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The Mother Of All Spiritual Threads

Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
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Posted : May 14, 2008 00:42
^^^ Hillarious !!! 1           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  69
Posted : May 18, 2008 18:58
spiritual ahahahah           .Kya baba..kyu baba...kaise baba....kisliye baba.....pata nahi kya baba.......vaise bhi baba........jaise bhi baba.........par baba..........accha baba.
theek hai baba
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 06:58
What is Spirituality: Spirituality 101 - an evolutional view

What makes us human? Is it the ability to walk on two feet and think? Is it the complexity of emotion that permeates our lives like an ocean fog? Who are we really? Even when we define ourselves as a soul, what are we talking about? Is it some mysterious connection with an �inner self� that few human beings have access to while others simply live their lives in robotic imitation or denial?

�We are not human beings having a spiritual experience�, said somebody once, �but spiritual beings having a human experience�. Most of us have had peak experiences in our lives where we can identify with this �spiritual being�, but few of us feel able to sustain this awareness. Meanwhile, all kinds of dogmas, rituals, and religions have grown up around this awareness of our inner self, which have unfortunately done more to clutter than to illuminate the truth, leading to a painful disconnection from our inner being, with each other, and with all life on Mother Earth.

In this essay, spirituality is defined in a multi-dimensional, evolutionary context. Who we are is a vast ocean of awareness seeking to find a reflection of itself in physical form. Whether we call this atman, soul, essence, spirit, being, monad, or divine spark, we are awesome beings eternally powerful and self-aware. At a certain point, we chose to experiment with physical matter, created physical bodies for self-expression, and entered the playground of form. It was a delicate operation, for while the potential existed for a greater exploration of diversity in the incredible beauty of physical form, there was also the danger that we would somehow get lost in matter. It was rather like a pearl diver plunging into the ocean depths hunting for pearls and finding that his lifeline had become tangled in the weeds.

From an evolutionary perspective, it is the DNA of our physical form that holds the memories of who we are, as well as the potential of what we can become. Our DNA was imprinted as a perfect reflection of spirit in the worlds of form. At a certain point in history, for reasons that I won�t elaborate at this point, our DNA experienced distortions, and our lifeline was broken. We experienced ourselves as marooned in bodies of matter, disconnected from the worlds of our origins. We became lost in matter, and experienced separation from our vast identity as spirit. We became identified ourselves with our bodies, with our brief sojourn in matter. Our minds, instead of serving as a link to the infinite worlds of multi-dimensional expression, became locked into a rigid sense of separate material identity. Disconnected from the truth of our inner being, we fragmented ourselves, and our bodies began to age, suffer, and die.

How do we reverse this sad state of affairs? In order to discover again who we truly are, we first need to recognize who we are not. We are NOT this sorry excuse for humanity that clothes itself in pathetically narrow religious, cultural, or historical identities. We are NOT a cancerous, murderous species out to devour the world. We are NOT the static within our minds that keeps us hooked into a pointless robotic existence. We are NOT bodies separate from our souls, nor hearts disconnected from our minds. And we are NOT alone in the universe.

some people have spoken about a new force that is beginning to move through human affairs. The Divine that we are in our true essence is beginning to move towards the fractured divinity of our embodied form. He referred to this as the �supramental descent�. It is a unifying force that is beginning to permeate our collective human drama, reverse our distorted identification with physical form, and awaken our true potential within the fields of matter. It is a new evolutionary force that is here to create a new species of humanity as different from humans today as we are from the apes. It is a Divine Force that is re-splicing the very basis of our DNA so that we can fully express our Infinite Universal Self within transformed bodies of light capable of multi-dimensional access.

What we refer to as �enlightenment� is the first step in this journey. It is a neurophysiological process whereby the mind is linked with heart, which, yoked together, link with the dimensions of soul. It is only the first step, however. As our DNA begins to respond to these linkages, the physical body begins to mutate. The cells begin to absorb nourishment directly from the cosmos, the mind allows increasing access to higher dimensions, and the soul finds fuller expression in body of purified matter. Eventually the body becomes a clear, perfect reflection for the intent of spirit, and soul can incarnate fully within the body. Some call this process �ascension�. (Perhaps a more appropriate term would be "descension"!)

