Government want to stop the trance parties in Brasil
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:45
Well, this subject os rolling since 1 or 2 or more years ago... government want to stop the trance parties cause the many kind of drugs that people are using during the event is a lot of! And the thing that some people die in the partie because of abuse of drugs. The last case about die happened some days ago... details u can see in the topic of my friend Mr.Peyote
The point is, I found in another forum(orkut) a reportage about this subject that is appearing that the governnmet will really stop the parties... I will translate the reportage with google translator, cause it´s very big and i don´t have time to do it by myself. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:48
From Jornal Aqui:
""Who usually attend celebrations of electronic music and is out the slang used in the middle, you know that the expression 'fry' means ingest a 'bullet' or a 'sweet' and spend hours misled them. The dilated pupils, movements frenéticos, high body temperature and the sudden interest in long hugs and deep is clear who is under the effect of so-called synthetic drugs such as ecstasy and lysergic acid (LSD), popularly known as' bullet 'and' sweet ', respectively.
And since the case came to public of the young Lucas Francesco Amêndola of 17 years, who died of overdoses during a rave party in Itaboraí / RJ, on October 28, the film of the festival is increasingly burned. And the music lovers of the genre, of course, in polvorosa. It is not for less. After all, raves have a bad reputation for mixing entertainment with the use of drugs of all kinds. With the death of the young, it was not long for that society caísse to stick on top of Incendiary parties. And rightly so.
What fans of raves still do not know is that there is a 'docinho' of amargar: in the subject of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj), the farra electronics can be with the days. It is that the chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Drug Use and Dependence in General Chemistry of Alerj, the state deputy José Nader (PTB), called for a public hearing to create a regulation to limit the number of hours duration of the festival of music electronics that usually occur in periods of 12 to 24 hours. Some up to 48 hours.
In addition, Joseph Nader defends advertising the presence of police in all the festivities raves. "It is a moment of extreme urgency. In Sao Paulo, the police is the magazine of visitors. We could not understand the fact that it not be adopted here (in Rio de Janeiro). The problem is not the music, but the drugs , which circulate freely in the events, "the parliamentary justified in Barra Mansa. He is right.
The deejay (Dj) and music producer Lucio K, for example, has been to raves in several countries, such as England and USA, places where, according to him, there are specific laws for the organization of this type of event, contrary to what happens in Brazil. And according to what Mr Joseph said Nader-and beating the front with the speech of thousands of fans of the musical genre - he says that drugs and raves are things that are deeply linked. "The association between drugs and electronic music is cultural. It is almost impossible to separate, separate the two. But this is no novelty. With rock'n'roll was also well, "analyzes Lucio, stressing, however, that not all visitors to the electronic music festivals are users of drugs. "What should not be fed is the prejudice and marginalization that culture, because they are not all that fond of electronic music using drugs. And, of course, not all those who use drugs like electronic music, "considering.
As for the idea that most people have, that a person can not pass 24 hours sassaricando chief here and now to the sound of frenzied electronic beats take hold without the use of narcotics, Lucio disagrees. Affirms that are levianas the allegations that to remain a party of long duration, it is necessary to getting. "Who says that probably has never been to a rave. If one lasts 24 hours does not mean that people will be there during the 24 hours, and agreed. There is a rotation of the public, and also there are chill-out areas, where people often sleep a bit, "he says.
The Dj Adriano Góes agrees and goes beyond. It says it is in favor of surveillance and police presence in festivals of electronic music. "You have police surveillance at the entrance and inside the party. Unfortunately, the recklessness of some cause problems, as happened with the guy of Itaboraí, who was under age and faked documents to enter the rave, "says Adriano, saying that rave of fact, in the region, does not exist. "The electronic music is not as commercial in Brazil. It is something that is coming now. What we have here in the interior are avenues of dance with electronic music, no raves, "emerges, revealing that, even then, it is common that some people organize festivities for the sole purpose of profit from the sale of drugs.
