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Buy Original CD's (Please)

Insane Behavior
Insane Behavior

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 14:17

On 2004-07-17 23:47, Pavel wrote:
You like the album/compilation you downloaded/burnt from friend?
Buy it.
Buy 1 cd a month.
1 cd a year.
But buy it.
Don't make a habbit of getting things that you love for free. Make the artists that made you happy a gesture by buying their albums in the legitimate way.
Support the scene.

= Words to live by!!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 14:28
yes....wise´s not 4 buyng one cd people will die....or loose money....
me thinks in thix...           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 16:02
for all the labels and those crapy full on artists who sell their cd for 70-100 nis (and i have seen LOTS of such cd's)
take example from blt
i don't need to describe here how great and original his disc is, but it costs only 50 nis in israel!

(4.5nis = $1)           u can find "Anything U Want" using the search...

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 16:12
When they are worth my hard earned money i'll buy them for sure. Until there i'll stick to my dear progessive vinyls. At least I find original ideas from top producers... Of course this way they can't release an album every 6 months, but what the hell...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 16:30
I save money up for some time, like 3 months or so, and then I mostly buy 16 or so cd's in one time!! I've got more than 140 psytrance cd's already (all bought legally via psyshop) and I really intend to keep doing that!

You should too, support your scene. The online shops deliver the soundbytes, so listen thoroughly before you buy anything, and you won't be dissappointed either.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Lucas Aly
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 20:07

On 2004-07-17 23:47, Pavel wrote:
You like the album/compilation you downloaded/burnt from friend?
Buy it.
Buy 1 cd a month.
1 cd a year.
But buy it.
Don't make a habbit of getting things that you love for free. Make the artists that made you happy a gesture by buying their albums in the legitimate way.
Support the scene.

The idea all ppl should follow. I can't buy CD's all weeks but i'm always saving money to buy 1 or 2 of my Cd's. This way on the end of the year i got plenty of Original CD's, and trust me, you'll feel much better buying the Original ones.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for psytrance.

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 20:16
Thanx for the support people.
I really believe 100% in what i wrote.
Hope most of you as well.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 00:36
Imo: blaming about CD-copying, mp3s etc, it's like spreading the tears on your face about your lost childhood. Let's face the reality - and in the reality there are too many albums and comps (the technology becomes more and more affordable) with usually some 1 or 2 or 3 tracks which I like on it (the exceptions just confirm the rule). And I don't want to pay 15 euros for 2 tracks. In these conditions (of tons of new music) I find mp3s exceptionally comfy for knowing what is my cup of acid. So the blaming is not a good idea - it wouldn't change the reality, anyway. The times changed, and we should face the future creatively.

I think that all the labels should go online right now - why not, with all that broadband connections nowadays, I'd prefer to buy 1 track online for 2 euros - but it'd fit my taste perfectly. If we introduce some loseless format, Monkey Audio (f.e.), it'd be some 50 Mb a track. And with the new terabyte hdds, the djs will use them w/ the laptops - as it much more comfy that the discs without a doubt, you can have all your music collection in your pocket. I'll miss the album covers a bit, but the albums will return in some 5-7 years w/ the widespreading of SACD (if the rate of growth of the bandwidth wouldn't be that great, of course =) ).

So: the online is the future.

(sorry if my ideas are not that original here, I've just joined the forum =) )


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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 01:24
I'm going to buy infected mushroom album in september...
also... i'm buying all the albums of the artist I respect!

I wont lie... I have million tracks and ablums and so on...
and thats not right I know...

Support The artist you like!
it's will make you and them (the artist) feel better!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 12:21

fire_dance has a very valid point.......there are so many comps and albums which have like 1-2 or max 3 good tracks which people including myself wnat to lay their hand what do we do?????........the solution right now is to download.......the future solution is all record labels have online stores where one can buy tracks which they like and chuck the others......but yeah quality is a must........peace........

btw iam not justifying music piracy i believe artists should get paid they work really hard for it......