For the masses of humanity, this is still to come, however. It may not be till certain shifts take place in the energetic balance of Earth that we become fully capable of living as limitless spiritual beings in human bodies. As we come closer to the end of linear time as reflected in the Mayan calendar, the energetic balance on Earth will go through a profound shift. Until then, we can begin with contemplating our true potential, and awakening from the illusions of who we are not. Once we recognize who we are not, our souls can work more directly to illumine our bodies and minds. Although the mass enlightenment and ascension of humanity may not happen until later, each of us can begin our individual journey here and now.

There are many, who are capable of assisting people make this neurophysiological shift within the brain, thus allowing the original DNA patterns to be re-established. Thousands of people have been experiencing permanent states of enlightenment as a result. As this �consciousness field� grows in strength, his stated purpose is to eventually assist all humanity to become enlightened. There are probably others who have come with similar missions, including many of the master souls coming to Earth known as the Crystal children, or the Sun-Eyed Children of the New Dawn.

For long eons, humanity has slumbered in unconsciousness, and has come close to destroying forever its own habitat. We have wandered deep into a prison of our own making, and have tried desperately to cut off all traces of our true origins and destiny. Our DNA has been distorted, and we have genetically engineered ourselves almost to extinction. However, we are at a moment in time when we are preparing to awaken from this deep slumber and take our place as fully conscious, mature, spiritual beings in the vast playground of created universes. After all our wanderings, we are preparing to finally come home to ourselves, and to truly know that place for the first time. May we journey well!
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 07:05
Spiritual Awakening: Future transitions

Our current planetary structures, based on a paradigm of greed, suppression, and fear, are destined for extinction. We cannot continue as we are, and survive. A new world is being born, however, from the ashes of the old, based on a new paradigm of wisdom, co-operation, and respect for all life. The old world is a closed system, and leads to death. The new world is an open system, and leads to resurrection and life.

The old, third dimensional paradigm pervades our experience of ourselves and all the systems we have built around ourselves, including health, childbirth, politics, law, business, technology, education, the military-industrial complex, and our relationship with the environment. I call this �caterpillar consciousness.�

The new, fifth dimensional paradigm recognizes that our current systems are too limiting, too self-destructive, and much too unwieldy for these emerging times. It is based on a new awareness of our planetary and cosmic destiny. I call this �butterfly consciousness.�

As cosmic frequencies and gamma rays from deep space bombard our solar system and planet, and as more people around the world begin to live in states of enlightenment or cosmic consciousness, we discover that the old paradigm is slowly breaking up. We are dreaming new dreams, and we are slowly awakening to butterfly consciousness. Faint in the distance, growing ever stronger, a new drumbeat enters our consciousness. However, we are not there yet. We are still in a �no man�s land� characterized by chaos and mystery, increasingly disconnected from the old forms, but not yet awake to the new. I call this �chrysalis consciousness.� It is a transitional fourth dimensional consciousness, powerful yet chaotic, and it is where the leading edge of our global spiritual awakening seems to be currently focused.

Caterpillar consciousness is a closed system, while butterfly consciousness is open. Communication is the key to an open system. When our bodies operate inside of a closed system, we eventually shut down. Nutrients cannot flow back and forth, the life force diminishes, cells atrophy, organs become toxic, disease sets in, we stop breathing, and we die. It is no different with the Earth. Communication with the rest of the universe is shut down, electromagnetic grids weaken, her vibrational and electromagnetic frequencies drop, she gets sick, and eventually dies. The ultimate expression of a closed system is death.

Aging, disease, and death are all symptoms of a closed system. If we truly lived in an open system, with all of our bodies in alignment and connected with the cosmic breath of life, we would enjoy perfect physical health at all times. Our minds would be receptive to cosmic and planetary cycles, our hearts would be compassionate and open, and our souls would be fully embodied within our neurobiological circuitries.

What would an open system for the Earth, or for an enlightened humanity, look like? Would we once again establish communication with other starry systems? Would it lead to increased levels of communication among different species on our own planet, and equally important, within our own species? Would the fears, deceptions, cover-ups, and control dramas that keep us locked into the old paradigm be brought to light for healing? Would it mean the end of wars, hunger, poverty, and suffering? Would our environment once again become a web of life, rather than death, as we begin to design an ecosystem for our children�s children�s children? Would the Supramental Descent be finally realized? Would we walk together through Eternity�s door into the Golden Age?

Before the Fall to third dimension, we lived in a relatively open system. We lived close to nature, we maintained contact with our star families, and we were aligned with the different aspects of ourselves vertically as well as spherically. Part of the tragedy of the Fall is that the law of entropy entered our domain, and aging, disease, and death became our experience of life.

