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What is your biggest struggle?

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 28, 2015 16:01
Gratifying that you are free to be "here" & "there"...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 28, 2015 16:27
Feet on real life?

I don't have a well paid job and I've done nothing else with my life but dedicating all my time to the arts.

I got grades to go to any college I wanted, but chose to study Fine Arts knowing all to well that I was choosing a risky path - still not knowing how politicians in general would work towards making this even worse then it seemed back then, but you get the point.

Being true to yourself is mandatory for anyone doing any form of Art. But the way to get there isn't simply to refuse being exposed to others and their tastes and expectations or to keep things to yourself and not caring for how well they do in real life. 'Cause no matter how you put it, the public - or other people in general - adds a new dimension to any form of art and opens its meanings and interpretations in ways that even their original creators can benefit from and be surprised with.

So what I'm saying is: you did well to release yourself from the pressure of meeting other people's expectations and to reclaim the freedom to do things as you please.

But it seems like you're forcing a connection between success and actively choosing the path to please the audiences - and that that path is the opposite to being true to oneself. And while doing that, you're ignoring the simple fact that there's a lot of people doing exactly what they want and still managing to have success and the appreciation of the public, and that's just as real as it gets to.

So if you choose the path of having comfort in your life, not having to worry about monetising on the arts, it was probably a clever move and you certainly don't have the pressure on your shoulders to make things work for you like that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The only thing I'm underlying here is that it's not black or white, not everyone that has a career in music or any of the arts has sold his soul and even those that may fall under such category aren't doing anything worse then the common joe that goes about his life and wins his salary, probably doing plenty of stuff he wouldn't do for himself to, but somehow it's only really bad if you're an artist.

Even though the current culture has absolutely no respect for the arts, has no intention of supporting culture in almost any conceivable form, so forth and so on? Let me tell you this, what's real to me is that any artist has managed to dedicate some time of his life to a passion bigger then money, certainly playing against the odds, certainly not going for the money, 'cause there's faster, more reliable ways to get it elsewhere that are much less demanding and require less studying and practice.

Is this not true?

The argument that artists fall under one of two categories is false and kind of insulting: you're either the martyr that fights for his cause no matter what, that endures poverty and humiliation, lack of recognition for believing in the higher gods of your own ego or supposedly pure aesthetics or you're a sell of that's just doing it for the money. One thing that's more real then that: most people are bitter and envy those who can actually get their act together and get somewhere with it. Along one's path, one's sure to notice that there's more voices trying to drag you down then voices supporting you.

What's real to me is that I keep on going! Cheers

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 28, 2015 16:56
How it feels ? Endless, in all directions...
How it works ? Endless, in all directions...

Mind ? Endless, in all directions...
Life ? Endless, in all directions...

Trance ? Endless, in all direction...

Art & Nusic? Endless, in all directions...

Gratifying everyones possibility to be free to be "here" & "there" and "everywhere"...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 28, 2015 23:04
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2015 00:49
Yes Frisbeehead, this is true. There are not only two categories, there are countless categories and I respect all different paths people choose to go. I respect them even more if they reached goals that I did not. Actually I could write for ages about the polarities I meant, about the importance of understanding polarities as a unity, about my life in the trance scene, and may be even about the fact that calling me he for countless times somehow does not feel right, but anyway, it is too difficult to write on tablets nowadays.
However, everyone chooses one path and goes for it, and honestly I don't know what is insulting with being straight on the way you chose;).
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2015 01:02
But one last thing I want to say. My point is not to explain that my way was better then the way of others : i actually truely respect the way of others and am always happy to hear more about life concepts and experiences different than mine. The point that worries me is how to take care that this very high level of professionalism and really big know how about music production in the more or less "decaying" trance scene is not lost, how to take care that older profis still have good jobs and challenges. It is something worth thinking about imo. I find it sad to see them nowadays how they tell us about financial struggles etc. Would you say it is not my business to care or to show them some altrnatives?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 29, 2015 10:14
How can it really flow freely for all if in between is a corrupt monetary system...

