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Too chaotic darkpsy is no good!

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 16:07
What yoy are saying is
1) True of most psytrance tunes I've heard;
2)Is not true of quite a few darkpsy tracks (DoHm's music would be a good example).

If you want a style of music where most tracks are entrancing, you'd have to back to the original trance of mid-90s, if not to techno.

I agree with you: it has a lot to do with tempo. But not only. Full On is too flowery, Progressive is too cerebral, much of Neo-Goa is too multilayered and a lot of Darkpsy is too full of noisy tzwick-tzwack. None of those things invalidate these styles or make them less attractive to me, but none pf it is conducive to trancing.

As for tempo preferences, at least some of it is conditioned. Having grown up with North European mega-cheese, I prefer 120 bpm of Eurodisco/Italo to 144 bpm of American disco.
(And lest we forget that all EDM ultimately comes from these two Disco styles )
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 17:31
I understand your objection to identifying your music with Darkpsy. It's the whole "dark" in the name that rubs you the wrong way. (Enter Ocelot ) And when your Black Hole Surfing Music takes off and storms psy parties and overloads YouTube, I'll add it to my growing catalogue of psytrance sub-genres. Until then, in my mind, your music is a style of Darkpsy, along with classical Darkpsy, Forest, Psycore, full-on-ish styles of Tsabeat, Penta and Wizack Twizak or IDM crossovers of Axis Mundi.

Your BHSM is definitely distinct from other Darkpsy styles - to the degree that I can see your point.
Your Slambient is distinct from Dark Ambient I have heard too.

But when I use the words "Darkpsy" or "Dark Ambient", I am not talking about major depression or Devil worship. I am talking about stylistic features of music, however unfortunately (mis)named.

Just as an example: some (many? ) Uplifting tunes are not at all uplifting but annoying. This is true of both the Dutch and the Greek Uplifting. Should we rename those styles now? Also, I believe that a lot of Progressive has very little to do with progress (or even with musical progression). And Kristian famously stated, there is nothing new about New-School Goa.

Names, just names...

P.S. In the interest of flame prevention: IMO, IMO, IMO…
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 17:36
BTW, CinderVOMIT's BHSM is fast enough for you to skip a beat and keep dancing, while pretending that 1/4th are 1/8th. Or you can just close your yes and sway fom side to side. Dancing is overrated, anyway.

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 17:38
awesome            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 18:35
Great post Maine Coon !! LOL ,)            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 21:17
Glad you liked it.
Life is not as serious of a matter as most people think.
Cinder's BHSM demonstrates this point very well.
Looking forward to swaying to it in some NC forest gathering.
Speaking of which, partially OT, is Mr Lizzard alive and well?

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 22:24
Lizzard is doing fine I'm trying to get him to add his thoughts to this thread

thanks for the words!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 02:56
when i think of darkpsy, i think of the dog of tears live recording from worldbridge set i just heard.

when i hear people call what i do dark, or what dohm does dark, i want to stomp on their noodles.
dohm is psychedelic. 200bpm with lil squishy noises and no bass in the bass is not psychedelic, unless you're on acid or something.

not to say that it's not an awesome subculture of our music scene. it's odd that folks my age and folks Mr.cinder and Mr. lizzard's have a different perspective on the "dark" label….

again with different times and places.

what really interests me is that there's such a concentrated older crowd dedicated to the older dark sound, in north carolina alone.           Doof Local

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 06:00
I typically don't even *want* to dance until the bpm is over 150.

just sayin. gotta have that oomph to get my wiggle going. maybe its the dirty south thing as mentioned in the above post.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 07:24
oh, i rarely play below 150, but i don't play dark, i play bass heavy weird shit, and get called dark.
no satan samples or screaming for me, just heavy bass and trippy atmosphere.           Doof Local

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 20:23
Still I´m fucking freaking out with the conversation of the post "WTF... this is at your opinion". I got very upset with the comments of this "Cosmo noisepoisond" with lot of "shit of this, shit of that" and the worse: showing a big rudeness with the other just because is younguer... I chek his myspace and I found the next covers (also he has another not so simbolics):

and his "ungry" logo:

And of course, like this covers indicates, he plays very fast dark music. I wonder:

Has this music something to do with the music I like (psychedelic, morning fullon, progressive)? I thought that the psytrance scene was represnte by "happy and smiling" people who never will make covers like this, but we can find all this kind of staff in the fast dark music.

Maybe is the time to split so differents moods?

Or maybe they are right with their slogan "There is no light without darkness"?

P.D. I´m talking about the fast dark music like psycore, etc... (more than aprx. 150 bpm)           Dancers make the party, not Dj´s
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 21:52
i like both of those albums, actually. not to fast or to dark for me.           Doof Local
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:09

On 2011-08-14 06:00, emilybobemily wrote:
I typically don't even *want* to dance until the bpm is over 150.

I typically don't want to dance at all

One of very few exceptions would be Puoskari's "Different Path". That album made me look like a fool in supermarket lines many times.
Just can't help myself with that Suomi craziness.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:13
you don't dance to dance music? i nos understands           Doof Local
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 23:02
Nor do I take drugs.
Go figure...
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