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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2006 19:43
I anyone wants to exchange/share VSTs contact me.. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2006 21:54
Hi Acid,

check your PM

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Posted : Aug 20, 2006 21:02
DJones, Synoptic:

I used the same method as Subconsciousmind describes (on the last page) in my Song "The Melody" on the Album "Mystical Encounter", as well as the method DJones describes (also on the last page) and I think it sounds pretty good.. It just depends on what you want, more groovy or more rolling. The Bass is VB-1 with quite some EQ. At the beginning of the Song I used the "no-bass-on-the-kick" method (makes it pretty groovy), and a bit later the "2-tracks-for-the-bassline" method (which makes the bassline roll)..

You can listen to extracts from the song here:

(Track no. 8)           ° °
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 19:18
Enough talk of VST you use

Talk about NOTE how do you compose them and the setting of each VST 
For information, boooking and Demo
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 15:16
spannungsbogen - haha
thats not interesting, whats interesting is that we all use the same vst and we all get different sounds...

there is not many tracks with just one element, like a bass and nothing else, all elements effects eachother, when different timbres blend there is a special sound.

its been discussed alot of times how much effect the kick has on the bass and vice verse, the tone they live in and other harmonic structuers..

just try for example V-station, take a bass present that has all 3 oscilators running, now take away one by one, and listen, lets say one osc is a saw and one is a sine and the third is a square, listen what these waveforms do to the sound.

settings is always depending on the kind of sound you want... experiment, my best advice is to take a synth and fiddle with it without putting any EQ or compression on it, and then try different kicks, soon enough you will find a good combination.

use C-tuner if you want to find out the pitch of each sound, and read some basic harmony and you will be able to puzzle them together so they fit frequency wise....

Good luck

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Aug 27, 2006 04:11

On 2006-08-09 10:36, Djones wrote:
There's something I haven't figured out yet.
And that is wether I should or shouldn't play a bassline note over the kick.

When I do, the kick doesn't sound smooth anymore, but the bassline rolls!
When I don't the kick sounds smooth, but the bassline doesn't roll as nice anymore.

So now, I could use a sidechain compressor, but is this really any different from not playing the bassline at the kick's note?
Because now you don't hear the bassline anyway, when the kick, kicks in.

And there's another option, and that's to do place the bassline over the kick, but to take it's volume down.
Now I've just made a compromise, because my kick isn't coming out at 100 % and my bassline isn't rolling at 100 %, it's 50/50!

So what do you think is the best way to solve this issue?
What's the most common used technique?

one wise man said once:
in sound , its all about compromise..
try this trick:
when ever you play bass on kick (with 100% velocity) use kick without low end (sub) so realy all you need from kick is just the midbass and high of it. the low end will come from bass. kick dont need to be fat , just if u dont have bass under it 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2006 19:02
hey there !

can anyone tell me how to automate the triology vst in cubase ??

with other vst no problems..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 3, 2006 16:22
hey there...
i didnt read all this thred (yet?)...
but from what did read.. i didnt see any one use the mini moog for bass...
how come find all my best bass lines come from it..?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 3, 2006 23:10
i can't automate spectrasonics vst's in cubase. can anyone automate them in another sequencer?           Pyrex :: Traveling without moving
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 4, 2006 01:09
e-motion - try to automate in the midi editor/pianoroll, the lane for velocity and such... hmm i cant seem to remember the name.. but i know some vsts has to be automated from here...

you have cutoff there aswell known as Brightness(cc74)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Sep 4, 2006 02:15
thanks new era scientist..i think that´s it.. 

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Posted : Sep 10, 2006 15:13
I think there is a 3 things you must have to make a good psytrance bass:

1 - feature to adjust phase shift of wave
2 - real good envelopes (z3ta+ is the one)
3 - some brains

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Posts :  61
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 15:28

On 2006-09-10 15:13, Sartorius wrote:
I think there is a 3 things you must have to make a good psytrance bass:

1 - feature to adjust phase shift of wave
2 - real good envelopes (z3ta+ is the one)
3 - some brains

let's hear more about point 1...           ° °
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2006 18:08

On 2006-09-10 15:28, Human wrote:

On 2006-09-10 15:13, Sartorius wrote:
I think there is a 3 things you must have to make a good psytrance bass:

1 - feature to adjust phase shift of wave
2 - real good envelopes (z3ta+ is the one)
3 - some brains

let's hear more about point 1...

I think he means the phase shift that occures by eqing the signal. Using linear phase EQs is this mainly avoided. But you need the discrimating ears to make the bassline sound defined with Kick and other drums.           -------------------------------------------------

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Posts :  27
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 18:52
Or you can just use Voxengo PHA-979 to adjust the phase after the bassline sound was processed.
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