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And this is what became of it !

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 2, 2011 18:15

On 2011-07-02 02:26, PoM wrote:
yeah now money rule the world or ppl are thinking to money a bit more than 20 years ago maybe it was more about having fun (have no clue was not there but it s a guess seeing that advertising)

Money has always ruled the World

IMO the difference is that the established artists ran out of ideas and jumped on the commercial poptrance bandwagon and gained a following of new artists copying them. And since organizers in many cases has to think in profit in order to be able not to lose money they keep booking what they think it profitable = commercial poptrance. Personally I would love to see a Big Festival dare to step out of the Box someday. All it take is a bit of imagination and being creative. Being innovative and creative also generate profit


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Posted : Jul 2, 2011 21:09
I don't think live acts get paid at the Vuuv...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 2, 2011 23:37
^What makes you say that?

Imho the €75 at the gate is a very steep price considering the line-up this year. I sure hope they pay the artists fair rates considering the cash they are leeching.


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Posted : Jul 3, 2011 00:28

On 2011-07-01 22:23, diskonekt wrote:

On 2011-07-01 20:26, hip wrote:
Wow, they managed to get Pablo Francisco to do a trailer for them

I was kind of waiting to hear "This summer....Vuuv festival is.....Little Tortilla Boy"

Exactly what I thought the first moment I heard that voice

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Posted : Jul 3, 2011 01:13

On 2011-07-02 21:09, Upavas wrote:
I don't think live acts get paid at the Vuuv...

People would be suprised to learn that the biggest festivals around the world actually dont pay the majority of the artists (apart the very big names) and only provide air ticket and accomodation to the artists.

Its funny actually because two of the biggest festivals one in europe and one in south america with more than 25.000 people each dont even pay the big names and artists still want to go there and play heh.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 12:18
Clear associations to Pablo Francisco as well as the Sensation trailers

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 17:00


Its funny actually because two of the biggest festivals one in europe and one in south america with more than 25.000 people each dont even pay the big names and artists still want to go there and play heh.

if u meant universo parallelo as the one from south america, universo paralleo never got more than 12 000 people , and im quite sure all teh artists frmo the MAINR FLOOR get paid...

yea not everyone from the chill out, or alternative floor or goa floor or the band floor but the main floor they get paid...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 18:09

On 2011-07-02 18:15, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-07-02 02:26, PoM wrote:
yeah now money rule the world or ppl are thinking to money a bit more than 20 years ago maybe it was more about having fun (have no clue was not there but it s a guess seeing that advertising)

Money has always ruled the World

IMO the difference is that the established artists ran out of ideas and jumped on the commercial poptrance bandwagon and gained a following of new artists copying them. And since organizers in many cases has to think in profit in order to be able not to lose money they keep booking what they think it profitable = commercial poptrance. Personally I would love to see a Big Festival dare to step out of the Box someday. All it take is a bit of imagination and being creative. Being innovative and creative also generate profit

yeah true but about the festival with publicity like they use to attract the most ppl to make more profit,in the end i wonder if it will feel like beeing in a psytrance party or a commercial big dance festival that have nothing similar with the first voov we have seen on you tube.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 19:10
Artist who accept to play for free should be banned! They ruin it for other DJs and artists as they have a much harder chance getting gigs when the organizers know they can book those who are so desperate to play that they'll play for nada. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 20:12
the artists that play for free should be banned or the people bookin them?

its funny that people who complains bout "money" thing usualy are people behind labels... each one protecting it s own interests, but it doesnt necessarily means its the PSYTRANCE interesting...

why cool kid dj that plays for fun 1200 mics, gms, first stone, wreked machines etc should be banned? only coz he s having fun and not being a moneywhore and stealing the place of some competent musicians and djs ?

IF there s someone to blame, blame the people who hired them...

each one protecting it s own interests

if u are not happy do ur own the way u thing it s right..  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2011 20:30
You obviously did not understand my point. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 5, 2011 22:28
he understood your point, he just gave you a second chance to say something intelligent which of course you prefer not to do. please continue with the people who release music for free after you are ready with banning the acts who play at festivals for free. the same logic after all.

just came back from the fusion which is a very fascinating big festival with cultural program, where the music is kind of not the main thing at all. 60000 people pay 70 euro which is at least 4 000 000 entry income without counting the shops and other paid activities. guess how much of it goes for artists. well, it was explained that the half of it is spent for cultural groups and activists who are engaged with organising the cultural issues of the gathering. without them the festival would never be what it is.

not to take artists who play for free? this is ridiculous. first, there are people who honestly dont like money and doing things for money. if the money comes, the heart is always gone somewhere else. and people prefer to be with a pure heart and soul with things they love. secondly, it is a free market which follows the demand and supply. banning people from it is bullshit. i always had the feeling , at some festivals there are more people who would like to play than those who would like to dance. think about it.
and thirdly, the greatest charm of the voov was that you never knew who would play. the gathering was kind of the main thing to happen. paying huge money for artists has never been the philosophy of the whole thing with the voov. so you obviously got no clue what it was about.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 5, 2011 23:24
I really dont give a rats a** what you think MOKI. Also you should have learned by now that I don't bother to waste my time debating with you.

Artists who accept to play for free allow the organizers to take advantage of artists and DJs who then have a hard time saying no to play for free well knowing if they do the organizer will book some other Joe who will say yes. Simple as that! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 6, 2011 00:24
so IF there s someone wrong on it ? who s it ? the artist or the organizer who booked 'em ?

ow also we can put in the mix the people who will pay to go to the party ..... they can be blamed as well..

those damn people that keep payin tickets for organizers who book artists for free suportin those organizers and feedin the ego of those artists...

so one more bandwith to blame......

and now we could go even more wide.... lets analize the system....

this rooten system that steal money by taxes and make our livin even harder, less jobs so the boss keep more changing... lack of support in the ARTISTIC area....the system doesnt give a damn bout ART...
so if u are a commoner and want to produce art u ll have to spare ur time with a job to survive.... and consequence s that u dont have 100 per cent of ur time to invest in art... leadin to a music of less quality than it could be...

he could quit his job and stay 100 per cent time producing ...but then there s the artist B that aint in the guts to QUIT THE JOB and become a FREAK FULL TIME .... and the artist B has money from his carrer job so he doesnt give a damn if he ll be payed , the artist A who quit the job to produce full time has better music coz he focus more but he ll need money to survive, but the artist B will pay for free, so if the organizer head s bout profit and simplicity, obvioulsy he ll book artist B ..not A....

but obviously the artist A will atract a lot more people to the party then the artist thats where the balance will show up if the organizers head s bout quality and inovation

those are just few waves of possibilities from the wide ocean of reasons....

sometimes we can put ourselves in the place of the person u are judgin to try to understand why he/she s doin this...

sometimes u see people in this scene that are 20 years old into it but still trowin papers and cigars in the dancefloor, and sometimes u see people in this scene that are into their first party collectin trash out of the dancefloor from MISTER PIG FREAK contradictin any logic....

this world s funny , go figuree...........  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 6, 2011 06:47
Didn't really read the full moki rant, Bt if she wants to say that artists at Fusion play for free, She shud get her brain checked .

Fusion this year was HUGE. Wit gr8 acts . i know at least 4 acts at this years fest. all of them are paid. and how !
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