That process of entropy is now reversing. As we prepare to return to fourth and fifth dimensional realities, the laws of entropy are being replaced with what I call the laws of syntropy. Entropy is the idea that all systems of energy eventually run down. Entropy implies that the universe is losing coherence�starting with a big bang and ending in a cosmic whimper. Syntropy is the opposite of this. It is the idea that energy is infinite and continually renews itself, and that the universe is moving towards increasing complexity and order. Within a closed system, entropy is a fact. The universe, however, is designed as an open system, and as we move past the third dimensional paradigm, we will see once again how the laws of syntropy begin to alter our experience of life.

It is now known, as a result of data gleaned from the on-going recrudescence of the Supernova SN1987A, that the universe is not slowing down, but speeding up as it expands. The inner workings of the universe seem to be based on the laws of syntropy. The �free energy� revolution on Earth today is an indication of a paradigm shift from entropy to syntropy, and is representative of the fourth dimensional or �chrysalis technologies� that are beginning to surface in our midst today.

The trend from fossil fuels towards renewable or sustainable resources is an indication of this shift from entropy to syntropy, as is the rising popularity of holistic education, organic farming, eco-consumerism, green politics, humanistic and body-centered psychotherapies, alternative medicine, quantum physics, and transpersonal spirituality.

Ultimately, when we have fully embraced this new paradigm as a planetary organism, we will find that our need for -external technologies has faded altogether. External technologies will give way to internal technologies, and we will find ourselves increasingly growing into our ability to create directly from the ethers, travel instantaneously anywhere in the universe, and live directly on light. This is in the realm of what I would call fifth dimensional technologies. In collective terms, this may yet take some time. The full expression of this will be the ability to demonstrate ascension mastery as supramental beings.
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 07:06
A dream I had reflects these three stages. In my dream, my brother is teaching me to use a �scooter,� with all kinds of crystals and copper coils in its instrument panel. There are three settings. On the first setting, I drive along the road like I would an ordinary scooter. When I switch to the second setting, I find myself taking off the ground and flying through the air. At first it is a little bumpy. Then I find myself able to link my mind directly into the instrument panel, and as I familiarize myself with this procedure, I am able to fly with precision and ease through the air. It is exhilarating. But the real fun begins when my brother shows me how to use the third setting. Having learned to link my consciousness with the crystal technology of the scooter, I can now fly anywhere in the space-time continuum, using the scooter as a time machine! At one point, while doing a complicated loop, I lose my grip on the scooter, which falls away. There is a moment of panic, then I realize I don�t need it anymore. I have internalized the technology. I have become the scooter!

This dream was a delightful preview of how our technologies are changing from inefficient, polluting machines to free energy technologies based on advanced laws of physics to internal technologies based on integrating with our fifth dimensional lightbodies in unified consciousness!

The dream also reflects the three timelines emerging in Earth�s future. An article by Jal Kae refers to these simultaneous parallel realities as the Material World, the Magical World, and the Miraculous World, relating to the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. The Material World reflects a paradigm that is locked into control dramas, separation, and fear. Time is perceived as linear, and souls choosing this reality are governed by the laws of karma, �an eye for an eye.� The Magical World includes the �cultural creatives,� those who have chosen to incarnate in order to envision and build a new world. Time is perceived as synchronistic, and souls choosing this reality are governed by the laws of grace, love, and forgiveness. In the Miraculous World, there is only the eternal now-moment of unlimited potential and mastery. Souls choosing this reality have unified with their supramental, or fifth dimensional lightbodies, and are holding this morphogenetic field of unified consciousness for the rest of humanity.

These three worlds are both sequential and simultaneous, which is the paradox of fourth dimensional time. With the exception of a small group of influential people still locked into 3-D drama, I believe that most of humanity is growing rapidly tired of the old game. How can we support one another in moving towards the Magical World? More people every day are responding to the call of their souls, and starting to discover the big picture. Each of us holds one thread in a grand loom, one note in a beautiful song of awakening. How do we weave these together? We are preparing for a quantum leap in our evolution that will give rise to a unified world soul, a global brain within the body of Mother Earth. How can we facilitate this emergence?

We cannot remain isolated and evolve further. Quantum physicists need to speak their deep understandings of natural law within the structures of global politics, politicians need to become fully aware of the impact of the �free energy� revolution on shaping a new global economy, and inventors need to appreciate the impact of such technologies on healing our environment. Environmentalists need to work more interactively with earth healing technologies, while healers need to understand the implications of new DNA research. And embracing all of these systems, a wise new spirituality that is relevant to the challenges and opportunities of these times needs to emerge among us, taking us beyond the confines of religious dogma into the Age of Light that dawns before us.