"There are serious companies, large, which organizes events of the type and worry about security, and have all the necessary documentation. But we also have people who organizes parties only to sell drugs and make money, "said Adriano. As to the use of narcotics, it is enfático: "Who really likes music does not need to use drugs to enjoy the party. I think whoever does this has to be banned same. "
But, with or without snooze in the chill-out, using or not using drugs, it is good that the visitors at raves get ready for each step monitored in these festivities. It is that the state deputy Alvaro Lins, former Police Officer, presented a project that seeks to compel all the organizers of events for electronic music to install security cameras. "Our goal is not prohibit, but create an order. What I highlight in the project is the placement of cameras inside the parties to correct the trafficking of drugs, "said Alvaro Lins. " |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:48
'It will not say'
But even if the project is approved and turn law, hampered in a small detail: the drugs used in more raves-the 'bullets' and' sweet '- are the size of a tablet and can be easily hidden, passing unnoticed by magazine police. "There has to monitor," says the young F., 22 years, asking not to be identified. "I can very well take a candy before entering the party, or take a bullet as a tablet common, without which nobody understands. The police will never know, and even if I get, it will not hold power. I think if that bid the cameras turn law, will not advance anything, "she believes that, confident that the actions of the public will not have impact, says that 'the easiest thing in the world" is to find those who provide such drugs. "It is silly to think that only One would buy bullet inside the raves. The vast majority of people purchase before going pra party. What else has is' boyzinho 'selling out there, until by orkut. Just have some contacts, "says F., explaining that although the most common is to get the drugs before the festivities, it is also possible to acquire them within the raves. "Here in Volta Redonda is rare, but it happens," he admits.
But some visitors say the raves be an 'injustice' that the public wants to correct just this type of event. "Drugs exist anywhere", the student shoots J., 19 years. "I do not understand why everyone requires only with rave. In micareta also have people who use in dance funk has people he uses. Now, nobody will then fill the bag of playboy who curte axé when it is smelling loló or cocaine inside the micareta, then leaves so giving porrada worldwide, "esbraveja the student, saying it is the victim of prejudice. "I do not use drugs, but short rave. I do not blame you have people like 'fry' within the parties and not just think that because of the 'fried' I can not enjoy eight, twelve to twenty-four hours of sound, "it is unworthy. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:48
Without documentation
In Volta Redonda, the last rave - also called the 'pvt' by their visitors - happened last Friday, 9, at the headquarters of the Club Fotofilatélico in the neighborhood Tangerinal. The principle, the 'Pvt Psy Mystik Project' as released on the Internet, should happen in Clubinho of Laranjal. At pressas, was transferred to the Fotofilatélico. The allegation of the organizer of the event, TMC, of 16 years, is that the transfer was done by now be in the club of Laranjal, a pre-reservation to another party. "As I was booked for another event, we feel better transfer to the Fotofilatélico," he says, adding that, for this is a feast 'closed', not presented any documentation to the police, the Fire Department or the Corps of Civil Defense, as is customary.
What TMC does not know is that parties closed, as he claims to have been the event that organized, do not charge tickets. And we know that the organization of Mystik Project put on sale, the Internet, three batches of tickets, the price of R $ 15.00 $ 20.00 each. "I had the intention to draw only my orkut friends who enjoy electronic music. We knew we had to ask permission and submit documents, "justified TMC
The party, which involved about 70 people - Welcome also to neighboring cities, such as Barra Mansa and Resende-rolled the 23 hours from Friday through the five thirty in the morning on Saturday and received the visit of promoters of the Court of Children and Adolescents, which registered an occurrence. "They were there because they knew that I am less of age. But there was a document signed by my uncles, who responsabilizaram for me, "TMC, explaining that attended the Tribunal during the week and which now, according to him, everything is resolved.
"I was not informed about this festival," said the lieutenant-colonel Kleber Martins, commander of the 28 th Battalion of the Military Police, stating that the party has fallen into crime from the moment that did not follow the standards set by the decree of No. 39,355 / 2006, the state secretary of Public Security, which provides for the holding of events artistic, cultural and sports.
