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And this is what became of it !


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 10:46:29
Sounds like a Hollywood trailer to me...

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 11:53
hehe funny voice           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 14:00
Why o why?

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 14:25
More like an ID&T event to me LOL           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 18:48
Once upon a time,not so long ago VooV/VuuV organizers had enough confidence as to keep the line-up secret and simply rely on their reputation, but these times came to an abrupt end. Now they have to come up with silly and crappily produced and voiced trailers. Antaro must have face palmed himself. I hope he did anyway. Imho the whole deal has been going downhill for years now, I spoke about it in the other thread.

Why o why this trailer? Let me give it my best shot to explain. Music wise, in my eyes, VuuV has been shifty for many years now. Always the same acts - whenever I went to VuuV and looked at the line up betwwen 1998-2009 I was dissapointed. Oh Space Tribe and Electric Universe again.Suprise. Nothing to do with taste, I like those artists, but always the same +/- a few artists.
Most "real" psylovers who go for festivals because of the music soon realized that there where greener pastures elsewhere. Economically, VuuV was being "bullied and "encroached" by emmerging competing festivals, timing often conflicted with Boom and other major events.
Over the years the crowd has become less and less psycheleclic, its too much show and too little psy. Thus, there was a rotation in visitors, many of the "hard core"/old-time psyters cycled out to be replaced by more "mainstream", less experienced crowds out for a big kick. Which they get, with all the fx and lasers and deco, so its fine for them.
Thus they have to find new ways to appeal to this modified target audience, best way is to focus on the "wow" effect. Like a peacock spreading its tail.
Hence this awful trailer.

Fail.For me at least. Also line up=fail this year, imho. As most of the time.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 19:15
It's been the same for quite a time in all Festivals. Same lineup year ante year. Yet people still pay. If they want a change let the organizers know 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 20:16
for the 20 years anniversairy a free lsd with the entrance ticket would have been exciting...

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 20:26
Wow, they managed to get Pablo Francisco to do a trailer for them 

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 21:18
@ Kazuku, luckily for himself Antaro is no longer a part of this festival, hence the name Vuuv, not Voov.

As to the trailer, it is ridiculous imo.

I have not been to the Voov sins 1995, but have heard that most of the people I know from these days go to Antaris now...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 21:34

On 2011-07-01 21:18, Upavas wrote:
@ Kazuku, luckily for himself Antaro is no longer a part of this festival, hence the name Vuuv, not Voov.

As to the trailer, it is ridiculous imo.

I have not been to the Voov sins 1995, but have heard that most of the people I know from these days go to Antaris now...

I know bro, but he can still watch the clip from Thailand or wherever he is atm ....

Antaris has been my first choice in Germany for many years now, much nicer vibes.
Fat Data

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 22:23

On 2011-07-01 20:26, hip wrote:
Wow, they managed to get Pablo Francisco to do a trailer for them

I was kind of waiting to hear "This summer....Vuuv festival is.....Little Tortilla Boy"            Peace, Love, Death metal
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 22:41
reminds me of this:

Sets em straight...with a good hot dicking!            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 23:07
honestly i do not blame them for doing this.the society has evolved, a lot of means of comunication have arised, a lot has changed.i mean, it is virtually impossible to keep up the culture like it was 20 years ago           ...

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 2, 2011 02:10
Keeping the culture is impossible, that's true, it evolves and changes constantly and that is good, so everything is new and fresh, that trailer sounds like a pay per view ad for a sports event or something, I do find it weird , and it lacks a freshness, it does the opposite of hooking me, no pun intended, some of the people working on this festival are dear friends of mine, but what kind of friend would I be if I did not give true feedback?
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Jul 2, 2011 02:26
yeah now money rule the world or ppl are thinking to money a bit more than 20 years ago maybe it was more about having fun (have no clue was not there but it s a guess seeing that advertising)
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