DETOX's underground movies suggestions
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : May 31, 2010 11:52
Read the news yesterday although i was aware couple of months ago that his health is declining fast.
Great actor indeed,hope he rests in peace.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 20:31
On 2008-05-11 18:41, DETOX wrote:
Title : Find Me Guilty
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Director : Sidney Lumet
Year : 2006
Country : USA
Stereotypes,what a bad word and what a worst meaning,our world today is full of stereotypes and prejudism for people,places,situations and many other things.
I still remember how and when this film reached my hands,it was sitting on the corner of my video club for more than a year,i had noticed it many many times but with Vin Diesel on its cover this film had absolutely no chances for me picking it up,stereotypes and prejudism like i mentioned before.
Then one day the guy who owns the video club asked me "Hey Mike how come you havent seen this one,you like mafia films no?".I said yes but this one has Vin Diesel on its cover so it has to be another american stupidity."No no this one is very good actually" he answered back so there i was with a film i was very reluctant to watch.
Since that day i have watched this film 3 times during the last year and each time i enjoyed it more than the last time.
Sidney Lumet delivers us with an amazing comedy with Vin Diesel giving the best perfomance of his career so far portraying a real life mobster who decides to defend himself on one of the biggest mafia trials ever.
Jackie DiNorscio is a loyal but not so intelligent mafia member who is arrested and sent to prison waiting for his trial which will put him to jail for a long long time.He is then approached by some federal agents and asked to help them in accusing his bosses in exchange for a much lighter sentence for himself.
After Jackie rejects to help the agents in any way they try to make his life in prison as hard as possible plus they include him in the trial of the state against his whole crime familly.
What follows is the most hilarious trial case ever presented in the history of cinema which in fact is a real life case.
The court room gets full with hundrends of mobsters from single soldiers to all of their bosses,Jackie decides to defend himself on his own because "the last time i got a lawyer he emptyied my bank account and send me 5 years to prison" and Peter Dinklage delivers an amazing perfomance as the midget mafia boss lawyer who tries to protect his customers from Jackie's stupid remarks but at the same time he feels sympathy for him.
This is the best comedy i have seen for many many years and stands out among the american idiotic comedies produced every week.The actors are amazing and the script hilarious plus many moral learnings in the end.Vin Diesel deserved an Oscar for his perfomance and this ranks among the very best of mafia movies ever made.
Never judge a book by its cover,this is a must see film.
I just watched "Find me guilty" yesterday and I have to say I was really impressed by Vin Diesel! highly recommended!! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 16:02
Title : 12 Angry Men
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Director : Sidney Lumet
Year : 1957
Country : USA
Young people dont like old cinema,and they dont like cinema that is filmed in black and white. They consider it boring, slow paced and old fashioned. I cant say i blame them, most of the old movies are indeed slow paced and more of a melodrama BUT because there were no super duper special effects and huge budgets back in those days the movies relied on great actors and well written scripts.
12 Angry Men combines both an AMAZING casting (Henry Fonda, Jack Warden, Lee J Cobb and Jack Klugman are recognisable even today from people who are cinema fans) and an intense and suspenseful script in what is considered the greatest court drama ever filmed.
A young poor immigrant is accused of killing his father, the hearing part of the trial is over and the jury enters a room and has to decide on the fate of the young man. The decision has to be unanimous so the man has to be declared either guilty or not guilty from every and each one of the 12 members of the jury.
The facts and the testimonies from the witnesses seem preety straight so most of the juries aggree that the man is guilty and they are asking for a fast vote so that they sentence the young boy and they can go home early.
One of them though (Henry Fonda) with no particular reason claims that someones life depends on their decision so they shouldnt rush with their verdict. All the others mock him and attack him for wasting their time but still they need their vote to reach an unanimous decision.
Then after couple of questions a secret voting takes place and the drama unfolds.........
12 Angry Men is a masterpiece like no other, way ahead of its time and based on a solid cast and master script.
You will find no action scenes, no killings, no explosions and no special effects but you will find yourself frozen on the edge of your seat and you wont be able to take your eyes of the screen, its the power of words and the wonderful acting that will keep you hooked, and make sure you pay attention to every word because in this movie nothing is what it seems to be and every little detail counts.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 14:03
Watched it this Friday on cable.
Sometimes it surprises me!
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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 01:03
I think I saw "12 angry men" 5 or 6 times at least.
