What´s going on with the party people in México?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 24, 2007 20:59
In my opinion we people that have been in this for a long time now, like all thing create a stardard of what they want or feel is best for them as quality of the experience of a party, its not the same of going to barum festival that today awful productions, but what i see is a rebirth of quality from deliria, these guys remind me the past days where thigs were nice and perfect, the funny thing about this is that all is happening aroud progressive trance and now people complain about that the people who attend to this parties are nicer that the ones that go to full on parties!! i mean what thee!!!!! I dont really feel better or more from any other people, for me going to this parties more than the music is the hole experience, good people dancing and having a nice time, i dont know what this happend or why this happend inthis progressive parties but for shure is making things a lot better!! hope things keepgoing like these for some time and all stop bitching about what style is better just go and have a good time man!
Not care about if u like full on ,dark or progressive, music is music, and for what i know a lot of people who like dark like progressive, and viciversa.
As for the ones that dont go to parties anymore, dont worry about them they are fine!! they find something that makes them happy and thats cool!!!This is what life is about!! But right know im happy dancing in the forest hehehe
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High Pulse
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Posted : Mar 25, 2007 16:29
just a fase friends !!!
like in everything is this world , when it becomes to much , it get the tendencie of going down a bit ... give a few couple of month and you'll see
but i agree also here with alternative control , about ppl instead of buying they're favourite group or music , no they prefer to download and spend the money in anything else , and thats a shame !!
and of course with this kind of attitudes u see a entire market going down !
well but thats life , and me or you or her , agains't the all world , its really impossible !!!
only if something fall from the sky and make some sense in the head of the ppl around the globe!!
this are my tought
cheers and have a blasting week
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 26, 2007 15:56
I Just want it to share mi experience at a Party i was supossed to Play this weekende at Puerto Vallarta , i think this way the scene could get better here, organisers thoght that not inviting every body to this Party will make it better but at the end it was only a few people at the Party and They got a beatiful Space there , but because they didn;t want to share it with every body the Party end up beeing a Mass, i told them not to burn oil for lighting and they din'd care i mention that this was toxic for the atmosphere and they dind't care , nobody pick up garbeage at the end , none of the supoosed djs that were put at the line - up of the Flyer end up Playing and of course there equipment and organisation sucks , so please lets start beeing Profesionals about this , if you don' Know what you are doing don' t do Parties , Learn from people that Knows .
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Posted : Apr 1, 2007 21:27
Some people say we have Drug induced Enlightenment Disco's.............
You know what,I say Fuck that slogan. Being hung on us and Our party's....
If people saw that you were being changed
( IN A GOOD WAY ) then they might also want to go to the same Scocial functions that you attend.Maybe that joy and Inner peace they see you and your Pscychedellic friends ,Might also rub off on them..Lets Face it There are many Vampiers coming to parties ,SUck the energy from the good people.
Some times the Vibe and the People they see going to these SO CALLED RAVEs are pretty screwed up in the way they treat the land and each other and even in the vibe they are putting out.. Who would want to go party with that ALL THE TIME?
Maybe just MAYBE >>>> IF <<<<<<
Those who are passing judgement on you and your partie's Saw SOmething DIfferent,, SOmething SO COMPLATLY BEAUTIFUL and Happy and Peacful,
SOmthing that Even
The most modest of locals would attend..
A party is a Vibe Magnet WHat EVer VIBE that the Party and its organizers have ,It will so attract the same in Dancers ,,,GENERALY SPEEKING of Course...
I have only been to and Played at 1 party in Mexico and it was near the jungle and a very comercial event ... Big Giant Blow up COke cans ,Fences and Police Wow my Girlfriend wasn't even allowed to be NEAR the Stage with me...
The vibes Was Concert Festival style ,
YUCK !!!! I wanna Dance and have people come say hi and mingle around with me while I play.
Shit I could not even run out in front of the system and hear what is sounded like ,A Fence was there...
My Point is it seemed like CROWD Control.
I understand Prtying and getting crazy and having.. I mean shit I am the King of That .But some of us need to have a little more Self control and better ,what do you say ,, Scocila manner's.
Peacfulness ,Compasion,Joy,LOve and A Deeper respect for the Land ,,, that is out side the party ..Inside the party you should start having a COre crew and Family that is Balanced with its Men and Women Energy.. Just as many girls helping set up organize and Throw the party as there is men.. PLEASE THIS IS SO IMPORTANT ,, Have a Circle and a Ceremony at the Beginging of the Party.. BUILD A ALTER out of Love and Make that Alter The Center of the Collective Love eXPRESSION OF THE pARTY..
I am just telling you what I saw down that way and what I see up this way in California and that the works and what is needed ......ANd we need more ALTER's and Circle's .Throw partie celebrating the Solstic,and Equinox ,It helps if you are celebrating the earth and the Devine Cosmo's. It gives your celebration and part a REASON FOR BEING.. Give thanks to the Great Devine mother and Father.
I love Mexico and I love to party down there.
And the same goes for here or any where else. But what I don't like to see at parties are Dumb ass's who are messing up the scene by doing stupid things .This is what Chase's people away and makes them have a NEGITIVE OPINION of us and the Party's..
If you want your party's to grow, then you and the whole groupe should make it FEEL that WAY ..
Either that or you just don't Flyer enough
and promote the party..
I would like to see the scence grow more Globaly and that the groupe will start to stand up for its self.
Start to pay a more watchful eye over the Circle of Friends so to speek I would like to see us start to Bond more than we have.We are SEPARTE PARTY CREW's FROM DIFFERENT CONTURY"S .But we are ALL ONE FAMILY Lets Be that Now. I would like to see us all Start to use the Power of our Minds in a Peaceful ,Loveing ,Psychedellic way as ONE and start to Mainfest Peace and what we want .......I think we are all lagging .in acting on what we have learned from our Deep Beautiful Psy cHedellic Trance's across the Universe and back..........We Know in our hearts what to do and how to do it .(But We just DO'nt) so in that the Universe is not helping us Build our Comunity ,If we put just a little bit of effort in that Direction she will bless us ,Bless our party's and bless us......
Some one said to me several years ago it won't work Because at it deepest Core we are just
trowing Natsy Ass Drung infested Party's with wierd music,Why do you want it to be so Spiritual ?
I was Dumbfounded that some one would say that to me... I know we all have our different reasons for going to dance and party all night .
But now that I have seen what NOT haveing the right Intention is Doing and Maybe you are with your parties as well.. Don't Miss the whole point like that person would like you to.. The reason for this is COMPLETLY SPIRITUAL .. Go Look at ALex Grey's Art for a while Take some pyschedellics go to a good party trip out and then tell me you still feel like its a NON SPiritual Based Music and Event................Bring on Da Ayuasca
Dj Tryptamine
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 8, 2007 01:37
Right on DJ TRYPTAMINE, its important for as to rebuild the bad reputation our country has now , because of bad organisers, we want to treat international Artist the way they deserve , so Thank You so much for the good Vibes .
Que CUAHTLICUE te protega.
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