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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 09:10
is eating ur own scat, shit poop or whaterever u call ur excreta...considered vegetarian?
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 14:44
Kaz we get your point, you dont care etc. and I respect it. This topic is info about vegetarianism and discussion about some aspects of it. If this general discussion offends you, the solution is easy: not to look at this thread. If you by own will open this thread and read the info and discussions and think people are trying to force something upon you, you have some inner issues man
so why dont you understand how you yourself is being a wanker and not get all uppity when there is no reason to. peace
`Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 2, 2010 21:02
I wish to be vegetarian, but I don't eat like too much, just I like good quality one, more organic and with free range animals
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 11:01
tastes just too fucking nice to leave out of my diet completely , tandoori , woooo
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 01:57
What we are seeing is a fast mass extinction of all species on our planet made by ourselfs .We are seeing nature getting destroyed,the air being polluted and the oceans dying.We are seeing an huge amount of animals locked inside into small boxes experiencing fear and suffering in it`s most disgusting and intense form.The tree`s are being cut down and the forest gets smaller and smaller. It is getting worse every single minute.
We are treating our family members(animals) extremely bad and the same way we treat our mother (nature).I use the word family since all life is kin.
Our species behavior is the root to the problems and the destruction of nature and all different forms av life,BUT it is not our species in itself it is how we think that is the problem. So if we change our way of thinking and behaving we can solve this.What we do is the fruit of how we think.
Think of our planet as a body,then it has alot of different cells and organs.Think of ourselfs and all the animals and plants etc as cells. What a cell does is to keep the body healthy and good and it interacts with others parts of the body in a good way for the body. What is a cell called that only thinks about it self and dont care about the body ? It`s called cancer.
People have to stop being obessed about their ego and start to feel the connection with nature and listen to their heart.
So we the people who starts to see the real objective truth about what is going on are the healthy cells of the body,we want our species to be compatible with nature. We want to decrease the suffering and rebuild what has been destroyed and stop further destruction of our home and the suffering of all of it`s inhabitants.We want to have a balance that is working now and for the future.
The cure of the cancer behavior is to change our way to think.As said it is not our species in itself it is how it at the moment works and thinks.When one looks at history we see that we always have been thinking in different ways about things and that they always change. We have to speed up the next step in the evolution of the global mind as fast as possible.
I myself decided to be a vegeterian a while ago,there are many reasons to it. The main reason is that after i had been watching and reading about the meatindustry i was chocked,i did not think it was this bad. The things i saw made my so sad and angry that there is no words for it.I was totally unbalanced and felt very bad. I could not continue to eat this meat that came from beings that all their life had been bathing in pain,fear and all sorts of external and internal sufferings.
Animals experience emotions just like we do,they react the same to fear ,pain etc.The emotions are like a language in which all species can speak with each other regardlessly of how their own species communicates with each other. We have to think about how we ourselfs feel when we feel body pain,and strong mental fear etc. Think of a time when you did have really much body pain or was really scared or felt really bad,that is what the animals feels in the meat industry but much much stronger and all of the time. The things we fear the most and try to avoid the most we give to others.
I know that people through the history has been eating meat and that many animals eat each other,so in that way one could say it`s natural to eat meat.When an animal hunts another animal the suffering and pain is very short. In the meat industry the animals are born into pain,suffering and misery 24/7 and they will experience that through their whole life.That is not natural,that is unnatural and disgusting and creates suffering beyond our imagination.
If one chooses to eat meat i think one at least should buy meat that has been living in an ecological environment or buy meat that have been living as free and natural and without as much suffering as possible.
And also,the whole meat eating thing, some say because we always had been doing that it is natural.Well, everything changes,what used to be natural is not natural when one begins to transform and change. Think of a kid wearing a diper ,it is natural for him but when he/she get`s old it is not natural anymore.My point is that everything changes and there is no need to be locked by earlier behavior.
Another reason for being a vegetarian is also that a whole new world of taste and colours has been created on my dinner plate. It feels like i have discovered a new universe of nutrition.I use new varietys,new flavors and new ingredients all the time. There is so much you can do,and it is also really fun to combine and mix different ingredients and spices.
I thought that it might be hard to stop eating meat but it was the opposite.It felt like stop eating bananas or some special kind of soup,or stop using some spice you never use.It was like nothing. I dont miss anything , i just feel that this is right and it makes me feel good. I feel much better since i started being a vegetarian and i only wonder why i did not start earlier.
Some people are saying that even if one does not eat meat one often uses products that are from the same industry.But somewhere one has to put the line,and for me puting the line is to not eat meat and if i ever would eat a piece of meat again in the future i would make sure it had been living wild or was living in a strictly ecological environment.
I dont find meat to taste good any longer and when i think of the life that all the meat that others eat have gone through in the meat industry it makes me very sad.
Think of all the nutritions you need as colours.Say for an example protein is blue,carbohydrates is red and fat is yellow.Than all i need is to get those colours to survive. If i get the colour blue from other nutritions then meat then there is no need for me to eat meat.Then i also feel that i am not a part of the disgusting process of animal suffering and i does not make it continue to go around.
Watch reality
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 02:01
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 04:47
@Fometrius ... very true....
but majority people even now don wanna change their ways... sad they don even wanna make an effort...
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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 18:18
I was always interested WHAT is the main point of vegetarians/vegans.
Personally i like good quality meal, i like (some) meat as well as good juicy vegetables. But i can't imagine eating just vegetables. It's too hard for my mind Medulla Oblongata & Xibalba Festival Crew
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 21:49
On 2010-01-29 18:18, ~:MuZiK wrote:
I was always interested WHAT is the main point of vegetarians/vegans.
On 2010-01-29 18:12, ~:MuZiK wrote:
I don't like ignorance arrghhhh it makes me mad. This kind of people make me sick.
Just sayin'...
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 30, 2010 14:20
the taste of an aborted fetus is amazing with a little sprinkle of lemon juice and hot pepper sauce it tastes just like an oyester mmmm
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 30, 2010 20:18
On 2010-01-29 21:49, Axis Mundi wrote:
Just sayin'...
What's the point?
I wrote i am quite much interested WHAT is the concrete point of vegetarians... As i am not, i like meat, it tastes good for me. I can't imagine how can i not eating it. It delivers many important nutrition elements.
I know meat industry isn't saint, but i don't think it can be changed just like that.
Also the main point IS, i just like the taste of good prepared meat. Medulla Oblongata & Xibalba Festival Crew
Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 10:53
On 2010-01-30 20:18, ~:MuZiK wrote:
I can't imagine how can i not eating it. It delivers many important nutrition elements.
On 2009-12-28 19:05, Allegoric - Psynce wrote:
sometimes i just cant stop laughing in my mind thinking about those people who say that meat has so much nutrition value which is highly required and lots of proteins... etc etc...
now i ask u non-vegetarians if it's a (barking/chirping/growling),walking,hearing/breathing/eating/living animal then why wouldn't it have the same nutritions in its body as well ?
i mean its necessary for its body also to have those nutritional value at the first place to survive for any animal...
even your body has it so cut your hand and feed your family members who need really high protein..... coz really it has true nutrition value as well even much more than any other meat... coz you eat healthy and sensibly so your meat would be like perfect for any unhealthy person to increase his mineral value...
so my point is that it's not that people kill animals for their vitamins and minerals but they just found another use of animals which can be found for human flesh also as i described above
just like marijuana can be smoked also and can be used in medicines as well..
people have just found new uses of animals too...
have nothing more to add
Truth will always guard our souls......