I also saw William Friedkin's remake with George C. Scott and Jack Lemmon, which was also great, but the original is original.
So, here's my new suggestion:
Title : Half Nelson
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Director : Ryan Fleck
Year : 2006
Country : USA
This is a movie about a very intelligent, yet highly emotional teacher (Ryan Gosling).
Not being able to cope with the emotions, he deals with it through drugs.
It's hard to give a description of a movie about life, so I'll just recommend it to y'all. Great acting, camera and directing makes this drama one of the best movies I've seen recently |
Solid Snake
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Posted : Sep 12, 2011 23:32
On 2007-11-21 04:20, DETOX wrote:
Title : Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... And Spring.
Original Title : Bom Yeoreum Gaeul Gyeoul Geurigo Bom
Website :
Director : Ki-duk Kim
Year : 2003
Country : South Korea
I just saw this movie due to this recommendation, it put sadness in my heart but also wisdom.
Thanks Detox!
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 13, 2011 05:03
Ah another satisfied customer
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 20, 2011 15:51
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 00:33
Title : Gattaca
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Director : Andrew Niccol
Year : 1997
Country : USA
Its been almost 15 years since Gattaca's release and still people for some unknown reason tend to ignore this masterpiece while everybody knows and has seen films like Inception, The Fifth Element, Minority Report and The Matrix that are more or less inferior in my humble opinion.
In the near future parents can select how their babies can be, they can choose the color of their hair and eyes, how tall they will be and in a few words they have the chance to clinicaly prepare perfect babies with long life spans and high intelligence rates plus to remove all negative characteristics both in their external appearence but also in their behavior like making them no aggressive at all for example or very gentle.
These clinicaly produced babies are considered the elite of the world and are chosen to follow important careers while the rest of the babies born the natural way are considered inferior and are chosen to work on lower level jobs available like street and building cleaners for example or waiters in cheap restaurants.
Elite members of the society are allowed access to places that inferior people cant enter and are treated with big respect by the authorities.
We are shown a family with two children,one born the natural way and one the clinical way. The natural child is expected to die before the age of 30 and because its family treats it with disrespect towards its dream (to become an astronaut more or less) he decides to leave them and follow his own path.
After many years we are being shown the natural child somehow to work for the biggest aerospace company in the world and entering places where no inferior people can enter. But how is that possible for an inferior person to be part of such a big company without the right DNA in its body?
One of the directors of the company is murdered,the police is trying to find a suspect and a motive and the story unfolds......
Ethan Hawke is majestic in the leading role while Uma Therman is more beautiful than ever, last but not least Jude Law delivers a great perfomance in a mysterious and dramatic role.
The script is original and twisted in the full meaning of the words, the direction just great, the soundtrack by Michael Nyman magical as usual, strong perfomances by the leading actors and superb cinematography.
How did this masterpiece flopped in the box office and why the future generations never discovered it will remain one of the great mysteries of cinema.
This is seriously a must watch.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Nov 5, 2011 13:34
Title : Kontroll
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Director : Nimrod Antal
Year : 2003
Country : Hungary
A Hungarian MASTERPIECE that includes train ticket inspectors , undercover police officers, a clumpsy train driver and his daughter who dresses like a teddy bear, a prankster, hooligans, junkies and alcoholics, a pimp and his prostitutes, a crippled nicknamed crippled who doesnt know why they gave him this nickname, beautiful girls being harrased, angry husbands, a psychiatrist, a cursing gypsy and ofcourse a barking dog all interacting with each other in Budapest's underground metro.
Oh did i mentioned a possible serial killer and one of the best and most original soundtracks ever featured in a movie?
Trying to explain Kontroll is pointless, just do yourself a favour and see this MUST SEE treasure of international cinema.
A trully underated film, a collectors item in my humble opinion.
Waiting for your feedback on this one.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
Solid Snake
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Posted : Nov 7, 2011 17:42
Got Gattaca today, if I have a longer break in studies I will watch it today
Solid Snake
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Posted : Nov 7, 2011 17:55
Realized I have already seen it, but will re-watch it
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Nov 7, 2011 19:02
Its an amazing film will worth your time for sure
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
Solid Snake
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Posted : Nov 8, 2011 17:30
Wanted to ask what people thought of "The Fountain" I was recommended to see it but haven't gotten around to it.
+ I'm a huge huge fan of Aronofsky
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Nov 8, 2011 19:41
Very average movie if you ask me and doesnt make much sense also.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |