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trance artists making techno FTW!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 23:06
heres some recom readin for you moki           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 23:25
wow:). ok i will read:) but ocelot, i know his opinion about it, we were talking about it once too.))) it is sweet, because he actually has done some tracks that i call dark psy, not all but some, and they are beautiful..but he doesnt like to cal them dark:)))). but anyway i will check the topic thanks:).
Lucid Picnic

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 23:59

but ok, lets put it like that, i ve been playing the piano for 20 years and i just like to hear music, notes, variety. techno is not such. same with progressive. but actually in comparison to techno, i could say that i would even love to here prog in comparison to techno. pfff. buah.

this is such a tragic comment,
probably the weakest proposition you made in this nonsense topic,
which makes me want to go to bed rather to explain you some basic stuff about techno music.

genre wars genre wars
all i know is genre wars

          Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 00:00
Whose been playing piano for 20 years?? Lucid Picnic where did you pick this quote from??

OH and one more thing..THERE IS NO BLOODY FREQUENCY FOR"OM"...the thing about "Om" is that it encompasses all frequencies, and all sounds, and all kindly get your facts right before posting tall responses with funky words. Om contains the entire spectrum of sound, words, worlds, and concepts. Om represents the source of all light, love, and wisdom ( this might sound a bit cheesy but is the philosophy behind Om in Hiduism atleast). It is, after all, an insentient sound.
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Lucid Picnic

Started Topics :  132
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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 00:04

On 2008-11-24 23:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

but ok, lets put it like that, i ve been playing the piano for 20 years and i just like to hear music, notes, variety. techno is not such. same with progressive. but actually in comparison to techno, i could say that i would even love to here prog in comparison to techno. pfff. buah.

          Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 00:10
Yes, well I studied Piano too for 10 years (and have played the piano for a whole lot more). I have had formal education in Western Classical music since I was 5 years old and graduated from Trinity Music (London), for piano, and if you can't hear music, notes or variety in techno, then maybe you are not "Listening". I often fail to hear the "Music" in alot of "Dark Psy". In fact more than 70% of the folks making music in this "dark Psy "scene are not musicians...I would call them sound technicians with a vast knowledge of computers..but put an instrument in any one their hands and I think we all know what would happen..NOTHING.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 01:21
I've been playing piano for 34 years now, do I win?           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 01:48

On 2008-11-28 01:21, Colin OOOD wrote:
I've been playing piano for 34 years now, do I win?

Ok..You get the crown and 10 cookie points But I'll grudgingly add that you just have the advantage of "age" on your side. Some of us are still small           **************************************
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 08:18

On 2008-11-28 00:00, Fria Tantrumm wrote:
Whose been playing piano for 20 years?? Lucid Picnic where did you pick this quote from??

OH and one more thing..THERE IS NO BLOODY FREQUENCY FOR"OM"...the thing about "Om" is that it encompasses all frequencies, and all sounds, and all kindly get your facts right before posting tall responses with funky words. Om contains the entire spectrum of sound, words, worlds, and concepts. Om represents the source of all light, love, and wisdom ( this might sound a bit cheesy but is the philosophy behind Om in Hiduism atleast). It is, after all, an insentient sound.

fria this is another post where you definitely dont make a good impression with your such a ridiculous sureness about whats what. well we have a quite famous scientist and activist in the scene here in europe and actually not only one , that experiments with the frequences of the planets, you just go to and read the english section. OKEY? or not okey??????????????????? we have a big variety of musicians that experiment with that, with gongs and other stuff. and we have quite a lot of healers who heal with tuning forks. sorry to tell you that but your hindu holy men are very impressed on this experiments cause they agree their om has musically the same frequence from his studies and researches. or check the planet octave in google for more info or whatever. get it right? may be you dont follow me with a teaching attitude in every topic:). would be nice. okey? THANK YOU

and yes om has a frequence.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 08:35
Monki please get yourself confortable and read this books to make your mind clear and rip yourself of your totalitarian side:

To resume this topic:

- techno is the father of all other EDM genres, period.

- Calling "Psychedelic" music is as subjective as chossing a favorite soccer team.

- There is good music and bad music in every genre, music with soul, love and art intentions. And music produced massively with the only intention of making money.

Now lets talk about soemthing really important, where are the Oreos?

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 15:31
and so fucking what? if it is the father.

i know its the father. i just prefer the son....cause the father, i know him well enough.

both of the books i ve read very long time ago. and i have read some on techno too, dont even know if they are translated in english but i guess i have a slight influence on the fact that i ve spend the last 10 years in germany which is a very technoid country on the other side ( but luckily i moved to the equator of dark psy some weeks ago but anyway). i dont have anything against the freaks, really not, but i think, that if the case is that they are the one to have a second smaller floor on the trance festivals, then they are the quests there, not the core! and they have to adopt some virtues if they gonna stay there, this is what i think.

no it is not fucking subjective. you have a sort of unifing terms for everything. memes, collective ideas where we get a kind of a collective reality. like for instance no matter if reality is an opinion we still have some points where we all agree, like for instance we all have the same idea of what is called an atom, or a chemical substance or an octave, or a frequence, or whatever other accepted term. i cannot come and play you some metal and then tell you that it is psychedelic rock, cause in the times of psychedelic rock it has been established as a term. without strict borders, but you still know what is psychedelic rock.
and same with techno. why didnt you call it psychedelic 15 years ago when it was on its hype??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WHY NOW?????????????????????
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 15:55
ah and one more thing: i asked, give me a nice minimal psychedelic project to check. sorry but what have been mentioned is not even slightly psychedelic according to the term that has been established for classical psychedelic trance and non classical dark psychedelic trance. ad you cannot here just play with the terms, cause these are collective agreements about established terms that have been made 15 years ago and if we wanna talk and communicate , we have to use established terms. words implicate the need to have their meanings - you cannot call the black white.
i liked some minimal projects actually. what i mean is for instance auricular or such direction, where you have the minimal stream but the tunes are very psychedelic and chaotic or at least i can remember well as auricular came to the market, it was something interesting. i found it interesting. but i dont see anything interesting in trance artists doing minimal right now. may be you can direct me?????????????????????????
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 16:39

On 2008-11-28 15:31, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i think, that if the case is that they are the one to have a second smaller floor on the trance festivals, then they are the quests there, not the core! and they have to adopt some virtues if they gonna stay there, this is what i think.

wow what a gold mine you are with these comments.keep it psychedelic           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
Lucid Picnic

Started Topics :  132
Posts :  855
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 16:44

On 2008-11-28 15:55, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
ah and one more thing: i asked, give me a nice minimal psychedelic project to check. sorry but what have been mentioned is not even slightly psychedelic according to the term that has been established for classical psychedelic trance and non classical dark psychedelic trance. ad you cannot here just play with the terms, cause these are collective agreements about established terms that have been made 15 years ago and if we wanna talk and communicate , we have to use established terms. words implicate the need to have their meanings - you cannot call the black white.
i liked some minimal projects actually. what i mean is for instance auricular or such direction, where you have the minimal stream but the tunes are very psychedelic and chaotic or at least i can remember well as auricular came to the market, it was something interesting. i found it interesting. but i dont see anything interesting in trance artists doing minimal right now. may be you can direct me?????????????????????????

i think you are totally crazy
          Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
Lucid Picnic

Started Topics :  132
Posts :  855
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 16:48

On 2008-11-28 15:55, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
may be you can direct me?????????????????????????

that will sooth you and maybe take you away from that sppoookkyyy 'dark psychedelic religion' ahahah

go for budhism or hinduism
i dont know

you are so lame.
i am sorry for the tuning

          Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
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