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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2006 11:41
how's this bassline?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 10, 2006 07:23

On 2006-12-09 10:40, Electrip wrote:
thanks man, but in z3ta for instance, which synch should i choose?
any synch that sounds "ok"? can make bass out of almos any synth! as long as you have some important features:
1> it has re-trigger (so the notes stay the same)
2> it should have good envelopes for filter
and amp (thats why i dont use VB...)
3>pretty important to be able to use two osc at once, one pitched an octave down at square, to give it it's THUD...

and...every synth has its own style its your choice what to do with it....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2006 16:30
Ok, I've been using a lot of the VB- 1. I promised to myself but I wouldnt, but damn it, it had that sound I was looking for. I've also used Albino extensively and also ES-1 and ESM a little. Trilogy's a bit of a pain and seems a little over elaborate for something I'm going to eq into infinity anyway.

I've heard people mention the junglist which I havent used. Me being one to find the most comfortable seat before I finally sit down, have to hear it, but can't actually find it anywhere.

Is this real? Or is it just a ride?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  246
Posted : Dec 21, 2006 21:42

On 2006-12-21 16:30, soulfood wrote:
Ok, I've been using a lot of the VB- 1. I promised to myself but I wouldnt, but damn it, it had that sound I was looking for. I've also used Albino extensively and also ES-1 and ESM a little. Trilogy's a bit of a pain and seems a little over elaborate for something I'm going to eq into infinity anyway.

I've heard people mention the junglist which I havent used. Me being one to find the most comfortable seat before I finally sit down, have to hear it, but can't actually find it anywhere.

Is this real? Or is it just a ride?

`Junglist is called Hydra now. Grab a free demo at

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Dec 22, 2006 15:46
Hello People,

i was wondering in which peak-volume-relation you are mixing your kick and bass together?

mostly i use kick -6 and bass -10...

what is your relation? shure it's changing a little from time to time (and differs cause of different kick samples or moods you wanna create...) but i just wanna know if it's a good starting point??

sometimes when you look at an audio file it seems that kick and bassnotes are almost of the same size.... are these songs mixed on a 1:1 ratio? or can visualization not be taken serious in this matter? hmmmm...

any tips or methods are more than welcome!

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  61
Posted : Dec 22, 2006 17:44
good question pilgrim... just keep in mind that the audios you're looking at are generally mastered (usually with compressors and limiters), so might well be that the kick was at a higher db than the bass, but then was "forced back" with a comp. or limiter..

i try to have the kick around -7 and vary strongly with the percussion, which i'm not sure is clever, but that's just the way i get along with, if you have any recommendations, i'd be glad to hear some           ° °
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Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 22, 2006 19:44
tsabeat i think once told me to keep kick @ -6 .. bass @ 7.5 for fast psy trance stuff .. iv stuck to it .. i still dunno why .lol .. is it any difrent than just grouping the 2 (or seperately) and pulling down the faders in the mixer ? .. sry if silly question but id like to learn more

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
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Posted : Dec 22, 2006 21:41
Sort of tutorial on how to make a darkpsy bassline, using Buzz:

IMO the end result sounds decent.           When rain dries, clouds form.
When clouds moisten, rain forms.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  218
Posted : Dec 28, 2006 00:17
mk47,...thanks for the tip it really helped me...
after concentrating more on this issue i'm too more in your region of keeping kick at -6 and bass at -7.5 and this also explains why the waveform looks like it does most of the time...

so thanks and happy tweaking to everybody...
dj spirit (bra)

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Posted : Jan 1, 2007 07:41
preference for vb1......
hi-tech sound 
surviving in underground...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Jan 7, 2007 17:12
everyone uses vb-1 i like the sound, but it´s allwayes the same sounds...there are soo many synths, sounding nice i won´t use vb1 again .. hope u understand me yes...Greetigs

d o m i 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  8
Posted : Jan 12, 2007 20:43
I like to make basslines on reason sometimes. There´s a refill called: Wired(there´s a vst plugin for wired too. I think U guys know).
Using the instrument: Dubber Bass with an MCLASS EQ and somtimes Scream. I think it sounds good... some one uses it too?
And those who know this instrument, like it?


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  8
Posted : Jan 13, 2007 16:50
I am currently using Logic Experess and there for can not side chain - is it possible to simply automate my compression so it sounds similar? should i just use a basic wave pattern??

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  246
Posted : Jan 13, 2007 17:41

ERR          -------------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  246
Posted : Jan 13, 2007 18:01

On 2007-01-13 16:50, elio wrote:
I am currently using Logic Experess and there for can not side chain - is it possible to simply automate my compression so it sounds similar? should i just use a basic wave pattern??


Play with note velocity and length of your bass on kick           -------------------------------------------------
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