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Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra (Dark Prisma Records)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  142
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Posted : Oct 14, 2006 15:45
Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra

Artist: Various
Title: The Nordland Orchestra
Format: CD (jewel case)
Label: Dark Prisma Records (Argentina)
Cat. #: DPR001
Distribution: Beatspace
Date: August 2006

Track listing:

01. 01’06” Frantic Noise – Fasten Your Diapers
02. 06’50” Frantic Noise vs. Collapse - Skyhack
03. 06’54” Frantic Noise – Spine Screwer
04. 07’44” Frantic Noise & Collapse – Ghost Call
05. 07’16” Frantic Noise – The Glow
06. 07’11” Megalopsy – Shit Winds
07. 06’29” Frantic Noise & Collapse – Psy Fiction
08. 07’02” Frantic Noise – The Boogieman Theme
09. 06’53” Frantic Noise & Audiopathik – Lokutus Welcome
10. 06’43” Shmaglers – Helioboy
11. 06’44” Frantic Noise & Pragmatix – Done For Good


Straight outta Buenes Aires… A crazy MF named z1P!

In 2005 Argentinean labels Transition Records and Dark Prisma Records teamed up on releasing Amalgama which was the ‘primer compilado de psytrance argentino’ - The very first psytrance compilation from Argentina! And what a pleasant experience that was. I was really surprised by the the sheer quality level of those Argentinean underground producers. Sure, Megalopsy had wow’ed me before with their debut album The Abstract Machine, (Trishula Records 2005) but this new talent pool really knew their way around a studio and I was especially impressed by the level of experimentation and by the fact that it wasn’t just another boring, formulated full-on compilation… It was really good, versatile stuff within the darker realms of psytrance!

Frantic Noise is z1P (Matías Benamo) from Megalopsy’s solo project and on this, his debut album, he’s joined by a bunch of his mates from and around Argentina… Let’s find out what they came up with.

Let me take you thru the tracks…

#01: Frantic Noise – Fasten Your Diapers
As legend has it, we kick things in gear with an intro track… A sonic excursion of Megalopsy’esque dimensions setting the pace for what’s about to go down… In history!

#02: Frantic Noise vs. Collapse – Skyhack [146 BPM]
“This is just in. A few moments ago. We don’t if something happened. Another explosion or if the building was so weakened. It just collapsed!” z1P is joined by P. Cufre and the mould has been broken… This is flaring, morphing psytrance designed to make you wiggle your ass on the dancefloor… Straight up, well-produced, driving psytrance with enough little twists, turns and quirks to ensure full attention form the lister… The radio-flicking halfway thru is an added bonus along with the well-placed haunting screams… And if that wasn’t enough, the bassline from hell ensures maximum pleasure! Awesome track!

#03: Frantic Noise – Spine Screwer [145 BPM]
This track was supposedly one of the first recorded for the album, but it sound super fresh… After some initial pounding and twirling melodies, the track really unleashed halfway thru… It’s driving psytrance with an unreal amount of pure acid sprinkled around… Multi-climactic psytrance when it’s best! The intensity level is unsurpassed, the layering is just amazing and I dare anyone ‘not to be’ completely soaked in by this acid-ridden monster of epic proportions… Lovely track!

#04: Frantic Noise & Collapse – Ghost Call [145 BPM]
Again Matías is joined by P. Cufre, and as the title suggests we’re now shifting towards darker, more evil horror trance… But it’s not boring, 165 BPM grindcore psy as some of the Russian labels are spewing out… This is well-crafted, eclectic night time psytrance with such appeal and stamina that I can’t help but be very, very impressed… So hypnotizing, so mesmerizing, yet so subtle… Hell yeah, this rocks!

#05: Frantic Noise – The Glow [146 BPM]
And here’s another piece of hard-hitting, spirit-lifting, soul-cleansing, trip-inducing, well-crafted nocturnal psytrance… This is so unbelievably full-on that it would make half the population of Israeli neo full-on producers run up a tree… Seriously! This is incredibly dense, action-packed, EPO-doped, propane-injected psytrance with not even a hint of cheese… A real party stomper which has undoubtedly caused havoc on the trance floors across the globe this summer… It’s extremely ripe!

#06: Megalopsy – Shit Winds [145 BPM]
“Mission control, this is commander Bubbles…” Next up is a new track from the hands of those who started the Argentinean psytrance revolution: Megalopsy (Matías Benamo & Nicolas Di Bernardo). And this track really goes to show just how talented these guys are – this is extremely versatile psytrance jam-packed with a gazillion funny little quirks, turns, twists, detours, frills and thrills… Kinda like Quasar or a drugged up version of Drumatik… Full-power uplifting psytrance with subtle melodies and all kinds of twisted stuff which will make you dance, laugh and gaze… Sweet!

