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Started Topics :  4
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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 07:43:10
THE BEST psychological & mental healing technique in the world has been discovered and propogated by BUDDHA!

Its called Vipassana Meditation. It a deep self surgery of your mind, brain everything.
When you begin, you go for a 10 day meditation camp where they teach you this technique. (set of techniques actually)
Noble Silence is maintained and you meditate for 10 hours everyday and by 7th day you are in a deep mediatitive trance removing all the negativity from your system and becoming a healthy individual!

It has centres ALL over of the world!

This technique has saved many many people and the guru has been recognized and put on the board in the UN peace council, he sit along with dalai lama and the pope.

What I love about this organisation that they dont ask for donation like many other religions. And this is not a religion its totally meant to help humanity. they dont even charge you money for the 10 day course and the teachers are loving caring and enlightened personalities.

Anyways, Plz do share your experiences, i'm sure many people have been there as it has centres in many countries all around the globe..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 18:23
Okay, I guess u did too much of generalisation: of cause not everybody will reach that state you described on the 7th day of a course, in fact, i think, that very few people can clean their "system" in such a 10 day course ... it mostly is a long process of everyday practise (approx. 2 hours per day) (after such a course) and then there mybe / mostly is a need for more and longer courses. Becoming a healthy individuum with a cleaned soul can be an extraordinary long run.

I have done such a 10 day course and will do another one soon.
My understanding of the technique is, that through focusing on sensations (e. g. prickling, pulsating sensation etc. etc.) on / in your body on very fine level you get a very sharpend mind. But the most important thing is, that you should give no values to those sensations (e. g. "Oh, that feels very nice" or "Oh, that feels shitty"), so staying perfect equanimous with a very sharpend mind. Since your mind allways needs a constitution for the next moment and you are not valueing anything as "good" or "bad" with your very sharpend mind, values from the past, that are covering the deep unconscious mind like layers of dirt will rise up in the conscious mind. And if you stay equanimous to those feelings / memories etc. you get free of that dirt and you`ll get a cleaned mind.

P.S.: Vipassana meditation is not only a technique to clean the mind, but also (as an effect of that) to get a better way of life and to give love to people. Also at the end of each Vipassana meditation you should do "metta" (sharing the inner peace u got through the medtiation with every being)

May all beings be happy, as Mr. Goenka (the refounder of the technique) keeps saying
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 22:25
i was going to do such a course in a place in germany some years ago but then they told me that i need to shave my hair before that. and also they did not allow me to go together with my didge and at that time i carried my didgeridoo whereever i

so i did not make the course....

i dont know, i could have shaven my hair, but at the end of the day, i never know what will happen after the course and if i will leave the course as unenlightened as before at the end of the day i am a woman and need to move in this society as is too early to move with shaven hair....

i actually only heard good things about those vipassana courses...from friends....
but if i hear about such rules, something in me or in my unconscious mind shouts " what the fuck". i can do full renounciation if i see the point why, no eating, no social contacts, no sex etc, but if i see all those rules given by some autorities, i just cant do it...
i dont know. i really dont like the rules. i have adopted the psychedelic religion......

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Posts :  30
Posted : Feb 12, 2009 06:35
Yes in 10 days not everything is solved but still you are on a very healthy path than ever before! Ultimately everything depend on what you want to do and how far you want to be with the truth

Moki thats the funniest thing i have ever heard. I don't think in any vipassana centre they ask to shave

oh yes there are rules there..but you have to create rules to master your mind, or else it will be a wild monkey...upto you to be a wild monkey and gain nothing, or accept a few rules and make it a sharp tool

For these simple rules are highly needed so as to not the cloud the mind with desires and other activities during the "surgery"

1. to abstain from killing any being;
2. to abstain from stealing;
3. to abstain from all sexual activity;
4. to abstain from telling lies;
5. to abstain from all intoxicants.

The whole story about the discipline is here -

Imho its very good to follow discipline specially just for a 10 day course so you can see if you have an ego more or the thirst to purify more...

hope you find what ure lookkin for

peec & luv


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  30
Posted : Feb 12, 2009 06:38
gunter - ah yes the metta ..its so beautiful when you feel it for the 1st time from the teacher or another experienced much peace and tranquility..its this metta which also drive me to return to ultimate innocence one day so i too can emit this frequency and give peace to others!

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  30
Posted : Feb 12, 2009 06:56
Also these rules have been made after a deep study of the way human mind and body function. They only ask to follow these rules for the 10 day course because it directly impacts the success of the technique they are teaching.