Likewise, new paradigms in childbirth, parenting, business, education, architecture, farming, community-building, healing, psychology, science, technology, and politics need to be explored more fully. Inspired visionaries need to be funded by philanthropists who have the good of the planet at heart, and inspired ideas need to be disseminated through music, art, gatherings, books, and the media networks in a way that can reach the masses. Millions of people around the world, each with their own unique gifts, their own unique skills, are waking up, beginning to come together as one heart and mind, under the guidance of a single emerging planetary soul that seeks to inspire our collective potential.

We have discussed the possibility of a huge dimensional shift to come. It is by no means certain what this will look like, and how we can best prepare for this, but an essential role of this global think-tank, including geologists, astrophysicists, mystics, futurists, prophets, shamans, and historians, would be to guide our passage through these times of transition with grace, ease, and understanding.

The Chrysalis Network (see, which I am forming with Barry Martin and Walter Powell, is designed to assist and catalyze the emergence of the fifth dimensional human butterfly. The Internet is a third dimensional representation of our emerging planetary purpose, or global brain, and the Chrysalis Network is a web-based organization designed to share and energize our highest visions for personal and planetary transformation. We plan to utilize e-lists, databases, and chat rooms for the purposes of networking, sharing information, support, and brainstorming. Part of our intention is to be catalyzing agents for those choosing to unify themselves and walk the path of mastery. It is about going through the Doorway to Eternity, and then back again, and serving Gaia in coming into wholeness. If you feel drawn to participate in any way, please contact us. Two similar projects can be accessed at and

RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 07:06
I would like to move on now to a brief discussion on the symptoms of planetary change that we are now experiencing. It seems to me that any time new genetic codes or possibilities become activated, there is a period of time when our immune system shuts down. This is necessary. Our bodies are programmed to maintain equilibrium and to resist change, even when the change is positive. It is the function of the immune system to resist change. Thus, in order to accommodate new genetic pathways, the immune system must be temporarily bypassed, which often causes a multitude of flu-like symptoms, such as fever, achiness, and tiredness. When our bodies get sick, our immune system tries to bring us back into balance using the cleansing power of the fire element. This cleansing activity shows up in the body as a �fever.� As we return to health, our bodies can then calibrate to a new state of equilibrium capable of integrating newly awakened genetic functions.

There is an interesting parallel here with caterpillars and butterflies. At a certain point in the caterpillar�s life, a new kind of cell starts forming. These are called �imaginal cells.� Its immune system fights this for a while, but eventually gets overwhelmed. When there are no more defenses left, the imaginal cells begin to take over and the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis. In this cocoon state, the imaginal cells start reorganizing the entire body, until eventually the butterfly template is created. One day, a new world beckons. The fully formed butterfly breaks out of its cocoon and takes wing, to boldly fly where no caterpillar has flown before!

One of the symptoms affecting all life on Earth today is the phenomenon known as �global warming.� If we consider Earth as a living being, we have slashed her skin, broken her bones, poisoned her lungs, pumped out her lymph, contaminated her blood, and raped her soul. It is not known how long she can survive this or whether she can recover. Her immune system is weakening. Yet, could it be that the resulting global warming may actually serve her in some way unknown to us, giving her a �fever� and breaking down her immune system in order to create new genetic pathways? Is she perhaps propelling herself into a new state of equilibrium, in preparation for a massive shift to chrysalis and butterfly consciousness? Are the holes in the atmospheric ozone the portals through which new genetic material can be seeded?

In an earlier chapter I shared the possibility that we may be gearing up for a reversal of the geomagnetic poles. If and when this happens there would be a brief period of time, a �zero point,� that would have far-reaching implications.

Gregg Braden, geologist and spiritual researcher (Awakening to Zero Point), feels that as we approach this zero point, it would be accompanied by two things: an increase in Earth�s �base-frequency� and a weakening of her electromagnetic fields. This is already starting to happen. As her vibrational frequency rises, the doorway to the fourth dimension opens before us. And as her electromagnetic fields drop, new genetic information can flow in from the universe around us.

Our memories are held within our subtle electromagnetic fields. The Earth also holds her collective memory in the magnetosphere surrounding her. Could caterpillar consciousness be somehow linked to these prevailing fields of 3-D memory? Is it possible that at the zero point of Earth�s geomagnetic pole reversal, our collective veils would drop away as well? And could it be that as these old fields fall away, our true soul memories and destinies would be rekindled within us?