The musical production is logically and stupidly influenced more and more of it,
just like what is happening in the world ... Even though many people "have good intentions"...

To clean up the mind, the emotions, the consciousness to go the way, is sometimes a harder task,
than to obtain the information (via internet) to perform a thing.
For example, i love to walk in the "higher" mountains, maybe you know what it means in the context...

And what good is it if anyone has any technical production information and experience,
if one quarrels with the world, the war zones or with a bad paid job unable to pay the bills ?

To produce a whole album (or two or five varied) alone in front of a DAW and therefore to fullfill the marketing needs a lot attention without emotional struggle...
Its not easy to go deep into it, when the "things around" of the "Brave New World" distracted somehow ...

Symbolically enough, that the infected mushrooms did the "insane" song,
because it probably makes the impression that music is not enough to make a civilization,
even though music is an important part of it...

So there are truely more things to do to build a open civilisation than EDM production,
also that it could look like, that the EDM market is maybe "full enough" in the moment...
The picture "of a better world" ? Yeah, we are here with our different potentials...

Moki, i remeber that you did an interview with goa gil, maybe 10 or more or less years ago, right ?
And i think its feelable without "the judge" of good and bad that (psy)trance is a bit another thing,
than a fantastic sounding and "well working" proggy-ass-pumping-libido-effect FX,
maybe almost ready for the next generation of big media, the big events...

An example of "development" and media :

We all maybe use the "span" plug to analyse visualliy...

And we all can give each other the wishes and sometimes help
to unfold the potential to perform and reach the cosmic fulfillment on earth...
Oh yeah, please, do what you love... DO IT...

So all good wishes...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 29, 2015 16:55

Maybe you're misreading my words a bit. First of all, I fully respect your views and choices and I wasn't pointing the finger on you, let alone suggest you're setting yourself as an example for others to follow. If this wasn't true, you can rest assured I wouldn't go through the trouble of contributing to this thread so much.

The part where I used the word "insulting", wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, as it's really the concept by itself - and it's spread usage - that is insulting.

One such example that I was on about is the simple fact that it's quite unfair to be pointing the finger at some act that's moved in a different direction or trying to popularize the notion that this people are "sell outs", just 'cause they appear to have betrayed the hardcore values of some scene.

And what would those core values be? On this scene? Anyone cares to advance them? Would they be consensual? Even here? I highly doubt it!

I was trying to raise awareness to the fact that it's really ok that some people go after the money or more success and that it isn't worse then anyone else, in all other professions, that also do quite a lot that they wouldn't do for themselves so as to make ends meet.

What a lot of people fail to appreciate is that the works of art that they admire are almost always the result of some kind of voluntary self sacrifice. It's a gift.

And yet people never ever stop complaining. They expect their favourite artists to remain faithful not to their own goals, but to theirs or for what they believe to be the "core values of some scene or genre" - which is a very volatile concept by itself, is it not?

So it's really a huge contradiction as it seems to take place everywhere. It's insulting to point the finger on some act to illustrate a point like it's been done above (pun intended), failing to realise that this people can do whatever they set themselves to do - just like anyone else. And if they decide to move to other shores, maybe we should take the time to take a good look at ours and see if we were supportive and nurturing to them.

Or even, are we supportive to the artists who dedicate their time to this scene? And if not, what can we do about it?

On a personal level, we should really stop the pointing fingers thing and be more open and supportive to each other. We should turn our criticism towards the amateurism that still seems to be the norm in many things on this scene. 'Cause there seems to be an awful lot of that taking place everywhere, or is it not? And why shy way and let this stupidity take hold while the good ones are apparently afraid to speak their minds in the open? This is supposed to be about consciousness, love and unity, right?

