Deja vu Fabrique - 2006
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 14:52
Track List:
1. Top label secret
2. Vocal room
3. Yacht party
4. Sadhana
5. Mosgorvset
6. Drops machines
7. Scarry boules
8. Solaris
9. Crazy diamond
Vertigo Records and Deja Vu Records were united to release a unique creation of Parasense.
Two friendly labels Vertigo Rerords and Deja Vu Records were united to release unique creation of Viktor Zolotarenko aka Zolod, Parasense, Burned Processor, Terminator, Freaking, Big Noise.
This is his last posthumous album. Literally, it's a music masterpiece, which could forever remain in private collections of Zolod's closer friends. But only due to their effort, we have now a real possibility to dip into the world of inner melodies and soul tones filled each track with vibration of eternal life.
Review :
1.Top Label Secret
And the journey begins. Melodic dark is something which is so hard to come by and most of the releases in the recent past have the bassline overpowering/doing most most of the talking. Top label secret has a subtle meloncholic touch to it and the bassline sits comfortably behind the sweet acidic theme everything initially depends on acid The entire effect is surreal and harmonically in perfect unision with the rest of the elements. Couldnt have asked for a better track to start things off .. Im already beginning to feel im in for one heck of a sweet trip.
2.Vocal Room
"Let the beat play along ..Let the beat play along.." A nice flute sample , some modulated voices and not too long before a whirlwind of an atmosphere that is soaked in flute and Fx's takes centerstage . Just sit back and absorb the rapture this piece takes you in the latter half . And the best part is the bassline is almost unnoticible .. only discernible in a way that pushes the content only further leaving not too much to imagination. Remarkable !! Only the genious of Zolod could come up with something like this !! Respect.
3.Yacht Party
AAAAhhh .. that hypnotic rollicking base is back!! Play this loudddddd!! ..very casually the squelching and the squishies come forth.. this is phhhatttyyy groovey murky disturbing engaging whatever you wish to call it , im slightly bereft of words myself here. A little melody calls a break and I cant wait for what lies next !! Boy someone splash water on my face is this for real ??? This is sure to rock your boat , wherever this party might be and watch out for the water , it has magiKal powers. Pounding is not a word after you are through. Incredbileby psychodelicious.
The saga moves ahead with 'Sadhna' .A Sadhana is a ritualistic meditation practice from Hindu and Buddhist spiritual traditions which is followed in order to achieve a form of spiritual purification or enlightenment.The bassline is noteworthy as well the effects which enhance the surreality of the entire thing. The work with the synths is marvellous .. is this deja vu ?? Have i heard somethinglike this before ?? Maybe not. But it sure gives me that feeling. The little sweet somethings that zolod has to offer do not come and go but remain overall associated with what he puts forward. Call it mystical or something that strikes an immediate chord , the melodies zolod incorporates are done with a difference.
A russian sample perhaps. This is slightly slower in its approach initially and chuggs along at an admirable pace. The base spreads nicely over a croaking frog like sound .. then a ripping of sorts , a synthetic tear , a push and a tug and im immersed in something , its slowly making its presence felt .. is a monster being unleashed .. what is it ????? Dazzling now , can it be more coherent , I want to know the true nature of this being!! Something lurks , a stroy perhaps ?? He's building a monster!! There's something orgasmatic about this ... someone playing with a few keys to give this inordinate prowess. Spellbinding.. surely a track to tear it up in the morning.
6.Drops Mashines
Great Basssss once again. Monster after monster ?? This one has much more expression , much more force ... wow goosebumps !! A sure sign this has me by the balls !! Like with music that has this quality its almost bursting out of the speakers. Have i creamed my pants already ?? Another slap some water in my face is this ... Foookin a!! Want to candy flip ?? .. Whats that sample?? Deja vu once again ??
7.Scary Boubles
Scary boubles eh ? Bouble in a bouble is still a bouble or does it lose its shape ?... Whats this bouble forming in my ear .. and its growing in size as I speak .. big enuf to engulf anything outside .. and what happens once you're in .. its hard to get out!! And you know why ? Because you're in!! hehe . Let the insides scare you , bind you , excite you, enthrawl you ; but mind you its only an illusion so dont get too scared , the boogieman's not going to come either !! You know why ? Coz he's scared too ... hahahha .. Sweet rhytm divine .. lost in the music ,,, your heart will be mine .. not enrique iglesias you fool ,, the bubble ... hahahahahaha .. Live it feel it; embrace the the bouble!!!!!!! And you think this is the end .. hahah .. it goes on and on but at the end there's a sweet little candy waiting for ya!
