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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - we are not the only ones with the VIP area problem
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we are not the only ones with the VIP area problem

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 07:08
here is a link to the brazilian forum about the VIP area and it doesnt look like they like it either...........

what do you think babas???? was the VIP area a good idea or was it the ticket to complete commercialitation of psytrance in mexico?????

i mean who wants to be in a area full of rushing sheeps that cant even dance??????? they do, people that prefers to be area where they can say they paid more money cuz they are in a better situation economictly or just to be there and try to see people like they not good enough to be there.

i say F$3k that!!!1 i want to be infront of the stage dancing to the tunes of the artist that i paid to see and not in a place full of crap and that doesnt belong to the scene.


          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 11:19
yea f..k that.. what a flags is that VIP area... for that there is the clubs...

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Posts :  22
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 14:24
VIP zones are the most ridiculous thing ever to come to a psy party, the whole concept of a psy party is for people to come together and enjoy the music and dance as a WHOLE.

          Gormik - Cuernavaca/Vancouver
Trancing and Dancing Since 2001
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 19:44

VIPs totally defeat the true essence of the rave, of the psychedelic gathering where all is one and one is all.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 20:56
VIP = Very Ignorant People           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
VA - \\\"No Mercy for the Weak\\\"
eniChkin - \\\"A Particle of Infinity\\\"
VA - \\\"Ten Reasons to eat dust\\\"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 23:34

On 2006-09-06 20:56, Umbra wrote:
VIP = Very Ignorant People

ive never though of that........

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Internal System

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 08:33
Lately i like to follow after alfreak msgs he really have something to offer you all the mexican ppl.
Its seems he is a nice nice man with very good mind.
and i probley agree with all he says.
Anyway about the VIP well i dont think its something ''WOW'' i dont like to in the VIP room eiather, I wants to be with the ppl where is all the vibe there! I can tell from all the parties i played i liked to be between the people makes me understand what they wants before i go to play.

Just my way to say it...            Play It and Never Stop!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 08:45

I think the hole concept of a vip area is pretty dumb, i dont care really if some people wants to fell like sheeps in a square and thinking how great they are, i say fuck it, if they doesnt mess with me ..what ever. the real people never put barriers in this scene, we are here to socialize,globalize if some people fells like sheeps god bless them           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 22:36
The principal problem its the discrimination that VIP thing its like a kind of discrimination we must stop that an talk to the organizers...           UGLY BEFORE!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 23:34

I dont fell discriminated at all, it makes me laught, i tell u why because the organizers are stealing other peoples money for bringing them a service(a piece of shit of service) to be VIP,let them make some money hehehe...........I said dance and no pay attencion to those things           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 01:29
I dont fell discriminated either i just feel sorry for the people that paid to be trapt in a CORRAL where they suppost to be treat like little princeses but i guess we all think different and go to parties for different reasons.

im my opinion VIP area should be take out of the paties but i dont think thats gonna be possible

NO VIP Area = Less money for the promoters.

F^4k Yeah Janue!!!!!! lets dance!!!!!

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Sep 8, 2006 04:46

On 2006-09-08 01:29, alfreak wrote:
I dont fell discriminated either i just feel sorry for the people that paid to be trapt in a CORRAL where they suppost to be treat like little princeses but i guess we all think different and go to parties for different reasons.

im my opinion VIP area should be take out of the paties but i dont think thats gonna be possible

NO VIP Area = Less money for the promoters.

F^4k Yeah Janue!!!!!! lets dance!!!!!


Dance to the sunrise!!           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - we are not the only ones with the VIP area problem
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