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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 14:15
I buy 2 cds a month from smaller acts(the music that isn't played at parties that much),
I copy 2 cds a month from big acts who live from making there music(the music that is played at parties a lot).
But I should change priorities and buy it all,
and I'm working on it.

It took me 20 minutes to come up with this signature.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 17:21
fire_dance, i totally agree on what you said about online music trade and being able to buy only the tracks you like, not the shitty ones that are on a compilation just because of unprofessional labels which promise their friends to release their music...
on the other hand, i´d go even further and say that today we have the technology to promote underground music without any structure via the internet or just selling unreleased stuff on parties...
no label needed. and even less important are the distributions...
i say that real psychedelic music has nothing to do with business and thatas the reason why i studied till now to be able to be independent and do whatever the fuck i want not having to do what people want. fuck you commercial suckers. keep it underground. music is free. we underground artists can earn little pocket money djing or doing lives in underground parties.


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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 21:45
How would you know which tracks you like, without actually listening to them? Samples are rarely enough for me, and sometimes it takes at least 3-4 listens before an album opens up (Atmos for instance).

And don’t forget that some albums and compilations (unfortunately too few in this scene though) are made with a concept or a story in mind, and I guess some artists and labels would be disappointed if people only bought the “killers” on their releases. Ultimately I would guess the result would be more artists relying on some hit-formula, and less on a bigger concept or idea. But that’s just speculations of course

On topic:

I think I do my share to keep the artists alive, buying 6-10 CD’s each month. Although you’re intentions are good, I don’t think this topic changes anything – we’ve seen all these “buy more cd’s” “mp3s are bad” etc. topics before.           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2004 23:09
trance moves too fast for me. I don't buy much anymore. Those dance floor killers are old news in 4 months. I do love trance, and would be willing to d/l it for 50-75 cents a track or around $7 per album. The $1 per download (as much or more than a real cd) doesn't entice me. i'd rather just buy the cd for the same price, or d/l it for free.

I do play ambient music, so I do buy 3 to 4 chill cds a month. They are much more timeless. I still listen to ambient cd's I bought 10 years ago. So I buy cds and trade cd-r copies in equal amounts, and this works for my conscence and cd collection too. buy the best new stuff and trade it for older stuff that i miseed out on years ago.

'net mp3 rarely sounds good enough for me - for that Shpongle, ott, shulman, Hi-Fi acid perfecto sound i'm after....

i buy CDs because this music is the joy of my life, and it's possible for me to buy some - and i do it gratefully.. My mother always told me to "give graciously to where you're spiritually fed" - and trance and ambient has spiritually fed me a whole lot.

I disagree that the labels are obsolete. I buy CDs to support the artists, and also LABELS and SHOPS just as much! These are all really nice people trying to live a psychedelic life and illuminate others. I believe that the LABELS do help the artists with sound, gear, support, mentoring, mastering and do the quality control. The shops are a hub for the scene and let us hear the music samples, promote parties, lifestyle, gear.

I'm proud to move some money bits around - to keep this system..which has brought me so much joy and magic...alive, flowing and expanding...

I always thought that that the lifestyle goal of the psy-trance scene was to figure out how to live creatively and free - and still be able to buy silicon chips, audio gear, exotic molecules, airline tickets, cds and all the necessary accessories. if you're too "broke" to contribute some to the scene that you live for, than you need to get "fixed" and work harder and smarter !


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Posted : Jul 22, 2004 02:25
>>How would you know which tracks you like, without actually listening to them?

Not a problem, realaudio streams or demo-mp3s with some funny "demo" samples entered 2-3 times in a track with some flanger or chorus or smth =) And it'd be impossible to cut them out without destroying that track.

Today, I'm ready to buy ambums for about $8-10, this price seems reasonable to me (maybe up to 10, sometimes). Ok, 1 track for $2 (let's say) and a concept ambum with a discount for $10 - good deal, and the costs of online trading are much less than the offline distribution costs. So it's a good deal for all: artists, labels (maintaining these websites)and buyers, who want to support the scene but still need to feed their families

And this system is incredibly useful for not to be drown in tons of all these VAs, still.
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