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[Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  194
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 04:05
Dam shit! that's totally horrible what's arrived to Daksinamurty, DJ Chucha and other ones!!!!

I really hope they will get out as soon as possible and as safe as possible.

God bless them!

Dark Elf

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Posted : Mar 17, 2007 04:11


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Posts :  21
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 15:03
Hello Traveler around the glob...
I need help... because my buddies DJ Daksinamurti, DJ Chuha & DJ Shivamoon are in jail in India... a lot of you know thise guys.
I have the plan to make a party for the high costs for the parents (caution, flights etc.) because they are never use drugs and can not kill a animal.
A lot of people do that hopfully and spend money for thise guys.
(SPENDBOX for thise guys on partys from other organizers, maybe)
Yesterday we had get a location for the 28. April.
But we do only thise party, when enouth of you say, that they play for free... only travelcost... pleace contact me that I know if is possible to make thise party for the guys... when you like to help and have time on thise date... it´s a location for 800 people... at the moment it is a idea...
hope to get a lot and positiv awnsers...
with nice greetings from Marburg

My E-mail is:

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Posts :  6
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 15:22
too bad, and unfortunately, indian jails are pretty shitty!
the problem is that if they found drugs, they can arrest the whole lot, indian laws are very convenient for cops..
pay them the bail so they are out quickly..
but what about those indian kids who will never be able to pay a bail or a good lawyer!
yeaah, corruption and power is working well in mother india
om mani pedme hung
Hyper Frequencies

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  268
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 16:17
ohhh fuck!!! really bad story!!
really hope they can found a solution....
and a happy end arrived soon!!!

all my support for them....


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  80
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 17:05
Hey Jens, I'd really like to play for these guys!!!!!
Please contact me if the party starts.... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  326
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 20:01
vibes of positive engergy to daksi & chuha

everything WILL turn out good (soonish hopefully)!!!!

so if some support is needed, feel free to pm me!!!           ~~~stay psy ~~~ fly high ~~~

~~~ ~~~

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Posted : Mar 17, 2007 22:17
its unreal... I hope everyone gets out soon and well without having to pay alot of money to cops and judges.
A private party in a private farm should mean exactly that. The cops should be arrested for posing has guests. I hope alot of people from all over the world support these inocent guys with whatever means necessary.
Shame... if you invade a country and kill thousands of people nothing happens, but if you go to a simple party and explore your mind you get arrested for drug abuse.
The world is turning fast to a big dictactorship and we most not allow it.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  14
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 23:01
this is really freaking evil

imagine to be in this position

i hope all get sorted out soon

we crossing fingers and thinking about you guys


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Posts :  32
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 23:36
there will be a party for the two djs in Vienna, Austria... if someone wants to help or play - please contact!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  326
Posted : Mar 17, 2007 23:57

On 2007-03-17 23:36, thefunnyastronaut wrote:
there will be a party for the two djs in Vienna, Austria... if someone wants to help or play - please contact!

well if it was on friday, any time for any support... but saturday's worst date...

btw. why don't you make it on friday?           ~~~stay psy ~~~ fly high ~~~

~~~ ~~~
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  326
Posted : Mar 18, 2007 00:13
friday was a bad idea, sorry, I just saw that there is already a regular party on friday...

          ~~~stay psy ~~~ fly high ~~~

~~~ ~~~

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  36
Posted : Mar 18, 2007 15:39
hello there !!!!!!!
what a sad news, i can understand and feel what happen in this kind of situation, i had my own nightmare two years ago in brazil. So i would like to make something to help them.
I m naya owner of mahogany records and also a part of crying freemen project. Please add me on msn :
and let s talk about what we can do to help this two persons. All artists from mahogany records join me in this things. Just let me know if u need us
i wish them to get back very fast in good health.


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  44
Posted : Mar 18, 2007 16:13
realy sad hope all goes well

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  501
Posted : Mar 18, 2007 17:23
i hope they will get out soon!!!
if somone will need help i ready to....
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - [Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]
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