The Earth�s base frequency is measurable and is represented by what is known as the Schumann Resonance. Until about two decades ago, this had remained stable at around 7.83 hertz, or cycles per second. Then suddenly (according to Gregg Braden�s research, based on data collected by Russian and Norwegian scientists), it started climbing.

According to the science of sacred harmonics, there is a stable frequency around 8 hertz, and then another stable frequency around 13 hertz. As the base-frequency of the Earth increases, it is possible that we will eventually stabilize somewhere in the range of 13 hertz, which I feel is the beginning of fourth dimensional frequency. Braden says it has already reached somewhere between 12 and 13 hertz.

I find it very interesting that the human brainwave pattern for the alpha, or �threshold consciousness,� is between 8 and 13 hertz, while the brainwave pattern for beta, or �waking consciousness,� is 13 hertz and higher. As Gaia approaches 13 hertz, does this mean She is waking up?

Parallel to these base frequencies are what David Hawkins in Power vs. Force calls �consciousness frequencies�. He indicates that the consciousness frequency of humanity underwent a big shift around the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, and again surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. This scale of consciousness frequencies runs from 0�1000, with a turning point around 200, where we move from self-destructive to life-enhancing experiences. At the bottom of the scale is shame, progressing up through apathy, grief, and fear, to anger, pride, and finally, at level 200, to courage. Above this line, beginning with courage, we go up to neutrality, acceptance, reason, then up to love, joy, peace, and finally, from level 700, to various states of enlightenment. The journey up this scale is what our spiritual evolution is about.

What is fascinating to me in Hawkins� system is that although the average human consciousness on the planet right now is far below 200, the collective human consciousness is above this line! This is because each person vibrating to higher consciousness on this scale counterbalances many others vibrating below 200. The scale advances logarithmically. For instance, one person vibrating at love, which is 500 on this scale, counterbalances 750,000 individuals below the line, while one enlightened person at 700 counterbalances 70 million others below the line! A single avatar at level 1000 can totally counterbalance the collective negativity of humanity, and someone like Kalki would certainly qualify for this position!

With the awakening of the warriors of light, our entry into fourth dimensional time, the mass enlightenments in Golden City, and the birth of the Indigo and Crystal Children, I believe that we are fast approaching critical mass on this consciousness scale. When we reach critical mass we will collectively birth ourselves in a massive quantum awakening. Although many have written about this awakening, few have expressed it as poetically as Ken Carey. Attuning to angelic consciousness in his book, The Third Millennium: Living in the Posthistoric World, he channels:

�At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth�s gravitational field will be affected in some way. This will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent� Though there will be much awakening of individuals prior to the first unified movement of the awakened planetary organism, this movement, like a first breath, will occur in but a single moment. It is then that the Star Maker will consciously awaken in all systems of human biocircuitry capable of sustaining universal awareness�

�Be aware, be vigilant. Do not discount the possibility that the moment might come as a thief in the night� This is to be an important occasion. It is the event that is central to all of human history. Our emphasis for many thousands of years now has been and continues to prepare you for this single moment. For though the changes will be dramatic, they need not be traumatic.�

Ken Carey goes on to express that beings would receive the incoming energies according to their level of preparedness. For those who react in fear, the incoming energies could be disorienting. Even so, it would be essentially a joyful and -positive event, and an enormous energy would be released on the surface of the earth, calling humanity to heightened -perception and rejoining the individual with God. He describes our transition into fourth dimensional time through a moment of �non-time,� analogous perhaps to Gregg Braden�s �zero point�:

�There will be a great shift then, a single moment of quantum awakening. In this moment, the smallest interval of time�will be lengthened unto infinity. An interval of non-time will expand, and through that expansion eternity will flow. Some will experience this moment as minutes or hours, others as a lifetime. Still others will experience this flash of non-time as a succession of many lives, and some few will, in this moment, know the Nagual itself, the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds... Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of disincarnate awareness� Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be but partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures, sharing the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will then know themselves to be.�

Many have felt that it would be a quantum event, that it would be the biggest event in cosmic history, and that it could happen any moment now.

Are we ready?
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 07:11
lol ... saw that the spirituality thread was dead from past few days... so put some timepass material
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 21, 2008 10:15
That was a looooonnnnnnnnggg post... and I cant beilive I read it all at 7 in the morning! lol...

