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What does getting older do to you?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2010 14:11:49
Aging is something that we all have in common but getting older means different things to different people.

So what does getting older mean to you? and what is it doing to you? a mix of both keeps this topic from becoming a list of ideals.

Started this topic after reading some posts I'd written years ago... so shall start:

- Becoming less compulsive

- Sense of humor has changed

- More careful of being open with my opinion of personalities, waiting for it to show rather than based on first impressions

- More attracted to people of different mindsets, especially those who choose simplicity.

- Pausing to savor special moments

- Memory of things and events are changing, means of memory recall is changing.

- Metabolism is slowing down

- Realizing the search for truth does not supersede our humanity

please do share yours too.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2010 22:27
It makes me more tolerant towards other people. But at the same time it makes me less patient. I used to think tolerance and patience are twin qualities. Now I know they are not.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2010 09:54
yes, have had that realization as well.

figured out later that tolerance works as a short term method, and it's highly unpredictable.

patience on the other hand is for a long term harmonic mindset.

the first step towards it is definitely figuring out the difference between the two. thanks for sharing Maine
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2010 18:32
getting older is great

- a love pain from the last years is getting more and more decent and invisible .the older i get, the more the love pain will dissappear. it is a vector and i know the end of this vector, although i haven't reached it yet. it is a zero vector.

- i have much better feeling about what is my way and my direction and what do i need to do in life

- as far as i even reached 30, i now have an excuse every time when i prefer to sleep in a nice warm tidy place, and not in outside in the forest at festivals

- i am still more free in mind than 90 percent of the people around me who are in my age taking care for children, schools etc. it is great to be old and free.

- it is great to be above 30:) the age of femme fatale.

- i could write more but someone is calling me so i go:)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2010 23:43
Great topic, and MC that is a really good point. Something I contend with a lot these days, mainly about music

Funny actually cos I've also been thinking about what age does, recently (I am 46 believe it or not (I don't )).

Age hardens you. Less permeable, less flexible. Which I think relates to the tolerance aspect.
(Shahar's posts have been a kind of therapy for me lately, actually. reminding me to keep flexible, stay positive and not let age turn me to stone - hard and impermeable. )
Letting age get to you like that seems to increase the aging process and take you on a quick path to the end of your life.
Staying flexible (physically and non-physically) for me feels like it keeps me alive. Keeps me young, or the way it feels, keeps me free. Free is how I want to be until my body says time to go.
(I just read Tina's post. Yes Tina, old and free is the best )

I had an interesting experience around the time I turned 40. I was in a trance to some good music, feeling like I was alone on the dance floor. I felt myself having risen up (whether toward heaven, or just leaving this earth is unknown), but it felt like I had taken one step away from the mortal life. That's the moment I felt I was nearing my peak. And that from this moment I would be on my ascent from this world. Slowly, hopefully, but definitely on the ascent. Nothing to fear, but more responsibility toward keeping open and freeing myself.

Age also slows your reflexes. Physically of course, but also, as Yidam says, less compulsive. It seems time slows down and you have a slow motion reflex to behavioral reactions. Which is good. You make better choices (hopefully ). (I am still wrestling with Quick Replys to posts )

More later as it comes...

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2010 01:08

On 2010-12-07 23:43, rich wrote:

Nothing to fear, but more responsibility toward keeping open and freeing myself.

That's exactly where that higher tolerance comes from.
Other people's opinions are just that - opinions. They are actually a blessing, an opportunity to peek into a different way of thinking, rather than something that irritates me.

I am not quite as advanced as you are in terms of "nothing to fear": the feeling of seconds relentlessly ticking away is still new to me and I have not learnt to deal with it yet. That's probably why my patience is not as good as it used to be. Still nearly infinite, but not quite as nearly . It's a handicap I have to overcome.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2010 01:40
I know what you mean. I do have a fear of one aspect, and that's the physical. Maybe it comes from years of working out at the gym, and pretty much having a body that reflected my love of surfing and being fit. So I look in the mirror now and the once tight skin I had is now not so tight. I'm in great shape, but I can tell my musculature is changing every year. My face is showing it too. My hair is just now starting to recede. These things scare the hell out of me and force me to face this not so pleasant reality of aging.

There was something else I was thinking about today, after coming from a horrible fight with my wife the other night, but I'll save that for the relationship section if it ever gets created But it has to do with aging and well, maturing.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 8, 2010 19:10
Varun! I remember when I first met you during setup for Bioluminescence, that NYE chill party...2006? My impression was that you were a baby-faced innocent good-hearted intelligent college kid. It's been a pleasure to see you mature as a person, artist and musician over the years.