The reason being that things like spicy food, sex, stealing, lieing all these things create negative thoughts in the mind. you start becoming desirous, you start thinking about doing this, doing that and your focus is gone from the meditation more often. As Buddha has found out, desire is the cause for most human suffering.

no eating - this is wrong idea you have. you get 2 wholesome meals a day and a small snack in the evenings. yes there is no meat and very very simple carbohydrate food. your body does not recieve any toxins, and a powerful internal organ healing process begins after stopping the toxic chemicals we ingest without knowledge in our everyday eating habits.

no social contact - you have come here to find your path and cleanse your mind. for 10 days you can't keep quite and let everybody else go through their mediation in peace? what will you gain from talking, you will only loose. you will have the conversations in your head and your focus from meditation will frequently be disturbed by thinking about your conversations. However, if you have any questions about the technique and the teachings you can have very enlightening talks with the teachers.

no sex - ahhh i juss had sum killer sex now let me meditate.......................ahh that was sooo gooooood...wish i cud have more...shh (get back to mediation).....ahh that was so fukkin gooooood!!!....ssshhhhhhh!!! (whole day can be spent silently thinking about devious sex plays with no gain whatsoever on the meditation!)


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  30
Posted : Feb 12, 2009 07:01
oh and i forgot to add if you ever complete this course and then practise psychedelic religion within a short span of time after the course, the power of the psychedelia reaches another level all together! ultimately psychedelics are related to the mind, so if you have a healthy strong mind, the intensity with which psychedelics work on you will be higher, you will reach higher planes than ever before.

Even practising the vipassana techniques on psychedelic is one of the most exciting psychedelic experiences in itself.

but then you wonder if this is the right thing to do. you have already learned the technique to look at your organs in your body how much more psychedelic do u need to be..? you are already connected to the innerverse and the outerverse by the power of your mind without harming your chakras with chemicals and frenzied moments...


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Feb 12, 2009 12:12
"I don't think in any vipassana centre they ask to shave "

well but they did with me. i dont remember exactly which was the place, it was like 7-8 years ago. and i sent them a formular with my personal data. and they returned me per post the answer on paper. i was accepted but no musical instruments were allowed. and as far as understood they said that their attendants shave the hair. may be i was at the wrong vipassana centre.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 14, 2009 12:54
There is only one, not very old Vipassana center in Germany (in Triebel in Vogtland). I have been there. and they don`t ask for shaving hair. Maybe you are mixing up vipassana with another mediation technique, Moki?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Feb 14, 2009 14:58
oh, there is more than one place where you can do the course. like for instance here and in many other places. i have visited some of those houses. but i did not make the real hard core course that i wanted to do some years ago. i remember it was a small village, i dont even remember the name of the village. i found it on the internet where , as far as i remember, there was a list of at least 5 centers in germany....
but ok, i am just mentioning it. i think i can still try to do it....
Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Feb 26, 2009 14:20
I did this first time about 6 months ago....was emotionally quite intense and painfull experience to say the least...but gradually i did begin to understand the genius in the technique and the way in which it is taught...

Unfortunately i did not pratice it once it was finished as experience of the sensations and increased sensitivity was too much for me at the time...but it did give me the push to quit eating meat...My life has been quite chaotic since and ive been really down since completing the course...but lets say just my understanding and acceptance of the way things have turned out for me has improved...I plan on doing another course sometime soon so i can get back into it and hopefully begin daily practice...

AS for psychedelics...LOL!!! I would say my vippassana experience was kinda like a 10 day acid trip!!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : May 4, 2009 15:49
Who is doing Vipassana meditation regularly (daily)? What are the positive effects on your life? And how do u use Vipassana to master "problems" of your mind (like angrieness ..) in your everyday life?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  1465
Posted : Jun 2, 2009 17:01
So, no "active" Vipassana meditators here?
Then everybody should start right now
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 24, 2009 18:36

On 2009-02-26 14:20, Hex Osirus wrote:
I did this first time about 6 months ago....was emotionally quite intense and painfull experience to say the least...but gradually i did begin to understand the genius in the technique and the way in which it is taught...

Unfortunately i did not pratice it once it was finished as experience of the sensations and increased sensitivity was too much for me at the time...but it did give me the push to quit eating meat...My life has been quite chaotic since and ive been really down since completing the course...but lets say just my understanding and acceptance of the way things have turned out for me has improved...I plan on doing another course sometime soon so i can get back into it and hopefully begin daily practice...

AS for psychedelics...LOL!!! I would say my vippassana experience was kinda like a 10 day acid trip!!

but what is it exactly that makes this technique so unique and powerful?? i have heard this many times from other people..about the 10 days of acid trip with vipassana....
i almost thought they really did have an acid trip during the course....
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 24, 2009 19:37
you know those moments of full synchronicity???
the moments when everything happens " per chance" but this chance is so perfectly embedded in your present situation...and you meet for instance a good friend in the middle of another continent totally per chance know what i mean?
now , 20 minutes ago ( just after i closed isratrance) i had another synchronicity like that. i got news with subject vipassana per chance.
and it was about this film about vipassana:

strange things happen. i have to take care to learn more about this thing. i could do well in one of those centers for some time right now.
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