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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 12:44
system nipel - pro logic for example is subtractor, too

great bass 

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 14:54
what about using a bass guitar and runing it through vsts or and effects ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2006 14:53

Sample the individual waveforms from your soft synths.

Load up Kontakt. Or whatever.

Load in Saw wave. Adjust Start Point to taste.
Load in Square Wave. Adjust Start Point to taste.
Adjust Balance to taste.

Adjust filter decay and sustain and release and env-amount. Leave the cutoff alone.

Compress using Blockfish
MAYBE add a little disto. Why not saturation from Blockfish?
EQ using the freeware LINEAR eq you can find if you look hard enough on KVR-VST, to cut out the low low bass and the troublesome mid hundreds. I say linear to avoid phase smearing problems. It really does help if its linear (thanks niK ;P)

And that is the end of the bass problem.

PS. I've read at various points in this thread people saying you that it isn't possible to get a pro bass sound out of VSTs.

That is utter bilge.

What you mean is that you can't get a pro sound out of VSTs.

Anyhow. The above method results in this but anything is possible because really, what you are doing is building your own synth, so you could for example start off with distorted waveforms before the filter, or mix the Saw Wave from a Moog with the Pulse wave from an impOSCar. Whatever takes your fancy.


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Posted : Oct 27, 2006 08:00
Speakafreaka ,

this is a great advice man
i just have 1 more thing to add.
if you use kontakt as your sampler, then use the pro-53 filter, because the sampler filters add annoying mid freq. they can be removed with eq but still the pro 53 sounds better, atleast for fast fullon bass.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2006 12:10

On 2006-10-27 08:00, desp wrote:
Speakafreaka ,

this is a great advice man
i just have 1 more thing to add.
if you use kontakt as your sampler, then use the pro-53 filter, because the sampler filters add annoying mid freq. they can be removed with eq but still the pro 53 sounds better, atleast for fast fullon bass.

Yeah Kontakt's filter section kinda sux if you ask me. But what's decent in Kontakt is importing some source like ES-M, running it into the enhanced compressor (try the bass or trackslammer presets, the second can be a bit much) and then the Kontakt Bit Reducer and the ADHSR envelope on settings similar to either the Clav preset or the Gate preset. Push this into an L2 and that should be all the bass you need... Do the same thing with a good kick, route it to a different output pair, then route both of those channels to a group and compress/limit a tiny bit more, and also try inserting some sort of cabinet emulation (i actually like the Quadrafuzz on its DEFAULT setting, believe it or not, but like RBass it seems to have a tiny latency problem) or something like Tonic on the PUNCH preset, or Antarest Tube. You can get huge lowend like this.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Oct 30, 2006 15:54
AudioRealism Bassline

those are nice and common..

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 30, 2006 20:35

On 2006-10-30 15:54, Wizack Twizack wrote:
AudioRealism Bassline

those are nice and common..

That list rather old news.           When rain dries, clouds form.
When clouds moisten, rain forms.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Oct 30, 2006 20:56
There are different ways and tools to the achieve the perfect bassline as mentioned in this threat. Those ways and compromises are important and to master, not who got the fatter synth. If you are good in what you are doing, you can get a superb bassline even out of a toy.           -------------------------------------------------

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Posted : Nov 1, 2006 16:03

On 2006-10-30 20:56, Cannabis wrote:
There are different ways and tools to the achieve the perfect bassline as mentioned in this threat. Those ways and compromises are important and to master, not who got the fatter synth. If you are good in what you are doing, you can get a superb bassline even out of a toy.

Hi there...Sorry but i do not agree (you can get a superb baseline even out of a toy.)even if you have the right tools and you are the best, it is very important to find the right synth...And i suggest ANALOG OR VIRITUALANALOG... Because transients from VST instruments ar not fast enough... and especially missing the real tone where all fatness is...I would say: not punchy enough...
i tried almost every VST for base ,bought
transient design from can forget sounds only little better but not pro..these days analog
is back..and it is true...if you have a good sound card, save some money and spend more on it and problem is dissolved...but most important is ...BD...if you have the right punchy powerful BD you have to feed it with right punchi BASS and other instruments too..IF BD is WEAK BASS easily SOUNDS GOOD..but it is all illusion. you will face it on the dance floor in huge sound system ...
For 16th bass cheap is Doepfer MS-404 or exp is A-100BS2 Basis-System 2... this synths have most fast transients....and are sounding like bomb..or nord lead 2 is also good..
Wish you good luck...

