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whats so special about the full moon??

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 10:05
i guess theres some truth in all the stories!
thanks for the input people!
Mike A

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 11:58

On 2004-09-27 01:44, FluoSamsara wrote:
The moon energie influencies the water (tides, etc)

Sorry to ruin the fun, for tides because of the moon exist all the time, not only during full moon. The fact that you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 12:50
the full moon, connects mythology with reality.. with whatever your beliefs may be.

Astrologically speaking, The Moon reflects the power of the inner light, and symbolic in effect, in the shaping of your personality. Every full moon should be acknowledged, and/or celebrated. While the Sun in astrology stands for the character, or ego-self, (typical), the Moon displays ruling desire as opposed to self, or need as opposed to reason, she indicates your feelings about yourself... and she is also very fuckin LUNArrrrrrrrrrrrGGGGgggggghhhhhhh!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 15:38

On 2004-09-27 12:50, lunactivity wrote:
the full moon, connects mythology with reality.. with whatever your beliefs may be.

Astrologically speaking, The Moon reflects the power of the inner light, and symbolic in effect, in the shaping of your personality. Every full moon should be acknowledged, and/or celebrated. While the Sun in astrology stands for the character, or ego-self, (typical), the Moon displays ruling desire as opposed to self, or need as opposed to reason, she indicates your feelings about yourself... and she is also very fuckin LUNArrrrrrrrrrrrGGGGgggggghhhhhhh!!

this explains ur nick.....


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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 18:20

On 2004-09-27 03:49, Surrender wrote:

On 2004-09-27 01:44, FluoSamsara wrote:
The moon energie influencies the water (tides, etc)

70% of the human body is water

Some tests have showed that full moon night ppl get much more active, for example, the full moon nights are always the nights with more house robberies....weird...

the sun is much more active in this field then the moon on a daily basis.

sorry Surrender I dont fully understand this point.. could you clarify for me before I can give a fully informed response?

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 27, 2004 19:46
i meant to say that the sun's gravitational force is more active in the tides generating forces department, that's all
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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 00:58

On 2004-09-27 19:46, Surrender wrote:
i meant to say that the sun's gravitational force is more active in the tides generating forces department, that's all

It is true, that the sun's gravitation effects the tides.
The main effect though is coming from the moon in interaction with the earth.
This determins the time of high and low tide and how much the water level is changeing.


on 2004-09-27 11:58 Mike A wrote:
Sorry to ruin the fun, for tides because of the moon exist all the time, not only during full moon. The fact that you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.

That's right, the moon always influences life on earth, even on new moon, when you don't see it.
The effect is stronger on full moon though. The waterlevel at high tide get's higher and the one at low tide lower than around half moon for example.
Even the continents get effected and can rise more than 20cm at full moon.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 05:37
interesting Surrender I guess I was aware the suns gravitional pull is greater on earth than the moon, but as Pointy mentioned isnt the moon what mainly controls the tides?

anyway I have thrown a few full moon parties and people marveling at the splendor of the bright shining moon is another cause to celebrate and be happy, beyond the deeper instinctual aspects of our response to seeing and feeling the full moon.

one piece of fun trivia, did you know more babies are born on the full moon? Something to do with the tides changing and our bodies being mostly water, among other factors.

also you can catch more catfish during a full moon night than at any other time. Interesting what we learn on isratrance aint it?

have a nice day,
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 11:20
The fullmoon brings out the evil warewolfs..
Perfect for the atmosphere
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 12:52
It's the most amazing thing to look at through my telescope!!!! We have people over and the things that you can see is just awesome. The shadows on the surface, the craters, the ridges and flat lava plains.

And you really feel like you are there, on this cold surface with the sun shining on the dull gray surface, with little air around you.

And being a woman, you really feel the energy that it radiates. The more fullier it gets, the more excited I get.           :: Life can be as bitter as dragon tears
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depends entirely on how each man perceives the taste ::
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 12:56
actually when its full moon times there is special magnetic force which makes the flowers of night blosom when its the best time to cut your ganja plant cause all of his goods is up in da flower.. its when gravity changes so little that we cant notice it but can feel it.. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 14:44
well, it's fullmoon here tonite ..
if u still have any questions about
what makes the full moon a fool moon,
u can ask my girl

.. first words after first coffee:
'where's the party tonite?' 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 15:11
funny I came across this tonight*

Martha Talks Back: Reader Questions Answered
by Martha Brockenbrough
Hi Martha,

I have always heard that people's behavior changes when there is a full moon. I have heard that school teachers have a lot of trouble with their classes when there is a full moon. I have heard that nurses and doctors get more calls, and emergency rooms are more active when there is a full moon. Is there really something strange that happens when there is a full moon? Thanks!

A. Maddox

Dear Mad Dog Maddox,

People have blamed the moon for crazy behavior for a long time, at least since the Middle Ages. We've even made a word out of it. Lunatic means "moonstruck," if you trace the word to its Latin roots.

If it's in the dictionary, it must be true, right?

Nope. Despite many studies attempting to prove the "lunar effect," as it's called, there is no conclusive evidence that it exists.

People who believe in the lunar effect often say we only need to look at the tides to see how powerful the moon can be. If the human body also is mostly water, then why shouldn't the moon have a similar tug on us?

One problem with that theory is that high and low tides occur twice daily. So, by that logic, we'd be subject to the lunar effect a couple times a day--not just the once or twice a month we get a full moon.

Another problem is that scientists have shown that a mother holding a baby exerts a far stronger tidal pull than the moon does. Mothers, generally speaking, do not make their infants crazy when they're holding them. (That part happens when those infants turn into teenagers.)

Want to Learn More?
A skeptic summarizes the arguments against lunacy.

11 cool moon facts.

A more plausible argument for the existence of the lunar effect is that, at least before the widespread use of electricity, people could see outside better at night when the moon was full. And, by virtue of more people being able to see, more people would be out and about, which would lead to more mayhem.

Many attempts have been made to prove mathematically that the lunar effect exists. Many studies have shown no connection whatsoever, and a good portion of the ones that make claims for the effect's existence have been discredited because of flawed study methods.

Keep Learning
Find online classes and degree programs.It's not easy for regular people to keep up with all of those studies. What is easier is to listen to the fascinating stories told by teachers, emergency room workers, and others. Did something crazy happen? Must be the full moon. This is probably why belief in the lunar effect persists. At least it makes for good entertainment.

Believe in the lunar effect if you must. But realize that it's mostly for the sake of a good story, not good science.

The link to this is:

Funny how western scientists so hastily discred anything they cant prove with the limited methods that exist today...

I guess the tide thing may be flawed but I still think there is something to it that we cant explain (yet).....

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Sep 28, 2004 15:12
btw happy full moon
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