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The Mother Of All Spiritual Threads


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Jun 11, 2008 08:54
Yep, the 'non-dual' is the 'goal', so 2 speak!           "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2008 10:00
We all need to collectively visualize the future we want and sow the seeds of change within ourselves now ! Clearly this situation of our world isn't all that great ! For most parts it's Fun if you're lucky but it certainly isn't the same for all and it's not a constant because it's our collective energy which is lost behind the facade of hype and glitz ... A temporary getaway seems more viable than the quest for knowledge !

Our world is changing and is on this fast moving express train to a certain apocalypse . When we pass the galactic centre in 2012 we will see physical evidence of this change in our world, our present reality ! Our journey from here is the most critical of all as it decides what we will be post 2012 ... The soul and matter merge as 1 ! Existence undergoes a paradigm shift!

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  373
Posted : Jun 11, 2008 16:02
@Psy Bates

Uh, no offence, m8, but how is it that u're so sure 'bout this 'calamity' that is apparently gonna hit us in 2012??
          "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posts :  443
Posted : Jun 11, 2008 22:14
baba first of all this 2012 shud not be seen as a calamity or doomsday,. infact its a great step forward in the evolution of the planet and consciousness and humanity and knowledge n understanding,. its a progress ahead, not destruction,. and also the real meaning of apocalypse is not destruction but it means "to reveal"... it has been misrepresented since a long time... also why 2012 is,. lotsa things point to that date,. historical documents, past history of the earth, mythology, ancient civilizations, visions, different epics, calendars, books, prophecies, also importantly even science with hard proof points to that date only,. some people understand it some dont, thats all... and the calamity and destruction part like earthquake and tidal waves n such, well its inevitable, it has to happen in the process... i guess its a small price we pay for a greater knowledge n better life... (note that death is not the end and also physical life is mostly suffering)....... but there cud be manmade calamities also, like most importantly nuclear holocast,. Things like that are the biggest mistakes and foolishness of humanity itself,. we are already on the brink of nuclear wipeout from quite sometime,. just held by a thin thread of watever that is holding us,.
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
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Posted : Jun 12, 2008 06:44
^^^ Radioactive ... You said exactly what I intended to say before the internet went out on me last night when i was replying to Mumukshu's post ...

Mumukshu .. . The certain apocalypse i mentioned is the time when our present day reality culminates and a new existence comes forth. A massive change experienced by all entities of our Planet for the special time in history we are a part of. The Black Hole at the Galactic Centre, SunSpots, The Comet on it's way as per the Bible, Planet X ( Nibiru) which is as big as Jupiter passing close to Earth... all speak of the change we are to see in this waking life ... All of the above mentioned phenomena threatens to shift Earth's polarity and electromagnetic field to an extent where present day Miami might be tomorrows North Pole !

Setting the mind aside the physical changes Earth shall see, the human consciousness will also evolve and existence in higher dimensions would become possible ... The dawn of a Psychic age where the duality between mind and matter dissolves into 1 single flowing unitary consciousness !

A shift in the global collective consciousness decides our future for most part as the changes is inevitable and is on it's way ! We are at an accelerated stage of this process and collectively we can create the magic world from the higher dimensions of our thoughts !

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  373
Posted : Jun 12, 2008 09:27

Bu I'd much rather learn 2 live in the present..

Bom!           "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  711
Posted : Jun 12, 2008 13:02
If it scares you to know the future, you got the message wrong ... The present is eternal like change is inevitable ! Living in the moment does help keep things in perspective, but as the moment unfolds itself in the change of tomorrow would you be ready for the change ...

Nothing lasts forever mate ! Let go ...           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  373
Posted : Jun 15, 2008 10:10
'Let go' means no competition, no struggle, no fight... just relaxing with existence, whereever it leads. Not trying 2 control consequences, but allowing them 2 happen... not even thinking about them. 'Let go' is in the present, consequences r 2moro. And 'let go' is such a delightful experience, a total relaxation, a deep synchronicity with existence, says Osho, the Zen master.

Go figure..

          "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  503
Posted : Jun 15, 2008 22:41
'Let go' is not a lack of action it is merely a lack of attachment to its consequence.            To FiNd YouRsELf YoU GoTTa LoSe YouRsELf FirSt!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 07:23
i wud rather say just be coz 'let go' has too much 'I' in it           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  373
Posted : Jun 16, 2008 09:39
No mind, no truth..

Bom!           "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  69
Posted : Jun 16, 2008 23:19

On 2008-06-16 09:39, Mumukshu wrote:
No mind, no truth..


there cannot be a "no mind" situation
its either ur mind or the worlds mind
the latter is called peace in simple language.           .Kya baba..kyu baba...kaise baba....kisliye baba.....pata nahi kya baba.......vaise bhi baba........jaise bhi baba.........par baba..........accha baba.
theek hai baba

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  373
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 09:52
Uh, in that case, try and become aware of the 'gap' b/w 2 thots, yo..           "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 10:20
well the thing is that our mind, worlds mind, the universal mind etc, and the gap between them is all part of one big thing or its all important... just connect ur mind to the worlds mind/universal mind or vice versa depending in whichever is in a higher state and in that process try to know n experience wats there in the gap inbetween... and once this is done, elevate it further to different levels and keep going... Its an endless journey and learning...

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  662
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 17:26
no mind = awareness of self = 101% possible

future never was and never will be as all live this moment none lived ahead , and if some sees the future is actually the projection of present changing into present again with probablities AND mi bros planets are planets different vibrational souls but only to facilitate the evolution which is now and ever will be as NOW.HERE .................. 2012 = quiet a long shot what about 2009 or 10 or 31/12/2011 ???????????????????

love today peace today calamities and changes are happening NOW

peace n light            To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)
Trance Forum  Forum  India - The Mother Of All Spiritual Threads
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