How come, then, even when there's enough respect to call out some artist, make all the arrangements for it, to publicise his taking part on the event and all of that, and then so many people get told that getting their fee depends on how well the event goes?

Who should be taking the risks? And more then that, who is the weak link on that equation?

People should just realise that musicians would circumvent such people quite fast and dispense with them if only there was enough union among everyone - the public would just follow. The most precious gift that this culture has and what brings it all together, is Art, like it always was and has been for all cultures.

Respect each and everyone that has taken some time of his life to present us with his creations, no matter how one feels personally about them. Peace!

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  16
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Posted : Oct 29, 2015 22:10

My Bible of Dreams CD in my rack is as holy for me as every beeing and creature...
As holy as all the creators who brought us to where we are with love...
I used the Juno example in cause of the intense development, without criticism or judge...

Nothing against big media itself, Micheal Jackson also opened a lot of hearts for a moment...

And sometimes its a kind of task not to become insane when some things in the wotld look insane -
thats the reason of the Infected Mushroom example and they did it well, like many other...

And yes, the "big guys" for the "big media" are the minority and the "small guys" for the "smaller media" are the majority,
both on the large and small scale...

Oh well, the words...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 30, 2015 08:11
To prevent possibly further misunderstandings :
INFECTED MUSHROOM, "Becoming Insane", lyrics

Wake me up before I change again
Remind me the story that I won't get insane
Tell me why it's always the same
Explain me the reason why I'm so much in pain.

Before I change again (before I change again)
Remind me the story that I won't get insane

The context of the example only should be, that there is needed maybe every help, if we want to build a open civilisation (with a lot of music /art)
and we should not become insane in cause of the some energies of the "mainstream-tornado (for example : elbow society)" out there,
and sometimes its maybe a harder task to stay clear in mind and in the emotions to go "the way", than to know how to make a good kick and bassline...

And thoose, that are maybe capable of beeing clear and true to themselfs (what ever is means) and which doing a "good work"
reach somtimes as if by magic with their thing even the "the big media", equal whats their genre...

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 30, 2015 16:37
Yes, the words.

So we're to build this open civilisation and yet... Where's the love? Where's the... wait for it... We are One? Maybe some more then others?

All I've stated so far was: please let the names go!


IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  16
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Posted : Oct 30, 2015 20:07

Some names / creators / artists are "only" reflections of relations and interrelations of society, media, politic and possibilities...

Summary every deep and long-time struggle, both on the large and small scale, is linked with intense senses...
Often the emotional struggle is a grave part for an artist...
So good luck everyone, technical and emotional...
Colin OOOD

Started Topics :  95
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Posted : Oct 30, 2015 20:13
Thanks.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Apr 24, 2016 00:51
Continuing struggling...
What I wanted to ask: is there anyone who feels like not being able to win the struggle alone and who is in need of others to make music with? What about coming together for a few hours and try some things together? If yes, I am very interested.

Of course, if there is nobody, the struggle must be continued alone. I was doing it in the last two years always with my friend but after the desillusionment crash I am now again all alone, and have to find motivation to tweak on sound at all. For example now it is saturday night, chilling out away from the hard week of working and pretending to be a part of real would be the best thing to do to shut down all browsers and open presonus studio one. Then play some dramatic midi input of lonelyness in the middle of the symphony of life. But I don't do it because I struggle too much. Against the desillusionment of life.

BUT it is a good thing to talk about it. Isn't it sometimes so much easier and more comfortable to just chill out and listen to really accomplished perfectly designed sound that others made? But this is the struggle to be won: being able to make music just for the sake of music, not for anyone else. Because there is nobody else to care about it.

For the sake of music means also to assume that music is a separate existence, a being for itself...Anyway, this is exactly what I will do now, just to prove that music really is a separate entity, almost breathing and lightning, that is worth of doing music production even without anyone else being involved.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Oct 31, 2016 21:55
I struggle to finish a track before I get board of it. But I enjoy making the music.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - What is your biggest struggle?
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