To start of conversation, the captain says, a person can not hold this type of event. "There can be individual, has to be registered company," informed, explaining that to make a festival, the organizers need to ask permission prefecture, the Civil Police, notify the Corps of Fire, the Civil Defense and present the 'nothing to oppose 'issued by the station responsible for the area in which the event will be held-in the case of Volta Redonda, to 93 th DP. "I did not matter whether the event is private or public. What interests me is that the party does not interfere in public safety. If a rave has consumption of drugs is a crime of public action. It is of interest to the PM, "says Kleber.
He says, however, that it has no news of any other rave party in the city, but that does not spare efforts so that, if there is the other type, they serve to determining the law. "I am not against the ban on raves. I think it is a cultural expression, but I think that also has to take control. Not even ban, as it has ratifying the negative of the situation, "believes the captain, asking the support of the population. And said that if any citizen finds use of drugs or disturbance of public order during a celebration held in the city of steel-be it in clubs, nightclubs and residences; is axé, rock pauleira, reggae, funk, electronics, forró, pagoda or samba - should not waste time in denouncing the PM via dial-complaint: 0800260667. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:49
'Guloseimas' fatal
Most visitors to raves that are arrived a trip alucinante of ecstasy or LSD (bullet) (candy) does not seem to know the risks they run. If they know, ingest these drugs by sheer lack of intelligence, as is well known and notorious that can lead to death, and if not lead in the first, sooner or later end up causing devastating effects on the body. One of the effects of ecstasy, for example, is the increase in body temperature that can reach 40 ° C, causing a collapse in the body. Some itself to this: tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, dilation of pupils, tremors, excessive sweating, cramps, muscle aches and a strong sense of love of neighbor, which leads to an enormous desire to physical and sexual contact.
It looks good. But only seems. In the long term, ecstasy can cause tiredness, exhaustion, drowsiness, deterioration of personality, depression, anxiety, panic attacks of, feeling sick, lethargy, psychosis, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or irritation. These consequences can be accompanied by arrhythmias, sudden death by cardiovascular collapse, stroke, poisoning of the liver or acute renal failure.
The lysergic acid (LSD), also heavily consumed by young people who attend raves, causes auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia, change in the temporal and spatial concept, confusion, disordered thinking, delusions that may lead to suicide, depersonalisation, loss of emotional control, euphoria alternating with anxiety, panic, anxiety, depression, memory troubles, psychosis by "bad trip". That just to name some of the effects' super maneiros' of drugs. Moreover, the acid causes what is called the 'flashback', which is nothing more than a psychological phenomenon in which the individual returns to feel the effects of the drug long after it has been consumed. This could be days, weeks, months or even years after the ingestion of the substance." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 01:58
IMHO, drugs are used in many kind of parties, not just in have... the thing is... it´s look like the government want to show work in combat of the drugs... for that, they will try to close the parties or shorten the time to see if the consumption of drugs decrease.
The many people that use drungs in another kind of parties is very big too... maybe it´s not like a trance partie, but i think it´s more worst cause they use cocaine and another substancies that they use all during the event. In a trance partie, u just take a extasy or acid to feel good... now if u are using cocaine or "lança perfume", u have to use that almost in all the time of the event!
Well... there is another points too... but I would like to know what do u think about that...
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 02:58
IMHO most of these problems happen because the parties became a huge business, and people don't care about each other as they used to. However, we'll have to deal with that.
Of course nobody can bring half of Hom-Mega staff to Brazil without a huge public attending to the event.
I think this is a nice topic and will generate good discussions.
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Posted : Nov 20, 2007 12:26
When it comes to human beings it's very tough to organize something big.
And Raves are big today. Cause costs are also very high.
Human beings are rotten by nature. "We" are always trying to overcome each other.
It's like this: My dick has to be bigger than yours/his. So I need to have the things you have or the the things you don't have.
That's why Raves today are a big runway for people. Just show-offs.