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Nov 1, 2006 16:40
Here is the demo from ms-404
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Nov 1, 2006 19:48
I agree to Cannabis....all good vst´s have been listed here and they´re what mostly everyone uses...

my opinion : work very hard, tweak every knobs, and very important : u should know what style and sound u want in the end...

the fx you´ll do on it has the same have to know what knob is good for.....hope u understand

for example, start with triology and scorpion and send me a sure you just haven´t tweaked it out !

word. - i wanna help not be supervisor !

peace dudes !!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  246
Posted : Nov 1, 2006 21:44


Hi there...Sorry but i do not agree (you can get a superb baseline even out of a toy.)even if you have the right tools and you are the best, it is very important to find the right synth...And i suggest ANALOG OR VIRITUALANALOG... Because transients from VST instruments ar not fast enough... and especially missing the real tone where all fatness is...I would say: not punchy enough...
i tried almost every VST for base ,bought
transient design from can forget sounds only little better but not pro..these days analog
is back..and it is true...if you have a good sound card, save some money and spend more on it and problem is dissolved...but most important is ...BD...if you have the right punchy powerful BD you have to feed it with right punchi BASS and other instruments too..IF BD is WEAK BASS easily SOUNDS GOOD..but it is all illusion. you will face it on the dance floor in huge sound system ...
For 16th bass cheap is Doepfer MS-404 or exp is A-100BS2 Basis-System 2... this synths have most fast transients....and are sounding like bomb..or nord lead 2 is also good..
Wish you good luck...

I am not a programmer or such, but in a sense, I expect from an High end PC CPU to calculate more codes per time unit than a ancient semiconducter IC chip.
That's why we hear that "good" VSTs can produce such a precise sound.

It's all in the code, the whole spectrum and transients, it's just up to you how tickle the out;-)
On the top of that, you don't have the inconvenience of MIDI recording, tuning, and phase shifting of analog gear.

Today, most songs in electronic music are being written with VSTs, and I couldn't complain about the fatness of bassline, last time I was on the dance floor.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2006 12:00
What on earth do you mean the 'transients aren't fast enough' ?

Are you refering to the microscopic delay between the midi signal and the note being played? That is why a lot of people shift the track timing back by five in Cubase.

And 'especially missing the real tone where all the fatness is' - No. You mean you cannot programme the real tone where all the fatness is. A bad workman blames his tools . Sorry, but it is true, look back over this thread and you will see many pro names all using vst instruments for basslines.

Apart from that, you are aware the Nord Lead 2 is a computer, yes??? It is very similar to a vst in many ways.           .
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Nov 2, 2006 16:35

On 2006-11-02 12:00, Speakafreaka wrote:
What on earth do you mean the 'transients aren't fast enough' ?

Are you refering to the microscopic delay between the midi signal and the note being played? That is why a lot of people shift the track timing back by five in Cubase.

And 'especially missing the real tone where all the fatness is' - No. You mean you cannot programme the real tone where all the fatness is. A bad workman blames his tools . Sorry, but it is true, look back over this thread and you will see many pro names all using vst instruments for basslines.

Apart from that, you are aware the Nord Lead 2 is a computer, yes??? It is very similar to a vst in many ways.

No, he means by "transients" the freq spectrum, which is ALL there in a good VI. Analog synthesis is history, but analog processing is still in, but not the only one.           -------------------------------------------------

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  19
Posted : Nov 3, 2006 21:12
now, after reading the whole 34 pages on basslines, i still feel empty. the reason is i think i feel like that is because all this forum has taught me is just user preferences on what vst(???) to write the bassline, and not how to write the line itself. I'm completely new to the whole psytrance production thing, and any bit helps. Is it just a matter of a couple notes being played, or is it just one note? sry i'm such a nub someone hook me up w/ a tut or something on writing a bassline. i understand that it's a bunch of tweaking, but where do i start before i can tweak?
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