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Twisted System - Core (Timecode Records 2006) CD


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Posted : Mar 24, 2006 05:47
"and i dont like to manipulate the frequencies to correct a track"

why not if the result can please you more, or give you less "headaches"? You feel it is some kinda disrespect to the creators?? LOL dont be so uptight!

Anyway, when I said I was lowering the treble I didn't say I was distorting the original stuff, quite the contrary. Usually my treble setup is quite high but when listening to Shift & company I don't need to do it coz their original levels are already to my taste and so I lower the treble to normal levels.

Everybody, I just saw there's another SA Full-on release!!!! Brethren's new album!!!! Wow, these first months of 2006 are full of SA bombs... Pitch Hikers, Twisted System and Brethren, not to mention that powerful comp Twilight Children with powerful SA newcomers (at least to me) like Frozen Ghost (already with one track in Wild Spirit 2004 comp but aside from that..) and Zion Linguist.... tasty

b m!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2006 08:23
you dont understand what ive wrote.
i dont like this album much. i would really appreciate if you woudlnt tell me how i have to listen to music.
i know it by myself

and thanks for your little excursus about the latest sa-releases and some of the new sa-newcomers...
but thats

          - last possible solution
- trick music
- ambivalent records

ps: y trance?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  99
Posted : Mar 24, 2006 09:24
yip yip...kool Cd indeed.

very nightish i loved it.
rock on

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Posts :  43
Posted : Mar 29, 2006 01:16

On 2006-03-24 08:23, lokus wrote:
i would really appreciate if you woudlnt tell me how i have to listen to music.
i know it by myself

I wasn't telling you how to listen music. I was referring what I, repeat I, do to improve my listening and I politely gave you an advice. If you react this badly to politely given advices (it wasn't even a critic) then you have a problem. Not me.


and thanks for your little excursus about the latest sa-releases and some of the new sa-newcomers...
but thats

is it? Let's see, do you know mr.Phyx is both part of the Twisted System AND Brethren projects? So how is it off-topic to mention his release under Brethren? And aren't the other "SA newcomers" also doing powerful full-on who can be labeled under the same genre as this release? If anything I was pointing out similar powerful stuff to anyone who might not know about them. And 4 lines to mention all these was an "excursus"?! pff save me ...



I could go without the hipocrisy too.


To the Twisted System magical trio, all I have to say is that I'm digging your work more and more. I tested those tracks I've mentioned as great with my 'party ppl', with my car audio pumping high in some abandoned (burnt actually) isolated 'sanatorio'(sp?) and all i have to say is that everyone got nearer my car when your stuff started bombing ! With Stark Raver in particular the reaction was as I expected, lots of smiles and positive reactions and suddenly I was around more than ten Lord Vaders... "RIIIIIISE" !

b m!
K - OS

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  192
Posted : Mar 29, 2006 08:45

Yeah it's well produced indeed,but it's also a very cheesy thing they've made,not the kind of tracks that you can play again and again,cause after listening to the "Stark Raver" more than 2 times,you'll realize how cheasy and cheap that screaming synth really is......for sure there are 2 to 3 tracks on the album wich are killargh indeed,but it's definately not a kind of masterpiece....although it's produced perfectly...           
~*Try to find a higher level*~
Rabdom L

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  79
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 12:32
thnx to everyone, whateva u said

my faves are razor and resistance - severe dancefloor shredda's.

back home in SA we cater for a crowd who like it hard and the Manson track rocked our dancefloors more than any other track - i think its more of a live act track, DJ's can't really get away with dropping this one - and it got old fast.

the mind

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Apr 28, 2006 21:13
I love Twisted System. This album has some wobbly moments though, but they get away with it.

Risistance and Daorthite are the best ones for me

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  171
Posted : Apr 29, 2006 13:13
the mind : "Risistance and Daorthite are the best ones for me "

me 2. esp resistance.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  78
Posted : May 1, 2006 06:58
killah album !

havent stopped listening since it was released... love tracks 1 (once u get passed the star wars samples this is actually one of the finest pieces of fullon i have heard this year imho!), 2, 3(!!) and 8(!!!!!)

beautiful people rmx is the least good for me - but im not a fan of many rock remixes

wickid shit! cant wait for the new Shift
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  281
Posted : May 1, 2006 22:33
I have to admit I like this album a lot,
off course for south african fullon lovers this I think is a dissapointment,
this isn't the typical south african fullon anymore but pure morning fullon,
allthough toghether with brethen you notice they still are different form the typical israel fullon,
the basslines are far more heaver and tuff and the drive is very hard,
well I like fullon and this is fullon I like a lot,
the first track is hilarious,
ok true it's cheezy but héy what the heck, nobody forces you to listen to it,
just skip to track two
I don't mind the rmx, goa has and always been a bit of ironie in it, and that rmx is just fun for the goaproducers so i'm not complaining and let them have them fun,

well very short,
to be morning fullon very psychedelic,
very fast,
pure kicking,
dance floor killers,
and a very good sound, different comparing to their debut album what is good, they totally used that previous sound so much they had no choice of changing,
off course there new sound is more typical and not that orignal,
it's been done before, but they know how to use and play with it,

so I say good job, keep up the good work

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  319
Posted : May 2, 2006 17:59
hey thanks again everyone,, whether u like the album it or not we appreciate your comments

( oh and there's a good chance we'll release the NON-CHEESY live version of stark raver soon ) hehe ,, yes the one on the album is a joke and sideffect is right - thats why we put it at track one so u can skip past it and dont have ot hear it at the end,, hehe - - cant we have a laugh too

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : May 2, 2006 19:38

On 2006-05-02 17:59, shift wrote:
hey thanks again everyone,, whether u like the album it or not we appreciate your comments

( oh and there's a good chance we'll release the NON-CHEESY live version of stark raver soon ) hehe ,, yes the one on the album is a joke and sideffect is right - thats why we put it at track one so u can skip past it and dont have ot hear it at the end,, hehe - - cant we have a laugh too

Sounds interesting.
The "NON-CHEESE" version.

And as for placing it on track one, nice job. Really worked the way u just said. Heard 4 min, and skiped it...

Btw, congratulations on your 3rd solo album. Loved the samples.



IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  527
Posted : May 2, 2006 23:42
for me this is some of the best relases in first part of 2006

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Posted : May 11, 2006 22:27
This is my first Timecode album, and I am really digging it. I am actually new to this darker/heavier side of music. I am enjoying this MUCH more than I would have predicted.

I even like the first track, for it's humor value. I want a "Giant Hurt Ball" too!

I am worried though now...liking this release I see a few more purchases from Timecode in store...time to break my little piggy bank open AGAIN.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : May 12, 2006 00:17
Love the album. I loved the first, and the second is great as well. Hehehe, I like the first track actually. It maybe a joke but it's pretty good in my ears. Like what you guys did on the 'Rise' sample ... That one kicks it up straight away and it's all bombs from there. Keep it up I say!!           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Twisted System - Core (Timecode Records 2006) CD
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