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DETOX's underground movies suggestions

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2008 08:35
Title : Le Grand Bleu

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Director : Luc Besson

Year : 1988

Country : France

Every year for the last decade on my birthday (June 2) i close myself into my room and watch the movie that changed my life,my very favorite movie of all i dare to say,Le Grand Bleu by Luc Besson.

Yesterday was no exception.

Le Grand Bleu is not a usual movie,sometimes a comedy,sometimes a drama,a romantic love story,a tale of competition,a man's lonely journey,a hymn to the nature,an unforgetable audiovisual experience,a hypnotic masterpiece.

Filmed in various STUNNING locations including the Greek islands,Sicily,Corsica,The French Maritime Alpes and Riviera,Peru,New York City and the Virgin Islands this is the story of two childhood friends and rivals the mysterious,shy and quiet french Jacques Mayol (played by Jean Marc Barr) and the noisy,arrogant but funny italian Enzo Molinari (portayed by the great Jean Reno) who compete with each other for the world title in the extreme sport of free diving.

Their relationship is a very strange one due to their tottally different characters and it gets even stranger when the beautiful Johana (played by the lovely Rosanna Arquette) gets into their life and falls in love with Jacques.

Jacques lives a lonely life and is in total love with the sea and dolphins (he claims them as their familly and even has photos of them in his wallet),he is so much in love with the sea that outside it he feels like a fish out of water.He doesnt communicate well with people (he doesnt know how to ask questions as he says in the film) and his love for the water is bigger than his love for Johana creating various complications in their relationship.

Enzo on the other side is preety social and a woman hunter but always afraid of his mama that keeps an eye over him all the time (the spaghetti scenes are both hilarious),he is dedicated in free diving and is not afraid to break all rules in order to beat his opponent and retain his world champion title.

The cinematography is simply AMAZING both on the surface and underwater,the music score by Eric Serra is one of the best soundtracks ever produced and one of the few i bought in original after a long search,the acting is great especially by Jean Renno who was born for this role as Enzo,the plot is easy to follow and full of funny incidents and characters (Enzo's Mama is a cult italian mother figure and the same goes for his younger brother Roberto,the Japanese diver and his crew,the San Domenico hotel manager,the grandmother in the Taormina city when they transfer the dolphin,the diving judges and more) and ofcourse the ending is just great full of hidden meanings and secrets.

This is not just a movie but a life and spiritual experience,after watching it you will feel calm,relaxed,peaceful and will understand the world differently than you did before.The ambience and the tranquility of this film will pass into you and nothing will be the same ever again.

A real cult masterpiece with many dedicated followers around the world and especially in Europe where it was a huge hit (didnt do well at all in USA,no wonder why to be honest).Its named the film of a generation in France where it sold more than ten million tickets when played in cinemas for more than a year.

No matter which edition you choose (so far i got four editions the original theatrical edition,its extended version,the american edition with the soundtrack by Bill Conti which is nice but not as good as Eric Serra's masterpiece and last but not least the french version longue edition which is little different than the extended version and is my personal favorite) this is a film that will not only entertain you but will give you a different view on the world and your life.

A magical journey indeed,a true cinema classic.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  70
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Posted : Jun 3, 2008 22:37
happy birthday man!
seems really interesting,i will search for it cause i also miss the sea here in berlin..
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2008 10:05
Detox, I had no idea that le grand bleu 4 different versions!! the first time I wantched this movie at school I was only 12 , I remember my teacher crying her eyes out. I have watched this movie through various stages of my life and it'sjust amazing how everytime it opens my heart to a new feeling or a new scenery. Not to mention my big crash on Jacques Mayol (JM Barr)

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Posted : Jun 4, 2008 14:11

On 2008-06-03 22:37, diskOtek wrote:
happy birthday man!
seems really interesting,i will search for it cause i also miss the sea here in berlin..

Happy LATE birthday Detox!!
Sry, couldn't enter forum the last 2 days. Just got a new job!

I'll check it out later also.
I watched Luc Besson's Angel-A. Its kind of sweet, depending on how you look at it.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 11:46
Thanks all for the wishes

Angel-A is just an ok movie i guess Peyote,damn that angel is HOT huh?

Run Lola seems we got similar taste in movies,when i visit Germany in the future we should go to the cinema or something hehe.Seriously now like you said Le Grand Bleu is a different experience every time you see it and every time is better than the last one,amazing film thats why i consider it my all time favorite,oh and i got to admit i just loved Arquette she is just so beautiful and innocence in this movie.By the way this summer i am planning to visit Amorgos island in Greece which is the greek island where many scenes of the movie took place,amazing place it seems plus there is a bar named Le Grand Bleu that plays the movie all day long heh.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 12:30
Title : In The Name Of The Father

Website :

Director : Jim Sheridan

Year : 1993

Country : Ireland

I am a big fan of both Daniel Day Lewis exquisite acting and the magical direction of Jim Sheridan and i guess this is the movie that started it all for me and made me love UK cinema in general.Unfortunately or not they both are very selective on what they do so i dont have many chances of enjoying their work.

In The Name Of The Father is the autobiographical movie of Gerry Conlon and his familly that were wrongly accused and imprisoned by the British authorities and stayed in jail for 15 years because they were considered as terrorist members of the IRA and responsible for the bombing of a pub that killed many people.

The story begins from the neighborhoods of Belfast and shows the journey of Gerry Conlon to London and how out of nowhere he was imprisoned for a crime he didnt commit and how the madness of the authorities involved all of his familly (including young kids and 70 year old women) in a case that shocked the world.

You will see everything here from Gerry's familly backround,to the hippy life in UK back in those days,the bombings,the police tortures,the court case,the prison life,the efforts to clean his and his father's name (who died in prison) and finally salvation.

A majestic movie that was nominated for 7 Oscars but never became really famous outside UK despite the amazing perfomances by both Daniel Day Lewis and Pete Postlethwaite not to mention the great soundtrack by U2 and other great artists.

A punch in the stomach and a hell of a movie.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 14:04
Daniel Day-Lewis is rocks!!!

Have you ever seen "My Left Foot"?
Brilliant also!!

Btw: Yeap... she is hot indeed!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 16:05
Peyote you shouldnt even ask me that question LOL           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 16:25
To be honest, I was on my way to edit my question! LOL

Editing: Detox, how good did you think "My Left Foot" was???
And do you also agree that Day-Lewis was better in "There Will Be Blood"?

Sry for the dull question!

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2008 18:16

My Left Foot is a great movie but i cant compare it with There Will Be Blood since i havent seen it yet.

I am a home dvd fan you see and i dont go to the cinema apart on very very special occasions once every two years like i did with Oldboy for example.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 00:08
So that means you also didn't see "No Country For Old Men".

I'd like your opinnion on that one, since I thought "Fargo" was way better.
Some people almost killed me for saying that.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 00:27
Nope No Country For Old Men for me yet too.Seen Fargo though and i must admit that although it is a nice movie i cant understand why its considered an American classic,got to see it once more though i guess.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 15:27 is my opinion about fargo(though nobody asked for it )
i wanted it a little bit "heavier" since it was based on a real story,a tragic story!fargo was a "kind of sad commedy" in many i wanted it a litle bit more serius..           Signature:

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 20:41
Tottally aggree with Xrust on Fargo.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Jun 7, 2008 00:16
Then I suggest you watch it again...

I love that kind of humor!
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