Has Anyone Ever Seen Psynina?
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 12:16
wow i m amazed with the whole concept of creating the reality "thread" show on I's just the Bomb!. also have to say that loved the picture with the news paper + the 2 sets + the 3 special isratrance tracks from the one and only PsyNina
. |
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 15:17
Gratulations !!!!!!!
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 18:06
again no "headphone" or "studio" pics....
but anyways, i come back every day to check the status, u got me thomas.... and "her" work is cool for sure.... go on nina |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 18:14
I still won't buy it untill i see this girl DJing/playing live at a party, or even better producing a track in a studio with someone i personally know.
  Kinetic Honda GmbH, Worldwide Supliers of Quality noise.
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Esterian Project / NOK
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 19:39
Thats it Borris iam on ur Point... It the easiset to show Photo with her and stuff..... I also dont believe when i saw her in studio...only when i personattly meat here and see who she is...thats it....
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 20:13
Lousy post Esterian or Galactika or Nok or Nokiana or however you call yourself. Shizophrenic to post first "Gratulations" as Galactika and then jump again on any other post...
Cheers bros.
"Nobody is that lonesome than that one who cannot sleep"
Pure PsyTrance Mailorder & Distribu |
Chlamydia Jones
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 20:55
Hi thomas and everybody,
I think that this topic was kind of legit, because someone raised a question that is valid and made a strong argument (regardless of whether it was true or not - surrender had a point there)
and thomas, do u really think that's my real name? i dont think anyone's mother will call them after a sex disease, right? or that most of the people here appear under their own names for that matter...
by commenting to this thread I never meant that nina did not exist, merely raised a point that came through reading the topic - I dont know nina nor do I have contact with her, and I hope that whoever she is she is fine and happy. also you, thomas. and you all: have a merry christmas and a happy new year!
Chlamydia |
Esterian Project / NOK
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 22:03
looooooooool ...... I have 2 Projects so I have Accounts.... Understand ?? so thanks Thomas ..greetings Alex_nok
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Posted : Dec 23, 2005 23:14
On 2005-12-23 02:19, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote:
Please compare the provided tracks or files about DATE and so on, like you did with the mixes. To make it short, they will be from today, the 22nd of December 2005.
By your former explanations this would mean that I made this three tracks ALL TODAY !!!
Thomas, now seriously, i think you don't know english, i really do, or you have a clinical problem accepting the meaning of other people's words.
Read my posts over and over again 'till you notice I never EVER said the mixes had to be originally produced on those dates. I said repeatedly that the dates showed by the metadata were the dates when you UPLOADED (or renamed, or saved) the tracks to the server and that the tracks could have been produced long before. That is clear to anybody not compromised to distort things or running away from the facts!
I'm really sorry you put more effort trying to alter what other people write than to apply all that energy explaining the weird facts we have presented.
You can be sure that this recursive behavior of yours is more linked to schizophrenia than Esterians' post
On 2005-12-23 02:19, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote:
And much more than this, the tracks have nearly the same time...
No they don't thomas, i think you also have a serious problem with time analysis. One track has 07:54m the other has 06:56m and the other one has 08:27m. i know math pretty well and those songs have a time duration variation of about 20%. That is quite different... but this fact is not important to the main subject...
On 2005-12-23 02:19, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote:
Puuuuuuh, I dont know how to come out of this story... MUHAHAHAH
Happytabs worked, right?
Nice pictures, just like Mr. and Mrs Smith, "Nina" is really cute in these pictures, all kinda Dark, with a depressed look, I was so thrilled I almost cried...
Nice you took new pictures, now tell me, where did you go to take them, all the way to the hospital in Munich or to the Biotech Lab?
Thomas, the possibility of you taking new pictures with Nina (or your girlfriend) was announced 6 (or more) pages ago and was cited again on my last post. They don't prove a single thing, I don't know why you thought they would. As more as I would like to believe Nina (the girl in the picture) is the real producer and artist, I can't! I'll tell you why by recalling some facts:
1- Many emails sent by you and "her" had the same IP and time of delivery close to each other. That didn't happen just one time or during one day only, but it happened during months!
2- The IP got from your MSN and her MSN are the same, like the emails. Do you know how can somebody grab your IP address on MSN? It is simple, you just have to send a new release or any other file, that action creates a direct connection between you and the receiver what turns possible the identification of your IP; either by using commands like "netstat -An" on a Shell (Using Linux or Mac OS X) or some software using Windows.
3- She never talked to anybody, that is not so serious, but what exactly is she avoiding? One can speculate she doesn't want to get deep into technical subjects related to music production... that is an hypothesis. Or she could be mute, but she said she likes to sing, not in public but she likes... so that option is not possible.
4- She doesn't play lively even when the deal is good but she can produce very good long mixes that sound (there is a resemblance in my opinion besides the "pattern") like yours (Chemicus)...
So there are some possible theories toward these facts. One is that she is not the real producer behind the tracks but just the image you use to promote the songs (note that I said this is only a possible theory). Or she is the real artist, but you were the guy behind all emails and contacts through MSN because she didn't want to have all the trouble of promoting her music. So as the good manager you are (I really mean it!) you took the job to yourself, even the part were you had to play a virtual tranvesti.
I'll stop here by now, just a suggestion, what about accepting a booking proposal, a good one? That would be some proof... you could teach her if she doesn't know how to play...
I know many people were excited by those pictures, like neuromantik that was so happy he had the uncanny ability of reading your post (Thomas' post), visiting the link posted, looking all the pictures, download all the songs, listening to them, and telling they were Great in just 8 MINUTES! You posted at 02:19h and he posted at 02:27h.
By that i just want to ask people to respect the others post, Esterians' post is as much valid as any other and he shouldn't be cursed or called schizophrenic because you don't like his opinion Thomas. I know you are somehow irritated, but please just keep cool, Ok? Lets keep this thread flowing smoothly... keep taking the tabs!
One last thing, from what i heard Thomas is a real good manager, he is always working in benefit of PsyTropic's crew, he is an accessible person and dedicated to his job. So nothing against him, he should be respected for his good work as a manager and producer (even more if he is both Chemicus and PsyNina). I wish PsyNina is PsyNina, but I won't quit that easy. And the longer this thread goes on the greater her booking fees will become if she is real, so nobody should worry.
  Where Is The What If The What Is In Why? |
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Posted : Dec 24, 2005 00:03
About the esterian issue I only meant with "shizophrenic" :
why is he not posting with esterian this "gratulations" but with "galactica" (ya it is his other project but he posted all the time with esterian and then now he posted with this one....) and then 1 hour later he posts the opposite with esterian again. Thats all. It looks all harder as it is meant...nevermind.
But to bring it in my opinion to the end and for such detectives it will look like as I get in defense or anything. But I tell you the truth, I am annoyed to get quoted and quoted again because people WILL ALWAYS FIND anything if they want it and the more I write the more they will quote. And I have no more time for this. I did the last posts to show that NOT EVERYTHING what some people are saying must be right EVEN IF IT LOOKS ON THE FIRST SIGHT.(Even if they are moderators or whatever) And this is also the stuff about my sarcastic posts in the past. I want that people dont always look on the first sight. There is always another sight and so on. (This was also about the mixes and this stuff) It is all not true this "forgery" hints. I never get in defense, I think the people who read this correctly, see that my explanations and posts are really straight lined. No fantasy blabla right ? If not, I dont care and I am not angry on anybody. At last Nina will go on making music and people think what they think. We dont care. We know the truth and that has nothing to do with "happytabs" or promotion. It was not started by me. I only react. It is a difference to react or to be aggressor in any way or name (in name of truth, assumption, curiosity...)
At last let it flow as it flows but if nobody will be insulting here in upcoming posts, I think this is my last post in THIS THREAD. I know, I know...people will say WhereisNinas last post brang me to this...but this is again not true. I posted the thruth and I also never wanted to PROOF anything by explaining or making pics. I only wanted to show that I am flexible and if the wish is to make pictures - then I make pictures. I have nothing to hide as well as Nina doesnt. I can only say again, I myself would be glad to make such music to release it under my name. But then I would be under influence of happytabs :-D hehehe.
So the thread is funny, enjoyable and soap opera, I really dont see this hard or with bad feelings. I take it in away serious but if people would know what is happening behind the "scenes" with Nina it makes me also a bit sad. But we are in public, people have interest in "truth", people are curious, and so on...thats why there is no bad feeling at all with all this. Really !
And with the tracks I also only wanted to give a little bit back, nothing more.
And at last I know that at any place and to any time NOT ALL PEOPLE CAN LOVE YOU...
Take care all the readers and all the posters. I wish you all the best and I hope we can concentrate on music in future as well as we enjoyed each other in a daily soap on isratrance.
I for my part enjoyed it.
Merry Christmas and some nice warm days with your lovely ones or family.
"Nobody is that lonesome than that one who cannot sleep"
Pure PsyTrance Mailorder & Distribu |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 24, 2005 02:16
On 2005-12-23 23:14, WhereIsNina wrote:
I know many people were excited by those pictures, like neuromantik that was so happy he had the uncanny ability of reading your post (Thomas' post), visiting the link posted, looking all the pictures, download all the songs, listening to them, and telling they were Great in just 8 MINUTES! You posted at 02:19h and he posted at 02:27h.
Hey do you mind, this thread is my reality TV show I'm tuned in 24/7. You're right however that I got a little too excited over the music, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for FREE as in BEER music...
Good luck with your witchhunt btw |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 25, 2005 03:06
On 2005-12-24 00:03, Thomas_PsyTropic_Records wrote:
About the esterian issue I only meant with "shizophrenic" :
why is he not posting with esterian this "gratulations" but with "galactica" (ya it is his other project but he posted all the time with esterian and then now he posted with this one....) and then 1 hour later he posts the opposite with esterian again. Thats all. It looks all harder as it is meant...nevermind.
But to bring it in my opinion to the end and for such detectives it will look like as I get in defense or anything. But I tell you the truth, I am annoyed to get quoted and quoted again because people WILL ALWAYS FIND anything if they want it and the more I write the more they will quote. And I have no more time for this. I did the last posts to show that NOT EVERYTHING what some people are saying must be right EVEN IF IT LOOKS ON THE FIRST SIGHT.(Even if they are moderators or whatever) And this is also the stuff about my sarcastic posts in the past. I want that people dont always look on the first sight. There is always another sight and so on. (This was also about the mixes and this stuff) It is all not true this "forgery" hints. I never get in defense, I think the people who read this correctly, see that my explanations and posts are really straight lined. No fantasy blabla right ? If not, I dont care and I am not angry on anybody. At last Nina will go on making music and people think what they think. We dont care. We know the truth and that has nothing to do with "happytabs" or promotion. It was not started by me. I only react. It is a difference to react or to be aggressor in any way or name (in name of truth, assumption, curiosity...)
At last let it flow as it flows but if nobody will be insulting here in upcoming posts, I think this is my last post in THIS THREAD. I know, I know...people will say WhereisNinas last post brang me to this...but this is again not true. I posted the thruth and I also never wanted to PROOF anything by explaining or making pics. I only wanted to show that I am flexible and if the wish is to make pictures - then I make pictures. I have nothing to hide as well as Nina doesnt. I can only say again, I myself would be glad to make such music to release it under my name. But then I would be under influence of happytabs :-D hehehe.
So the thread is funny, enjoyable and soap opera, I really dont see this hard or with bad feelings. I take it in away serious but if people would know what is happening behind the "scenes" with Nina it makes me also a bit sad. But we are in public, people have interest in "truth", people are curious, and so on...thats why there is no bad feeling at all with all this. Really !
And with the tracks I also only wanted to give a little bit back, nothing more.
And at last I know that at any place and to any time NOT ALL PEOPLE CAN LOVE YOU...
Take care all the readers and all the posters. I wish you all the best and I hope we can concentrate on music in future as well as we enjoyed each other in a daily soap on isratrance.
I for my part enjoyed it.
Merry Christmas and some nice warm days with your lovely ones or family.
WhereIsNina goes through the effort of thinking out his posts and bringing convincing evidence, yet you seem on the contrary to try to slip away from providing anything convincing. You are fooling people whether she really is an artist or not, because by not taking the effort to actually help clear up this affair through intelligent replies, you're just feeding the hype around it and building promotion. This thread is funny and entertaining, but in the end if it turns out that PsyNina was a sham, what it reveals about the person who's responsible for it is saddening. Peace.
  Row row row your boats gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream. |
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Posted : Jan 3, 2006 13:38
whats the latest on this one?
I'm starved for soap after christmas.. |
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Posted : Jan 3, 2006 23:36
We're just having a season break... keep tuned.
Thomas insists everything is so hard for Nina right now. Taking pictures is hard, talking is hard, meeting people is hard, showing at the studio is hard, but producing music seems to be easy... she just keep producing, no matter what. Anyway, if this is a bad time, lets wait a while.
In the mean time if you want you can tell us if you enjoyed playing a virtual tranvesti Thomas?
neuromantik, i didn't want to pick on you, it was just an example. Anyway, thanks for the good luck.
I wish you all a great year!
  Where Is The What If The What Is In Why? |
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Posted : Jan 4, 2006 01:28
On 2006-01-03 23:36, WhereIsNina wrote:
us if you enjoyed playing a virtual tranvesti Thomas?
Please keep Contenance my "friend".
"Nobody is that lonesome than that one who cannot sleep"
Pure PsyTrance Mailorder & Distribu |