Why psy may be considered "dark" at first
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Posted : May 11, 2011 03:28
Psytrance does things to and for me. It depends on the music being played. It can be a happy hopping joyful experience shared with my fellow dancers, or an introspective journey for myself shared in the presence of others. Often times it is both of these things at the same time.
There's something about psytrance that can grab a hold of me and make me dance for long periods of time and not even notice it until the sky starts to lighten. It gets better for me as I get tired as long as I don't get exhausted. A trance like state often develops in me as I dance to it, especially the dark or twisted kind, but even the happy hopping kind will do this to me too.
I like a lot of the techno music played at the gatherings too. It is different than psytrance. It is a shared fun type of music that can make me very joyful, but it does not do to me what psytrance often does. I am thinking it is me and how I interpret the music and the way I go about moving my body to the various types of music that probably causes the differences I perceive.
As I have grown more familiar with the music I can choose what I might want to happen if there's two or more stages, or I can just wander aimlessly and see what happens when I get near the beats.
Quote willsanquil "...and how everyone dances for fucking ages" I thought that is why we're there!
I have not had much luck in getting any of my friends to come to the gatherings in the three years since I started going to them. Only one of the four has gone more than once. And the other three didn't get to hear psytrance at an overnight gathering as one was Moontribe and the other two were at a day party and neither of them even tried dancing. But the one that still goes likes lots of the psytrance. He would fly out to go to them and still does.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 11, 2011 16:02
On 2011-05-11 02:22, jds wrote:
If this was directed at my post, the irony is humorous. I started raving in 1989. I've shaken my ass to way more house, techno, electro, and jungle than you can imagine. I drifted to goa eventually because the outdoor, psychedelic, multi-generational vibe tops all other gatherings for me. Musically, I've still always preferred and followed all other forms of electronica more than psy though. I'm the guy that's always bashing the 'stuck in a rut', 'one dimensionality' of much of the psy scene (hence the irony of your remarks if they were directed at me, haha).
I only posted to try to express, beyond all my usual criticisms, what I think it is about psy that somehow keeps me coming back regardless year after year. I do think it's unique. Something about it brings me around again and again and lady seals original post inspired me to try to put it into words.
I apologize for appearing 'pompous' and 'egocentric' and living in a 'psytrance bubble'? LOL!
| It was only partially directed at one particular part of your post. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 11, 2011 16:18
lady seals
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Posted : May 11, 2011 22:27
Ah, I love paradoxes…
It's like art that some argue has been done before and others argue is an assimilation of parts that create a whole new form. New age circles back around to ancient. That’s why psy is both/neither linear and/nor lateral, Shiranui and jds. Maybe it’s more cyclical. Jds transcends while Shiranui reminds us of roots. Same thing.
Speaking of perpetual dancing….look at Sundancing... those people dance for three+ days straight with literally no stops. Maybe that's what makes us feel like psy is old---- the STATE is native to the universal psyche.
Wilansquil: great points. Yes, just because something is more familiarized does not make it good all of a sudden. My point was more about an initial dislike of something that I later loved. No, I still don’t love crappy psy music. I get your drift though, and thank you for keeping us all in check.
I do find, however, that I hear a psyish nature in other music. I listen to Yonder Mountain String Band and other (GOOD) jam bands around this area and get trance chills just the same. I actually naturally dance to everything the basic way I dance to psy now hahaha. It’s like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Once you are aware, you never go back.
OK I’m being linear again, sorry, Shiranui!!! (It’s a cycle/paradox, what can you do?)
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Posted : May 18, 2011 00:22
I like the Robin Hood, "And Then We Plan."
I am going to listen to all of the music you posted here as an example of music to induce a trance-like state in one's self. This first song is a type of music I have heard before, but I haven't heard it at the last few gatherings I have gone to. Terrakroma or Willy would be two that would play this sound and I'm sure others do too, but I miss a lot when roaming around or being so far away since moving last year.
Thank you for the links. My past is only three years and I am always grateful for someone helping me find music, whether or not I like it.
I am still not very sure of the various types and genres of the electronic dance music. It seems there's often an overlap in styles in much of the music and what I think is one type is actually other types. Naming them helps one find things, but it also leads to things being classified differently and can add to my confusion. I usually go by the fact if I like it, then it is good for me.
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Posted : May 18, 2011 01:57
Basic Channel - Octagon
This song was for me like the Robin Hood song. This kind of music I like to hear. All the same, it is not trance inducing for myself as psytrance can be. If I'm already into it, or have been going for some time, then the music changes me in ways and I can really get into it. If I'm around a group that is enjoying it with me it makes it better for me.
Jeff Mills - The Alarms ( 1998 ) This song is different than the first two. I didn't much like it for some reason, maybe, to me, the annoying vocal?. It is a danceable song. I would be wondering what the DJ had in mind to play next as the music continued. I would dance to it if I was there already, but it wouldn't make me leave my camp or the other floor to do so.
-Would this song produce or sustain a trance in you? I think part of the trance that occurs in me is from the physical process of my dancing to it and a lot of other things like how long I've been dancing, my state of mind, the setting I find myself in, and even my near future plans and expectations. I do not understand how I dance. I hear things in the music and move parts of my body to it. Mostly my arms, though I can get airborne at times too. This type of music will have me trying to move the whole of my torso and body to it. An interesting sight if we ever get the chance to meet on the dance floor! Analyzing this is hopefully not going to interfere with it for me the next time! How I feel internally makes a lot of difference. Sometimes I express it externally without a care and other times I can get self conscious about it and this can interfere with how I feel or even how much I get into the dancing. Sometimes I think I am better off not knowing why I like certain things, or at least not having figured out why, and other times the better I know something, the better I enjoy it.
Axel Karakasis - The Reflex (Original Mix) This one has a driving beat and would get me going fairly hard, especially if the music had been building to it and there was more coming. Terrakroma does this at times with this very sound. It will produce a trance in me. It is not like the psytrance trance with the sounds and fast beats that seem to make me lose my place in time and then realize time has passed, but it is a more tribal and celebration type of trance shared with my fellow dancers.
Joey Beltram - Floaters
Not too much for me.
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I am tripping that some of these songs are from the early or mid nineteen nineties. A time when I would never have imagined that I would be dancing fifteen years later. I have never heard this music until within the last four years, so I am always appreciative when someone turns me onto to it. I may or may not like it, but at least I get the chance to hear it. I sometimes am able to do this with the music that I like from when I was a kid or teenager back in the late sixties and seventies for people a lot younger than I am or even those my age or older that have never heard some of it, such as playing King Crimson's first album for someone that likes "Tool". There's so much music and it's amazing how much has gone by that you might like a lot and have never heard before. The early 2000's will be a time for me that I will probably not get to hear music I might like since it's recent enough to be considered old, but not old enough to be brought back.
I am thinking that most of my recent posts and some of the replies in this thread have had little to do with "dark" psytrance, but them's the breaks. I am still trying to understand what dark psytrance is. I just know that certain types of psytrance can do things to me that I now anticipate to have happen that I found amazing when I had the experience the first time. Almost an epiphany in the realization of it. Perhaps it is just my letting it happen to myself, but I still think there's lots more to it and that I am not the only one.
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