Like full_on said it's impossible to bring the Hom-Mega crew to a party in Brazil for less then 5.000.
Therefore, if you place 5.000 people at the same place bad things will happen for sure.
So you have to put together people with the same toughts. And 5.000 peolpe together will never share positive thoughts. There will always be those who attend just to get wasted (in any way there is).
People are always mentining P.L.U.R.! But still what have they ever done to keep the P.L.U.R spirit alive???
I think topics such these ones can be very helpful!!!
Good topic. Let's keep it up.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 21, 2007 16:25
ok, you will get police in the parties which is a good thing - but - it comes to another issue, if the police is a corrupt one, won´t it stay the same thing?
the 1st thing to avoid deaths and weird stuff related to drug is that people should educate themselves 1st, and then take them in perfect "consciouness"
  ... |
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Posted : Nov 21, 2007 18:28
On 2007-11-21 16:25, a3k wrote:
ok, you will get police in the parties which is a good thing - but - it comes to another issue, if the police is a corrupt one, won´t it stay the same thing?
the 1st thing to avoid deaths and weird stuff related to drug is that people should educate themselves 1st, and then take them in perfect "consciouness"
DOn't you think that's a bit upotic??
Human beings actually using their conscsiouness?
Usually they don't even have one.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 22, 2007 00:54
I agree with Peyote®.
I think the presence of the Police in these huge parties is positive, but the very need of the presence of the police in these parties tell us something about these parties, no?
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2007 01:48
I really think if the police start to participate in all the parties, including PVTs... the number of people that frequent will decrease...
I know many... maannyyyy people that just go to the partie to take drugs... if there is no drugs... there is no partie! If guys can´t take the drug cause the police is watching or because there are cameras in the dance floor, this guys will stop to go to the parties... and with the time, the scene will go down... maybe I´m wrong... or maybe I´m right... but in my personal opinion... most of people that go to the parties, go to take drugs!
And here we have another point... today in a local newspaper, there is a reportage (Peyote®, i have sure that u saw that) saying about a guy that have 18 years die in Pop Rock Brasil (event that happen every year here in Belo Horizonte that just play rock bands) cause of drugs!
I´m not happy that is happened... but there is a positive point in that case... this was good to happened to show to the government that the drugs is not just in the trance parties... it´s in all kind of parties... I hope this issue served to weak up the politicians that want to finish with the drungs in the country(thing that is impossible to happen).
Regards. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2007 06:45
old news, they can't take away the million dollar industry that is tribe and xxxperience it employs too many people. |
Becoming Intense
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Posted : Nov 22, 2007 18:03
On 2007-11-22 06:45, hkghost wrote:
old news, they can't take away the million dollar industry that is tribe and xxxperience it employs too many people.
yeah, absolutely, but such parties should be runned by organizations crews who can actually behave properly in the context you mentioned. that is - if u run a millionary thing you should be even more careful with your costumers, you must offer a proper package for the bucks placed on that. medical posts with pro-stuff, ambulance, loads of food/water supplies, specialized security system and all it takes to make a big event.
cause its like peyote sayed: humans are such a self-waste-capable being. so if you have thousands of such creatures together on a spot, you should take the proper measures in order to have a cool and safe fun for all involved.
im not willing to believe in the old and beaten-up discourse of "plur", i.e., im not willing to believe in people's good will and positive vibes on trance parties, cause it just takes one rotten apple to rot a whole bunch of apples.
good topic, great level of discussion, lets keep it up.
(it should have more replies by now though...)
diogo c.
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Posted : Nov 22, 2007 19:29
On 2007-11-22 18:03, diogo_c wrote:
good topic, great level of discussion, lets keep it up.
(it should have more replies by now though...)
IMHO Brazil section is mostly used for promotional reasons. It's a real shame.
Few people participate on regular basis.
Usually they are only interested in posting/receiving party informations.
I think people should use Orkut and Plurall to that.
Forum also has very interesting threads such as this one.
Sry for the
Regards! |