#07: Frantic Noise & Collapse – Psy Fiction [146 BPM]
The last Collapse collaboration is another action-packed adventure into maximal psytrance… Again the progression level is downright impressive and just how the guys managed to make 146 BPM psytrance sound this funky I will never know… But I do know that this is as groovy as it gets in these altitudes… The acid is unleashed again, but it’s in such a subtle way that it never gets tedious… Pure, unfiltered full-on psytrance with more than just a few surprises in store… Kick-ass!

#08: Frantic Noise – The Boogieman Theme [147 BPM]
This one is more straight-forward night trance… Don’t get me wrong, this is Frantic Noise after all so it’s still highly nurtured epic stuff, but this one didn’t have as much bite as some of the previous tracks did… Some of the passages sound just a little jaded compared to the rest… The funny thing is, that this would be a stand-out track on a compilation… But on this album, the stand-out tracks are rubbing shoulder against shoulder… Still an ace track though!

#09: Frantic Noise & Audiopathik – Lokutus Welcome [148 BPM]
Here’s a guest appearance from Mexico embodied by Gilbert Wendlandt and Alex Urias who’ve had a handful of tracks released on different labels… The track starts out with some really atmospheric instrumentation before the actual thrust begins… And by thrust, I mean serious thrust… As revealed by the BPM count this is the fastest track here and that fact does not go by unnoticed… But unlike other ‘darkpsy’ tracks, this one actually manages to stay interesting for the most part… The beastly, über-hard hitting passages goes down really well and it’s virtually impossible not to be overwhelmed by this… The bassline is a little blunt at times, but only for brief moments and generally this is another sure-fit hit!

#10: Shmaglers – Helioboy [136 BPM]
Shmaglers is Frantic Noise, Collapse, and Pragmatix in cahoots, and by dropping the BPM 12 beats the album takes a surprising turn… It still sounds very fresh though and just goes to show that these guys aren’t confined within a limited BPM range… The next track underlines that even more! The guitar work here is maybe a little over the top and prevents me from grading this as a stand-out, but it’s still an excellent track with plenty of crunch… Tasty!

#11: Frantic Noise & Pragmatix – Done For Good [82 BPM]
On the final track z1P is joined by Pragmatix (Jorge Uema) who’s also a member of Prismatix. As you might’ve guessed, this is experimental downbeat. But don’t think that this is chilled out – it’s very far from it. It still has that darkish touch to it, though this is confined in a more electro/dubby nature… Very unique and it’s fitting for coming down after the intensity of this amazing album.

Holy smirks! This album beats the shit out of both the wonderful Megalopsy album The Abstract Machine and the lovely Amalgama compilation as the best thing ever to surface from the South African side of the Southern Hemisphere… That’s right, this is stellar stuff and there’s nothing even remotely close to a boring, predictable track here… The stand-out tracks are many and even the less good tracks are still pretty damn sweet! I’m very impressed and from where I’m sitting, the future of Argentinean psytrance looks very bright! Keep it up gauchos!

The artwork by Daniel Igarza is eye candy – and the informative booklet is just the icing on the already delicious cake. Another reason why this album rocks! Fans of the first compilation and Megalopsy fans needs to own this, and fans of eclectic, experiemental psytrance should most definitely also look into it... Trust me, it’s worthy of a lot of attention... I’d even go as far as to call it an essential 2006 release... Enjoy!

Favourites: 2(!), 3(!!), 4, 5(!), 6, 7, 9(!)


External links:
Dark Prisma Records:
Saiko Sounds:
Cisco:           On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Oct 15, 2006 19:12
oh yeah me friend, killer reviews (!!) thank you all for your kind feedback! specially the ones by psyreviews and deathposture... brothers, you dont know how much this helps for making more and more music.

btw, you can check out a Frantic Noise Interview made by Mezak from Datuanjie,

enjoy b000m           (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  406
Posted : Oct 24, 2006 01:47
its a good album by Megalopsy one part pr.
Frantic Noise
I like the style and I find this album worth wat I have paid....
so we want now more from mr. Frantic Noise
this album is pretty good..
and I think it`s not bad 2 have high expectations from a killa artist that comes from Megalopsy 
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
Posts :  1766
Posted : Oct 31, 2006 02:59
Terrific album, never had such a good time running on the treadmill like I had today with my Ipod playing this alubm, I was actually floating a little above it!

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Nov 8, 2006 17:02
One more review by our friend a3k * thank you very much brother ;D

The Nordland Orchestra, is the 1st release of Dark Prisma Records, an argentinean label, which the owners are z1p (Matias Benamo) and Filter (Nicolas Dibernardo), a label that their goal is to release “intense and psychedelic sounds for the night”. Frantic Noise is one of the gang of Megalopsy, and this is his debut album, along with some collaborations.

The main idea behind this album is the Nordland Orchestra, which, through the words of it’s creator “is basically a trip through the deep and dark corridors of our minds” represented by the 10 entities of the Orchestra: Skyshack, Spine Screwer, Ghost Call, The Glow, Shit Winds, Psy Fiction, The Boogieman Theme, Lokutus Welcome, Helioboy and Done For Good. This album took about 8 months on the forge to elaborate, and it surprised me, because of its depth…the 1st track is a pretty good example of what to expect of this album. Although it’s only 146 bpm´s the effects on this one give the sensation of a very more fast track…a lot of surprises on this one...a never boring track – and the used sounds are just delicious.

This album is night orientated, with bpm´s ranging from 145 to 147, with two exceptions, one with 82 bpms – kinda like the “outro” track, since we have an intro in this album - and another with 136; wicked melodies, and some reminiscences of goa are present through the entire album. This one is also like a full length album/track, I mean, the tracks continue where the previous one has ended, not even giving you the chance to see/hear that you are already in another track.

Recomendation: My “favourite entities” are nr.2 (!!), 3 - this one with an interesting build up in the middle of the track - 5, nr. 6 with more acid sounds and more trippy, and nr.9 that is a collaboration between z1p and Audiopathik, a mexican project (and crazy one btw), that for somebody that is a conessoir of their sound, they leave their mark on this track – unpredictable brakes, powerful all the way, and has always, the psychedelic doesn’t leave any brain indifferent. To conclude, I feel it is a nice album, good production, interesting ideas, very groovy, and with a little bit of fun – which is the case of the intro. For a dj, that likes to give a little bit of grooveness into his sets, and to keep the crowd always entertained – this is a must have. Also if you search for night music, besides the called dark one, this is the right one for you.

Ladies and Gentleman…fasten your diapers.

Review by : A3K           (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  1406
Posted : Nov 30, 2006 22:48
I believe in this project!!!
Great album!!!
dark summer
Dark Summer

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  183
Posted : Dec 1, 2006 14:41
I got this album last weekend also, and I must say i was more than surprised, one of the best in 2006 absolutely!!! So all the best to everyone involved in this!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  2016
Posted : Dec 2, 2006 00:43
suprised !

what kind of sounds..

perfect album..

favs : 10/10

no bad things in this albumm


AND KEEP DOING THESE SOUNDS !           Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Feb 6, 2010 09:06
we need more music like
02: Frantic Noise vs. Collapse – Skyhack !!!
im surprised how 90% of people wrote its a 'dark' album back in 2006 :S hehe           ------------------------------

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  1406
Posted : Feb 6, 2010 19:47

On 2010-02-06 09:06, insane wrote:
we need more music like

+ 1

one of the best albums that year

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Feb 6, 2010 20:14

On 2010-02-06 09:06, insane wrote:
we need more music like
02: Frantic Noise vs. Collapse – Skyhack !!!
im surprised how 90% of people wrote its a 'dark' album back in 2006 :S hehe

massive thanks brother!! and yes!
there's always new music on its way!

but it is true, I considered it as a 500% dark album back then,
the thing is that now everything is got a little bit darker & more insane x)

all the best

          (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Feb 9, 2010 18:06
waiting waiting waiting for more !

dark or not .. doesnt matter will b pleasant listenin for sure           ------------------------------

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 22:39
One of my fav night fullon / dark / twisted psy albums every track is a story continuing from the tune before.... love it and it is an album that tends to grow on you the more you listen to it

Keep this project alive and keep it going brother

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IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 18:06
Great stuff!
One of the first 'dark' albums I listened to.

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Mar 16, 2010 17:54
thanks for all the nice vibes guys!

its been like 4, perhaps 5 years for some of the tracks from this album!
so it makes me very happy to read that someone is still enjoying it! jejej

stay close for the new productions!

all the best from buenos aires!

          (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra (Dark Prisma Records)
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