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Football World Cup SouthAfrica2010

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 07:35
Germany displayed the best fútbol in the 2010 world cup, despite the goals scored they just kicked ass as a team, it became a pleasure to see them Muller and Ozil.
That fact about multi-racial team with players such as Cacau and Gomez and Ozil and even Klose make it a delicate yet incredible to watch on TV.

Germany will certanly keep it that way and will seriously see them on the euro 2012 when Poland and Ukraine host it.

Nice fútbol, to me the best 5 teams of the whole World Cup are:

1-Germany just because they showed what a team is all about.
2-New Zeland, because of their spirit of we have nothing to loose! which gave their people a smile just as myself.
3-Uruguay, simply beautiful.
4-Slovakia and Vittek remind me a lot Italy 1990 when Cameroon and Roger Milla came out of nowhere to became the underdogs that rocked!
5- Holland, I m impressed how they do it.

(Spain still have to show me some love or something more than luck to praise their game, which I still think could be more explosive and certain if Cesc Fabregas and Torres were in tune.)

Hunter S.T.

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 11:03
Spain is the best, as a team and as quality of the players! it's a copy of Barca, the onces who does not see it don't have much idea about football!

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 11:07
Spain got lucky, that's all. Spain does not play visually attractive football at all, not too much team spirit either, I guess because they aren't all from Catalunia...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 13:06
I can imagine Espania will even win it.And they are not a bad team or sth,the most beleive even they are the best during the last years I just do not think they are so incredibly better than Germany,even that they had luck and won it.
Hooever win ,it is nice the they will win for the first time
I now support Holland a bit more but the better shall win.
Peace psy amigos 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 15:18
I cant believe Germany lost simply because of the way they played against the Argentines. Everything about their game was surreal, shwienstieger has my utmost respect. The Argentines were outplayed in every department. What happened against Spain? Did Mueller's absence actually make so much of a difference? i dont think so. something deeper.

          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 15:50
in any ways, the european football is leading once again           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 22:44
Mind you, the damn Octopus says Spain will win, and so far it has always been right...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2010 06:45
Spain played very well and Germany very bad, but against Holland they will face the masters of tik tak football.

And if everything else fails you can always count on the long shots from Sneijder.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2010 12:20

On 2010-07-10 06:45, Login wrote:
Spain played very well and Germany very bad, but against Holland they will face the masters of tik tak football.

And if everything else fails you can always count on the long shots from Sneijder.

well said..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2010 23:26

beat that, s-americans!
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Jul 11, 2010 00:58
St.Pauli rocks this time nah actually it burnz.This moments are so giant.You find there more freaks more colours and more psy atmosphere than on any psytrance party this time
I love it.

Pandora`s box

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Posts :  49
Posted : Jul 11, 2010 19:45
south america rules, fresh and warm football. Not a very good world cup form brazil and aargentina this time, but we will see you in four years, heehehe

Good fucing match to watch today, raining here , so a big joint will be my perect partner =) 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 12, 2010 00:06
Congrats to Spain but we all have seen it that this whole situation which lead to this goal came from a wrong decission from the referee.
He gave the ball to Spain while it was corner ball for Holland.
This could be the final goal for Holland we do not know.
The whole match was more boxing than football.
Looking forward to the next world cup Was as always a great time here.
The best player today must have been the Spanish trainer


Started Topics :  140
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Posted : Jul 12, 2010 00:35

On 2010-07-12 00:06, TimeTraveller wrote:
Congrats to Spain but we all have seen it that this whole situation which lead to this goal came from a wrong decission from the referee.
He gave the ball to Spain while it was corner ball for Holland.
This could be the final goal for Holland we do not know.
The whole match was more boxing than football.
Looking forward to the next world cup Was as always a great time here.
The best player today must have been the Spanish trainer

Indeed. that was the most boring game of the Cup. and the most boring final ive ever seen. Holland should have won it actually, but lady luck deserted them and not Spain.

But congrats to Spain, because they keep probing till they get one and they have the uncanny sense of getting goals. They simply have to, coz all teams facing them have only one tactic and that is to go defensive, coz matchin their offensive prowess is a big task!!

Now lets see how EURO shapes out in 2 years time!

So bye bye to all from this thread! 

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Posts :  18
Posted : Jul 12, 2010 01:12
I regret that Germany didn't make it to the finals, they've deserved it.
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