2 0 1 2 ... bring it on! does this conciousness have a positive effect on the stock market??? I think thats the million dollar question

Mad           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : May 21, 2008 10:40
u will be sayin, wat is this million dollars i don understand, after 2012 i guess... hehe i read somewhere that eventually money system fails n collapses and goes obsolete... wats gonna be in is just pure admiration... now wudnt that be a nice thing ?!...
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 23, 2008 01:13
^^^ BiG Change ... on it's way ...           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  184
Posted : May 23, 2008 10:44
if there was one just king like jesus or krishna.....
if all work was divided.........if everybody had to work on a rotation basis all kinda work on individual skill basis and there was the same car , house and lcd tvs for everyone and ofcourse one mess where we all ate the same kinda food........equal health care and the just king would also be using the same services can the system work????
maybe one war or some huge ecological damage to wash 1/3 rd of the humans ........... and then we all will be happy...... maybe not!!
          life is a trip ..... love is a trip.....a trip isn't a trip trippy....
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posts :  443
Posted : May 26, 2008 08:13
@onacid ... the way u explained, having the same car, food, clothes, robotic work etc, the system might not work that way at all,. life will become too boring that way maybe... But this change that might happen is somethin that we cant even still understand 100% yet,. it maybe totally somethin BIG and NEW the way it is said to be... so there maybe new framework of system, maybe a universal system,. there maybe be better things than the menu of the food or the metal box (car) u can think abt,. common tell me,. when u can teleport urself to another place in matter of a moment why do u need a car,. somethin like that,. there maybe something better than a king or a president... It could be a whole universal counsel of humans and aliens in collaberation who might take care of the politics,. etc etc... consciousness levels, Knowledge and potential of ones own ability to do a lot of things are definitely going to be one major thing in the next phase,. And humans, after doing mostly bad things all throught till now will hopefully realize somethings and start living in peace and harmony... Basically the Earth and the humans need a big time cosmic overhauling and that wats gonna happen... consciousness shift and a better technology than the current destructive one... a better life... and dont worry u will definitely find a lot of different things to do when u can access the farther reaches of the space and dimensions and knowledge... So it can be anythin,. but if the change happens its definitely gonna be one biggie... So lets just wait n watch,.... and oh yeah,. human population will definitely suffer by natural and man made calamities... its already happening man,. all around u,. read the news paper and the only thing u can see in abundance is people dying everywhere because of watever reasons and its only getting worse until when i donno,.
Lesser Soul
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2008 21:58

On 2008-05-23 10:44, onacid247 wrote:
if there was one just king like jesus or krishna.....
if all work was divided.........if everybody had to work on a rotation basis all kinda work on individual skill basis and there was the same car , house and lcd tvs for everyone and ofcourse one mess where we all ate the same kinda food........equal health care and the just king would also be using the same services can the system work????
maybe one war or some huge ecological damage to wash 1/3 rd of the humans ........... and then we all will be happy...... maybe not!!

thats our problem we humans always want some one to be there above us ...why ....why not all equal as in nature the jungle there are no kings and no order or equal work ...that is the natural world the real world not human created Godly and Ungodly conciousnesses where when every thing gets fucked coz we didnt care earlier we need someones to shoulder to cry on we need fantasies and hopes to live on worlds of WoW factor to be enthralled with our mind ...why not keep it simple for that one day ......when an animal sleeps it sleeps for that night and that life too not knowing not planning ......that is true freedom to be carefree ...freee....not to run from one hell and belive in another money no money appreciation what diff does it all make nothing u still need either money or appreciation right so whats so different about 2012 ??? there are still human needs n desires and till they exist there is no point calling this the mother of all spiritual threads.....Boooomm Shankar
          Being, a bundle of minute, unique particulars in which, by some unspeakable and yet self-evident paradox, was to be seen the divine source of all existence.
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : May 28, 2008 05:54
@ lesser soul ... captain babaaa,. george of the jungle babaaa,. ... That is one of the things most humans have to achieve/learn... To be and live for here and now without thinkin abt anything else too much and experience our existence completely... but we are always keeping one leg in the past and one leg in the future and we end up taking a piss on our present...
Lesser Soul
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
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Posted : May 29, 2008 22:48
^^ hehehe u like always full gyaan so going to the Flames free Festival of Psy Trance say my hellos to the mates ....           Being, a bundle of minute, unique particulars in which, by some unspeakable and yet self-evident paradox, was to be seen the divine source of all existence.
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