Now you have a responsible job, married and have a child to take care of. Crazy! At age 40 I can't imagine being responsible for a little one. I'm barely responsible for myself! I would imagine having a child could change your life more than aging?

Turning 40 this past year was the first bday that really had a tough effect on me. Age is in the mind of course but 40 really felt like an end to my more carefree days and it was time to create a more mature way of being while still making life fun. Luckily I've always been good at putting the past in the past and I never relied upon society, occupation, possessions, family or my "labels" to give me my identity. Doing so has given me the freedom to re-create myself and make major life changes at age 40. Keeping a fluidity of mind is what really keeps a person young.

Physically...well you can't deny the effects of aging on your physical body and mind. Mid 30's I started having to workout and train for upcoming festivals so that I had my stomping legs available come morning time. Now my dance and overall maaaadness has slowed down quite a bit. Ah well, gettin' old ain't for sissies!


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Posted : Dec 9, 2010 10:29
It makes me realize that death is inevitable.

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2010 13:58
Body is Decaying
Mind is Shinning
Soul is Polishing
Time is turning
The mask of life
Is peeling off
-xolvexs           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 10, 2010 12:03
Pauldo! Yeah guess it would've been around then. Way to go on highway 40, heard it's the decade to try crazy things. Time to travel east maybe ?

In my experience, the west works a little differently, reinventing your personality is not something out of the ordinary, I really cherish that time especially later when I realized that there are parameters you need to work within if you're empathetic with people around you.

On what you said. Yes, maturity and responsibility changes a lot, not that I can say I've achieved either yet but striving towards it does enough to change your perception of the world, and how the world perceives you. When you have a family of your own it's another world altogether.

The topic is quite open ended as a reason and it's not really looking at getting old but getting older, assuming time is linear (which it actually is not, but we can talk about that later)

Still, I do believe getting older gives you a few basic realizations, some of which you let go and some which you keep to your last.

Death is inevitable Upavas and so is life.

Thanks for sharing everyone.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 13, 2010 18:19
if you are enlightened aging means nothing its just withering away of time..jesus was all of 32 when he was crucified, buddha lived all of 80 years but was enlightened at 35..strive for enlightenment then aging will just like turning a page in the book of life vol II or III or whichever you are on..your soul sees you as who you are irrespective of the shirt of age you are see from the eyes of your soul the only thing you have to do is listen to that voice and 20,30,40 ..just convert to binary and it will just 0's and 1's

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2010 02:27
indeed, linear time is one of the biggest illusions.

if you consider the fact, how many cells of our body die and are changed with new ones during the years, you come to the conclusion that we are the ones that change and move and not the time. physically our body has nothing to do with what we were 10 years ago. we die every second you see. happens all the time.

what if time actually starts with our end and ends with our birth? sounds ridiculous but it is what a few modern scientists state about quantum physics. why not. i can imagine this. the visions of a life purpose is the time which unfolds from the end to the beginning.

and indeed, death is inevitable , and this is one of the bigger realisations that i made this year. earlier i never felt so. this realisation changes the system of values completely. it sets new priorities in the lifestyle.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 15, 2010 10:42
If calculated without disease or aging and based upon accidents alone the average human life span would be about 14,000 years. With upcoming biotech and nanotech advances I hope to live 5,000 years, happy to get to 100-200, disappointed if I don't make 70 at least.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2010 13:02

On 2010-12-08 19:10, Pauldo wrote:
At age 40 I can't imagine being responsible for a little one. I'm barely responsible for myself! I would imagine having a child could change your life more than aging?

by the way i am absolutely sure that 40/45 is the perfect age for a man to become a father. reasons:

- according to psychology today magazine men 40+ become fathers of children with higher IQ. it is a statistically significant fact. may be nature and the evolution wanted it exactly like that. that is why sexuality of men 40+ changes significantly also. quality instead of quantity.

- most men who became a father at the age of 30 and around, stated later that they would have preferred to do it 10 years later and see more of the world with less responsibility. actually most men do not enjoy responsibility so much. actually when did mankind come to the idea that men should become fathers with 30+. it was not the case in the ancient world.

- they are simply more suitable emotionally. they are more likely to spent more time with the family and less time with the outside world

- with a much younger mother, they are likely to suddenly find more sense in life, that they have lost through the years. it is like a new life exactly where they thought that the youth is gone.

conclusion: enjoy getting old because it is the right time for a lot of things.
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