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[Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]

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Posted : Mar 8, 2007 18:41
Shawnodese , i know axis , he was also locked up for 3 days with them , so nobody is trying to create panick here . do something seriously if u`d like to help those guys , the police are trying to make this a landmark case that kinda sends out a strong signal to everyone in their way .. its national fucking news man .. all news chanells have specials on this scene ..etc.. so yeah .. do something to help those poor guys out , theyr just stuck in quicksand .. my best wishes , i really hope this mess resolves itself soon .


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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 01:21
Its what What I call repression !

India is put the tourists away and the same way go Thailand. Last new year party in Thailand have some happenings too,but not bad like this.

Law can judge people, people can not question law.
We still call this freedom...
is this what I call repression !


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Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 01:36
right.. the situation doesn´t seem so good at the moment, but we try to stir any help we can find into action. but not easy..
we just get little info about their well-being and what really happens there.
tomorrow they´ll see their lawyer and have a hearing . lets hope for the best!
all i can say is that they have nothing to do with this drug thing. i know dj chuha since kindergarden and he is also my dj-team partner, daksi is also a good friend of mine. all they wanted was to have a good time in india and to play some good music for the people..
so if anybody knows what we can do more, let me know!
Delysid / Wicked Wires

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 08:27
so sadd newwss,, we cannot beleive whats happening to this killer persons ,,, sorry about our dear friends daksi and shiv, and also chuha...
hope evereything works well soon...
we send u guys our best vibes, and will think in u evrytime....
we support any solution , whatever they need,, so please lets all unite to take them out..
best vibes an respect !!!  
Moonsun Records

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  1864
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 08:40
its a big shame ,
indian auothorities never respected this music from 93 till today ,they allways so it the hippy way, and chassed it worst than all countries,
i hope the 2 djs get out cose its a big deal for them to get to germany safe,i hope the best for them, and mabe some friends of them can help them there,hopefully,
about trance there,i will never understand why auothorities hate this music so much, mabe its cose it landed in there country 1st who knows.
they should live with it like all others.hopefully 1 day.
so god speed and help the guys get out.
Tim Trip

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Posts :  56
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 10:36
it´s like the governeur of goa said it in the interview in "last hippy standing". India wants tourists who spend money. no backpack- and trance travellers. it seems they want to make the country unattractive for such travellers.
it´s hard to sit at home, unable to do anything to help them.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 11:24
This realy sucks, i had a friend few years ago in same situation. But could we do something in stead of waiting with crossed hands? some action must be taken, you have all the support,           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 14:24
man, this is some sad shit... hope everything and everyone will be fine in the end..
wish them good luck for the hearing at the lawyer...

big up!

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Posts :  21
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 16:48
not the best news but good news... know the 3 guays sitting in a better jale... so they get better food & water and they can speak with her Anwalt...
what they can´t do in the last days. On monday they have the next termin on judge... let us hope the best...

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Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 19:05
hey guys!
on monday we know more about what will happen and what they have to pay to get free.. for sure it will be no little money ( lawyer, bail, flights back to germany). if anyone wants to support the guys and their families by donating some money, please contact me
thanks a lot!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 19:57

On 2007-03-08 08:10, aXis wrote:
hey ppl !

just need u guys to know Daksi and Chuha are in deeper trouble than wat i can read here . They are specifically being booked as dealers when they are clean .

The whole party was a set up . Indian Media is fucking this up maybe if we have international support it will be easier.

There is no way they are gonna let them and Shivamoon out easy.

If anyone can , Pls do something this is a Major Issue.

It will cripple the Psy culture world wide.

As a Sincere request try contacting german embassy or media to help them out.

everything axis said here is 110% true... and plz if possible send in a letter to your embassy or inform their family, so tat help reaches them ASAP.
plz people this is really a Very Very Serious matter

**treat ur mind like a bad neighbourhood - dont go thr alone**

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  15
Posted : Mar 9, 2007 20:08
the embassy and their families are informed, they are in contact with their lawyers also and on monday is the hearing at court.
so on monday we know more..


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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 23:51
See Daksinamurti at:

Send him and his friends some positive energy.

He and Chuha visited me directly before they left from Frankfurt to India.
They were very happy to go to India again, to have a good time - and now this.

Foreigner bring in money in the Indian System and now this!

I wrote to an important friend in India, maybe he can help.

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Posts :  8
Posted : Mar 10, 2007 01:49
Aus akuellen Anlass findet Ihr dort auch ein Preview eines Interviews mit Daksinamurti!

You´ll find there a preview of an interview with Daksinamurti.

Send him your positive energies!


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  168
Posted : Mar 10, 2007 10:37
I can't believe this has happened, a lot of corruption within all these damn governments. Hope it will all be worked out for the best soon, we send all positive energy to Till and Shiv, stay strong guys!           --- "Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that" ---
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - [Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]
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