I agree with every word.
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 17, 2007 19:35
read it aswell, its very well written but I have to disagree about these fatalistic announcments... offcourse magazines love these headlines for their promotion and eye catching but I honestly think that this article would look totally different if the dude would have went to Moksha's party... its a very well known tendency of old tribers to declaire that the parties in the past were better... soon I shall broadcast a special show I have made about Nostalgia and the way ppl remember the parties of the past which was made as a final assignment in my college... "Hypnoza" 106fm (TLV) - Sunday's @ 20:00
www.myspace.com/hypnozaradioshow106fm Delusional Trippy voyage to space madness
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 01:26
On 2007-10-18 00:18, Elad wrote:
agree with very very little from this
he should not go to holy rave but go to moksha party at same time 4000 peaple dig in most beatifull way i ever see , just check the reviews
True that
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Sound Surgeon
Crater / Mish-kah
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 01:51
or TAZ
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 02:47
i'm relatively young. i like the music, i'm insane inough to travell half cauntry to get some karahana.
and truelly, i don't minde all this critisicme.
morning, 06:00, boom boom and so on...300 ppl dancing and triping, amazing atmosphere.
its all i need!!!
this shit makes me good vibes. its ever lasting, just not as most of you knew it.
trance makes me happy.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 03:00
here is party from 93 , before it was scene , and sometimes i do get the same vibe that i get from this movie , and a friend of mine that was there said in the legenday texas faggott @ moksha purim rave and also in the amazing boom festival 2004 and some doof records small gatherings and he could feel this same energy still very much alive , diffrent for sure , its been 13 years since so it probably cant stay as pure as it was but still very good and positive vibes good music and freedom feeling
www.sattelbattle.com http://yoavweinberg.weebly.com/
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 10:05
Nice Article, but as ppl said here b4 - wrong party. Big festival like they do in Brazil can not work here. Simply because there isn't enough ppl here.
Small fest contains the right spirit.
-=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 16:22
what a load...couldn't even bare to read it till the end.
"The fade-out of the electronic message"? kinda feel sad for those who can relate...
Shahar Indepth
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Posted : Oct 18, 2007 20:58
its a nice article but if you can relate to it , i guess its your loss.
the article is written from an aging guy's perspective, and like every aging guy, things always seem better looking back.
the point is , if trance is so dead , how come weve had 4 relatively large events in september alone, not counting the mighty Doof , etc. etc.
i have had the privilige to take part in almost all of these events, and to me it doesnt seem like things are fading out at all. every event has had its own problems, and its own limitations, but thats another discussion already