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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Goa Gil - October 27, 2007 - San Carlos, Sonora
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Goa Gil - October 27, 2007 - San Carlos, Sonora


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Posts :  202
Posted : Nov 8, 2007 20:22
well cleaning the scene its the only answer..but we came up to the same..restricting the scene is a very difficult task..cause in all the party producer online pages says: '' no drugs'' and this can't be done properly..there will always be junkies passing out or drug dealers selling shit...drugs aren't all bad..but the people don't take responsability for them and their acctions while high..and the main reason for closing up parties is the drug problem.
and in the first party whetere is clean or not..will be probably shut down


On 2007-11-06 04:39, Marduk wrote:

My suggestion is to organize a charity party for the victims of the Tabasco flood, on legal permit if possible. Let´s party and help people at the same time.

well this is actualy the better way to clean the scene and the best suggestion i've read..but i don't think i'll be that easy to gain trust of the goverment.


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Posted : Nov 8, 2007 20:32
fuck police , always destroying the best events

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Posted : Nov 9, 2007 19:32
Hi, this is my first time in this place, but i know how is the situation about partys.
Well, actually i been seen, that underpsy is trying to organize an indoor party.
but i dont believe thats the solution, i think the organizr shoud create a new web site or a delivery mail system, then dont hang up a map, because, when they use a map on a internet page, everybody can know where will be the party, i said the same thing at UndrPsy Orgnzr, but he never answer my mail.
i thing we should have a site to deliver maps the day when we will celebrate the party.
thats a better way to make the cops dont get info about where will be the party.
about people calling the police to brake down our partys, well we should investigate places whitut pops, and we can makeup the party, like "THE PANCHITO'S BIRTHDAY" you know what i mean.

Good Vibes for everybody
Veckto Pekas

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 01:22
Going underground might give the scene a short term rush, but also a quick finale, specially when the major said about raves "their clandestine nature gives much to talk about"

Some damage control is due, and as the very next party may be raided, the best for the scene would be for cops to find no minors and no drugs.

Now THAT would be the best way of proving their prejudice wrong!

We got to defend in a peaceful, responsible way our right as adults to have fun the way we choose without breaking the law.
Law doesn´t forbid music & dancing!

Jalisco did it in a massive gathering right at the heart of Guadalajara, disregarding they had an iron-handed commisioner in charge:

What did they get? Government support for electronic music festivals! Bjork is holding a concert in Huentitan Canyon next dec. the 8th!

Music is legal, drugs aren´t. Let´s make them clear that trance doesn´t equal drugs!


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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 03:36
Yes youre rigth, thinking better, we can offer an alternative to keep our scene in peace, speaking the people can get an understanding.
The way that the major is acting is wrong, because he wants to show to the people his efforts are giving resaults, thats not true.
Why? because, Raves arent the only place where the drugs are Growing, that happen too at schools, but the people dont know it.
About Junky kids, well thats not our problem, their parents should keep their children under control, we will not speak them about the abuse of drugs, we are not their parents.

Good Vibes for everybody
Veckto Pekas

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Posts :  13
Posted : Nov 11, 2007 03:37
let's do a strike!!! =P

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Nov 11, 2007 16:10
Friends, it is so awesome that you use this section of isra, (your home) to talk about these things

Unity is everything, when there is unity larger than life goals can be achieved, because unity is something that comes from spirit, and there is nothing as powerful as spiritual force.

Have faith, use your hearts, dance like nobody is watching and keep the vibe alive!!

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 16:47
In this moment, we are trying to fix our culture, more than scene the electronic music its begining a new phase, each day more and more people are coming to join to us.
But the situation in this moment keeps worried at the real ravers.
we should wait to see what hapen next.
Im so sad because i love the feeling of unity that happens when the people smile to others in raves, and anything cares more than the happiness.

I wish that those days return.

Good Vibes for everybody

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Posted : Nov 12, 2007 01:06
UPDATE: some friends and i are working to make a public multi-genre gig on a legal alternative culture forum, to gather help for the Tabasco flood.

Clean party! dancing is legal, drugs are not!

Stay tuned and spread the word, the gig will prove people that electronic music doesn´t mean drugs!

Tabasco Urgent needs:

Powdered Milk
Toilet paper, diapers
Drugs: paracetamol, any drug for digestive disorders.
Rice, canned tuna, beans, sugar, cookies, cereal.

Also needed:
Bottled water, canned food, instant coffee, cooking oil, instant chocolate, baby food, salt, drugs, painkillers.

P.S. Animal rights NGO´s are concerned that cats and dogs are having a hard time too, maybe worse than people´s cause they are getting no attention from the media. Be sure to donate some pet food!


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Posted : Nov 12, 2007 01:10
VECKTOPEKAS, can you PM your email to me?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1370
Posted : Nov 12, 2007 22:37
where and when will be that gig?

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Posts :  13
Posted : Nov 22, 2007 21:51
so wha'ts going' to happen now? i saw psychotic micro is coming to Sonora, but is this for real? or it'll happen the same as goa gil? i hope not. so it's our responsability of all of us to keep the culture and the psy-parties not to destroy it. thinking about it...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2007 09:35
i think its real.. some ppl told me and i had saw the webpage:

Psychotic Micro



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Posts :  27
Posted : Nov 25, 2007 03:59
Right now im on Quebec, Canada and the trance events are organize by legal companies so they don't have the same bad point of view of the media. Maybe something like that is what Sonora needs, an organization(s) that allow media and people in general to see that is just an event like concerts are, and the idea of helping people in Tabasco sounds very good to help them and at the same time helping to "clean" the scene. That way everyone would see that we care about our people, they'll see the truth
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Goa Gil - October 27, 2007 - San Carlos, Sonora
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