata of every file when they are created/saved and when they are modified.

Now look at PsyNina's Mixes:

Both made more than an year later, but with the same characteristics, same day creation with approximately an hour of difference.

Just one more thing, Chemicus mixes are about 1 hour long (both) and PsyNina's are about 1:15h long, both of them. What I'm saying is that there is a resemblance in the way these mixes were created.

What can we say about that? Well, the least we could say is that both "twin" mixes (Chemicus mixes and PsyNina's mixes) were uploaded to the Host (webpage host) together. The point is, they already existed and were both uploaded together, these are the only two artists with 2 long mixes uploaded together and all the others there are DJs! Funny huh?

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Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 10:31
This is at first a personal post to Whereisnina with his olympic understatement flag and senseless name. (By the way, you show creativity by this)

I really dont like if people like you, call me a liar or somebody who do a forgery. You should take this back instantly.
WhereIsNina or any other superdetective should stop to post such things because until now I really take it as an enjoyable thread every day, because I know the truth of an excisting Nina, but it become more and more ridiculous. Furthermore it is really funny that you put yourself up on any small hint to proof your suspicion. And this makes it really strange by every small shit you might think you found out. And dont tell such shit now like "we want to proof the truth, nothing more" ! By your post you show really clear that you want to damage it now in any way.
What comes next ? You make some fingerprint analysis or some writing style comparison or any other rubbish to find any small hint about your dumb assumption ?
But I will only answer in short points to your lousy childish post about the mixes and also the domains.

1. Domains are registrated MOSTLY by labels, not artists. This is also the fact with PsyTropic. I sign the homepage so the details are mine, I hope you can follow, superbrain.
2. Mixes are sent to me by the DJs. So I have them on my drive and save them again with another tag, simple by RENAMING. By this procedure comes the dates I hope you can follow, superbrain ?
3. Mixes are simply close to 1 hour or a bit more because a normal Audio CD has 74 or 80 minutes right ? You can follow, super... ?
4. The funny thing is you always write within your own posting that you wrote bullshit like "This is very subjective judgement..." In this case I must give you right. This is really SUBJECTIVE BUUUUUT for some people like you who SEARCH for things this is totally clearly behavious, I understand completely !
Also with the Domains you wrote "it doesnt prove anything" YESSS you are right - as I mentioned above !
5. The post of the pics of any girl from fotolog is also dumb because you mean by this that there can be taken ANY girl. But this is not true. The pics that are there from Nina is Nina and not taken from anywhere.
6. Why she is not meeting people in real-life ? Mabye she only want to make music. Maybe she dont like to have too much contact. I dont know and I dont care. I only release her music. (If I could make it in this way I would be glad and would release it under my own name but I dont forgery any people with something I didnt do by myself).

Again some sarcastic finishing by working as-like some detective (I cant really work as one because I never learned it like the ones we already have here in forum, I am only a superpraetorian Latin guard) :

Isnt it strange that Whereisnina has only 11 posts, only on this thread and surrender also works in the same way of argumenting in his posts and also the intention is the same to damage the label by any small hint. There is always a similarity in the posting time and also the style in writing is a bit in common.
"This proofs nothing and it is really subjective but it makes the things a bit clearer right ?"
I never seen any pic of Whereisnina and also not of Surrender. Are they existing or are they only a alter-ego to push the forum ? (Please dont post your pics now)

If you have again enough time to search for any rubbish hint then here some ideas from me, so you dont feel boring the whole x-mas holidays (if you have some):
- check the creating dates of pictures and compare them to upload date on server
- check upload dates of the mixes and creating dates

Ahh and another thing: who the fuck is Thomas ? Have you ever seen a pic of him beside the ones who are around in the net ? Any hints ?

And watch for the surface, dont fell off ! Would be too bad.

Soooo AND NOW start quoting my texts again and answer to it quickly and search for any hint of proof for your lousy assumption.

All the best, friends.
Your Praetorian Guard PsyNina, PsyScientology, PsyTropic-Thomas or anybody what you think I am...

"Nobody is that lonesome than that one who cannot sleep"
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Yab Yum

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 11:58
wow funny thread!!!

this is what i think: Surrender, whereisnina, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records, and Psynina are all the same person! this thread is an ingenious new promo tactic! i mean, any one who hadnt heard of psynina before most definitely has now! 5300 views of this thread!! nice idea guys, wish i d thought it up myself!!
          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
Esterian Project / NOK

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 13:13
So i dont found that it looks like WhereisNINa wnna destroy Psytropic Rec. He just wanna found out the fucking truth like we all. But really if this storry finish one day..we have to make s movie out of this...HEHE ...greetings alex
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 13:16
You're wrong, Gaspard, Thomas is actually Surrender's secret twin brother who has been kidnapped not long after their birth !!

By the way, maybe PsyNina refuses to show up nowadays simply because she has a huge cutaneous eruptions problem.. That would be understandable, no ?