Rip roaring solaris enters with a sonic bang! A cacophonic blast from the past !! or back to future ? you choose , coz this is relentless in its pusuit , Banging its way through a horde of befuddling screwy melodies , the fx's give vent to their feeling and there's a dawn .. a crackle of an egg; the yolk so nice and bright , whats really charming is the smooth transition of things .. from a maze in the dark to a crytal clear sunrise. the choice of effects is mind boggling engaging the listener and moving him to a higher level.. the musical content is above the production. Which is good !!
9.Crazy Diamond
Finally to wrap things up , Shine on you you crazy diamond !! Zolod pays tribute to the people who brought the concept of 'psychedelic' first with them. The original dedicated to syd barrett , this one was probably dedicated to 'pink floyd' as well but see the irony of the entire thing ? Its as if he was writing a tribute to both himself and floyd and if this wasnt intended it sure reminds of us of the genious , the master craftsman , the story teller , the one and only Zolod. And its nothing short of a true psychedelic anthem. Hats of to you baba.
Closing comment :
How do I sum this up ? Its a journey that lasts a 1000 words but this review still doesnt do justice to this beautiful piece of skill, talent, love, soulfulness and completely exuberant and exquisite in its entirety. Zolod we miss you !!
Favourites 1!,2!!,3,5,6,7!!,9!!
  missing plug-in |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 15:08
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 16:11
Indeed, this is great stuff. Pity he's gone because one wonders what miracles this guy could've worked up after his initial releases. Anyway, a solid album, and the way this is more to the melodic side is a nice change. Great stuff, especially on track 1 and 7 for me, which are just superb. Lately I find the only artist in dark psy which comes even remotely close to Zolod's unique style is CPC with his new album and ofcourse in the style Psykovsky can't go unmentioned either. But anyway, for a 'last' album this is superb stuff. I suggest you get it now.
  "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."
[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum] |
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 22:38
Big respect 2 Vertigo and Dejavu
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 08:56
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 10:16
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 16:10
this is awesome material, i really enjoyed listening to the all album - i think it has a natural flow from begining to the end.
track n.º 9 is a master piece
it is really really sad, that this huge talented person has abandoned this world: shine crazy diamond!
i advice to everyone listen to this albom - you won´t regret
  ... |
Dark Elf
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 16:38
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:31
Yeah first off i should congratulate exotic for a killer review
Now the album is one of the best this year its a wonderful tale of timeless morning music as if a ray of light in the darkness.
My favourite on this compilation is "sadhana" and "top label secret" its just makes me so emotional man.
Awesome work by vertigo and deja-vu to bring the last tunes of the great Terminator.
bom bom
  “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 20:06
Great review exotic... This album is something else. Beautiful sounds over simply powerful wonderful basslines. A real tearjerker! Crazy Diamond ... cant get enough of the track. I'm coming close to hearing it as many times as the original. Real Deja Vu there!
Thank you Zolod!
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 15:21
bang on brother .... thanks for such a nice review
this whole is fo sure a musical masterpiece.
Kudos to both labels for bringing this to our world
RIP Zolod
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 9, 2006 03:37
Hehehe, upon listening to my old Parasense album I noticed the track Label System. Top Label Secret is like a more melodic version of that song. Great stuff Anyway, each listen to this album reveals more and more subtleties, this is a keeper for sure It also works its wonders better when played LOUD, or on headphones
Also, the sample on track 2 is: let the beat control your body, an old sample from a house song of yesteryear.
  "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."
[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum] |
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Posted : Dec 10, 2006 19:55
This is wat psychedelic trance is.
May your soul rest in peace. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 13, 2006 04:02
Great album. Some of the finest dark music which for a change does not bore me or give me a headache. Great melodies all over. Yup, this is definetly some kickass psychedelic trance.
  `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot |
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Posted : Dec 13, 2006 18:25
ciò è la musica che pshychedelic melodic di mattina migliore mi sia sentito mai lavorare ora dentro alla mia vita!
Sono così tanto impresed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great one!!!!!!!!!!!!! |