Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight
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Posted : Jul 5, 2011 21:00
On 2011-07-05 09:02, lord_bhairava wrote:
but seeing it on the positive side, these trend of techno , progressive, tech house etc, is cleaning the scene of the fakers.
On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
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Posted : Jul 6, 2011 15:16
On 2011-07-05 21:00, Remy [POF] wrote:
On 2011-07-05 09:02, lord_bhairava wrote:
but seeing it on the positive side, these trend of techno , progressive, tech house etc, is cleaning the scene of the fakers.
Well to me you are the biggest faker, Because the one big thing , the one huge mind expanding liberty that every hardcore goa fan back in the day felt and was taught by the scene was to keep your mind open to everything in life and to accept and be tolerant to differences .And you by having such a MILITANT and zero tolerance attitude are contradicting the very essence of the scene that you believe to understand
Who gives a shit about old artists making techno , They are done let it be , there is a wave of fresh young talent coming your way focus on them, .A phrase like " cleaning the scene of fakers" WTF? thats not plur, thats not goa!, The trance scene is for every one that lives, and nerds, punks, headbangers, rappers, Iv seen them all enjoy it like they couldn't in their own scenes, So maybe you should join your local revolutionary guerrilla communist fascist movement and let psy people listen to techno ....ok? can we please? oh and in case you never heard...All good things come to end.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 6, 2011 17:22
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Funniest part is, the so called 'switched' techno producers, never usually hear of them play at any good techno gigs/fests.
Their techno is just being flooded at the psy gigs. Why is that?
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Posted : Jul 10, 2011 02:41
On 2011-07-03 03:16, Beat Agency wrote:
I'll probably get some flaming for writing this. But the reason why so many ex.psytrance producers still release and play their flavored music within this scene is because the majority will never gain the same fame in the way more established and techno scenes. There are simply a much bigger competition and a much longer climb up the ladder than staying in the psytrance scene where they are already known (and get bookings no matter their style of music) - even when the fact is they do not make music related to psychedelic trance any longer.
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Posted : Jul 10, 2011 02:44
or maybe because that's just where they belong
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 10, 2011 06:46
maybe it's ok to like more than one kind of music? i do psytrance, crust punk, hiphop, noise and irish tunes.
is it terrible for them or I to do what music makes us happy?
Doof Local
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Posted : Jul 10, 2011 12:49
On 2011-07-10 06:46, dreadieg wrote:
maybe it's ok to like more than one kind of music? i do psytrance, crust punk, hiphop, noise and irish tunes.
is it terrible for them or I to do what music makes us happy?
What?? Irish tunes? On a psy trance forum? How dare you?
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 03:00
after techno prog minimal this is the next stepppp !
i dont know if it sounds good and bring people happenes why argue about this
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 03:32
better they make techno than a style they dont like much anymore.. lot of artists don t even like psytrance anymore but they get money so they dont stop lol
Therange Freak
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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 12:44
Are to many idea's to think about this, and we can't put the psytrance, techno, house, or what ever, above or bellow. The thing is, in my opinion, the intentions and the search on every single person to listen the music. Why is to many "pop psytrance", """tech house trance clubin dancefloor""", or just, "techno trance"??, where put you this music on the party?
To my, the psychedelic or goa experience is a very deep and existencial one, thats was the reason i love the escene, is just flip me and shot me to a very abstract and emotional wolrd, the techno dont give that experience at that level, even close, (not to my), the two escenes share the device "p.l.u.r" =). The techno to my (most, [nice perfect stranger track there]) is just a repetitive simple sounds whit some style, nice for a mainstream club, some fanzy, girls, you know..
Is more to a simple "punchin party", thats it, i say again, -not every techno-, (most =P).
About the artits who flip to do this techno music, is about every singular dessission,the money meabe has a strong reason to not reinvet his selfs to another vision on the psychedelic music, i dont know. I dont think so the goa, psytrance, minimal... was lost, they were created and has his development to the infinity, meabe know they are hidden for another future years, know people are experiment with the music, thats it. We dont need to many psytrance producers, or techno producers, we need a good ones, Ovnimoon for example is a nice new style of the trance and some goa feelings.
And i dont thing the world is change to the techno music becouse owr hearts, come.... in this case, the world is change in very bad ways, economy, terrosim, etc. So... we need more Armin van buuren mellow tracks??????? better vibrasphere tracks =P
I just say, we need to do a inteligent music, not just for a "party".