"Get your dose of BoOgie !"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 15:38

On 2005-12-21 14:56, tenuous_loko wrote:
my cherloc vain starts to pump..

i allready talked with thomas (for long time) and psynina (some times).. shes blond and not a super model but cute ok.. he is blond and have a strong look..firm and allways the same pic.. hum inst thomas and psynina a creation of an ugly guy that knows that in other way people will not pay atencion to it!! whats bad in that.. thats what the cenne makes.. bla bla bla...lolol
this inst honest??? what the fuck is honest in this cenne... drugs.. mp3...fake software..?? lol
its all about food in the table.. fun at the weekend and so on...
thats my point of view.. i dont care if theres is some psynina or some thomas... there is some human being that touch on the keyboard and write to all of us... makes good music.. produce with people around the weeb.. and he or shes is missing the funny part of this cenne.. traveling and playing on diferent countrys every weekend... because if she doenst exist's.. she not gonna do it... and more bla bla bla...

tenuous_loko, you should try to proofcheck your posts before submitting them, I didn't understand a word you said except the last sentence

Anyhow I kind of agree with Thomas as the evidence presented here in all circumstancial, but it is unfortunate that we are witnessing the "milli vanilli" of trance I will reserve my judgement when I see psynina live

Now let's being to conclude this thread and move along cheers
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 16:00

On 2005-12-21 10:31, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote: I never seen any pic of Whereisnina and also not of Surrender. Are they existing or are they only a alter-ego to push the forum ?

yes youre right, i dont exist - here are some recent pics of me infront of a make belief crowd:

          "On the other hand, you have different fingers."

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 16:26
could be a photoshop
Biotouch (dj Loko)

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 16:27
Sorry I wrote very quick...
When I came back to correct it... edit time has passed
So now a correct version... if you don’t understand what I wrote... My English is no good but if you don’t understand a word yours its worst than mine eheheh
(delete the other post please)

Oh my god very good topic.
Very very funny indeed...
Let’s keep it funny and not to serious...

My sherlock vain starts to pump...

I already talked with Thomas (for long time) and psynina (some times)...

Psynina - "she’s blond; she's not a super model; is cute...
Thomas - "He is blond; has a nice and clean look;

They always use the same picture...

(Now my detective side tells me...)

Isn’t Thomas and psynina a creation of an ugly guy, that want to be know world wide in the trance scene by is music and good looking faces!!
Just why...????? And if its so...
What’s bad in that...???
If it’s true it’s just a product of the fake scene that most of us live in...lolol

This inst honest promotion or marketing???

What the fuck is honest in this scene...?? Drugs...?? mp3...???Fake software..?? Loll

It’s all about money... fun at the weekend and so on...

That’s my point of view...

I don’t care if there’s some real - psynina or some real Thomas...

There is some human being... makes good music...

Produce with people around the web...

And if he or she’s is FAKE... he or she missing the funny part of this scene (being an artist)...

-travelling and playing on different countries every weekend...

-meeting different people and cultures

-making lots of money

-and more that you can think of...

But still good point of view surrender. Funny topic...

Let’s see what happen!!!!

If it’s true it’s the best commercial strategy ever made on psy-scene!!

This is the winner...
Best topic since I’m registered to the forum...
Keep it up
Ricardo Ferreira (dj loko)           Hatha yoga, body and mind balanced...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 17:35

On 2005-12-21 10:31, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote:

6. Why she is not meeting people in real-life ? Mabye she only want to make music. Maybe she dont like to have too much contact. I dont know and I dont care. I only release her music. (If I could make it in this way I would be glad and would release it under my own name but I dont forgery any people with something I didnt do by myself).

I could have swore reading something about Nina comming to Psytropics at the very begining of her carreer, sharing her first tracks with the label, and Thomas encouraging her to continue to make music...
with this said, and in two years of music production for this label, you never asked her ANYTHING??? I dunno, it seems she was more than just an artist in your label seeing as how she was the first one to join.. you didn't share your master plan with her?? she didn't share her goal's with you??

This can go round and round for ages, and until we get some sort of visual proof, i don't think people will stop doubting..

ohh, and i don't think anyone's goal here is to damage psytropic records reputation, on the contrairy, we want to clear its name from all this mess.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2005 19:41
lol thomas u dnt need to get so worked up if u know ur right
looks like u get on the defensive everytime u post on this topic .
if u have a label artist who has some pics already on the net for sure it wouldnt hurt to have a couple more which shows ur artist playing at a party or with some other artists right ?
this post does bring about reasonable doubt about the existence of ur artist wouldnt u as a label owner want to clear the doubt and wouldnt ur artist want the same ?
i think any dj or artist would like to clear any doubt about their existence .
break the ice and provide some pics and put an end to all these questions .
looks like u enjoy being called the Praetorian Guard PsyNina, PsyScientology or watever other names come up here .
i mite be wrong but im not pointing any accusations
nothing personal mate
juss my 2 cents
dnt quote me
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