The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 5, 2006 08:52
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Posted : Jul 6, 2006 13:43
Tau Pro
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 6, 2006 16:31
I ve been told that CronoX is great dor basses, i spent some hours playing with it without succes, some hint plz |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 7, 2006 08:41
On 2006-07-04 20:41, FREGLE wrote:
This is an old one but a good one... Never heard of anyone trying it in psytrance though...
Make ur bassline, render it after it's done, and convert the bitdepth to 8 or 12 bits or convert the rate to 22kHz. save it, and open it again.
Convert it back to 16bit 44kHz (or whatever the quality ur working on). The effect of making it lofi will add crunch and make it punchier, and by converting it back the effects u put on it afterwards will sound good for quality.
recording a basss to tape, and then recording it back into the pc will add punch and grit too...
| How is that different from inserting a bit reduction plugin on the channel? I mean I am no plugin coder but I imagine it comes in at 24 bit off the hard disk, if it is a wav, or straight 32bit if it's a VSTi (or hard disk could vary according to whatever bit depth you're working at, set in preferences) and then within the plugin it gets truncated to 8 bit, which gives it the 8 bit sound, and then of course it HAS to be converted back to 32 bit on output (or at least expanded to 32 bit, the other 24 bits are probably filled with zeros) in order to be handled by the mix engine within the app (assuming SX here) because all the major apps process at at least 32bit internally (and Sonar now at 64bit, reportedly.) |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 7, 2006 16:42
On 2006-07-07 08:41, br0d wrote:
On 2006-07-04 20:41, FREGLE wrote:
This is an old one but a good one... Never heard of anyone trying it in psytrance though...
Make ur bassline, render it after it's done, and convert the bitdepth to 8 or 12 bits or convert the rate to 22kHz. save it, and open it again.
Convert it back to 16bit 44kHz (or whatever the quality ur working on). The effect of making it lofi will add crunch and make it punchier, and by converting it back the effects u put on it afterwards will sound good for quality.
recording a basss to tape, and then recording it back into the pc will add punch and grit too...
| How is that different from inserting a bit reduction plugin on the channel? I mean I am no plugin coder but I imagine it comes in at 24 bit off the hard disk, if it is a wav, or straight 32bit if it's a VSTi (or hard disk could vary according to whatever bit depth you're working at, set in preferences) and then within the plugin it gets truncated to 8 bit, which gives it the 8 bit sound, and then of course it HAS to be converted back to 32 bit on output (or at least expanded to 32 bit, the other 24 bits are probably filled with zeros) in order to be handled by the mix engine within the app (assuming SX here) because all the major apps process at at least 32bit internally (and Sonar now at 64bit, reportedly.)
No difference at all... But i wanted to explain it the old skool way, cuz u don't actually need a plugin to do it... And i still believe that the bit reduction algorithms of wavelab or soundforge are better then the bit reduction algorithm of a plugin that has to work in real time. Ofcourse, that is subjective, cuz i don't exactly know which algorithms they use But if u think about it reasonably u know that a plugin that has to work in real time doesn't leave room for overly complex algorithms like a non-real time processor does... Btw, ever heard a plugin do a bitreduction to 12bit 22kHz better then an emu or an akai? I haven't... unless the plugin was developed by akai or emu (but never saw a piece of software sporting the akai/emu algorithms yet... There are emu soundcards that double as samplers though, so those cards should have the algorithm)... |
Nox Lupi
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Posted : Jul 15, 2006 07:03
On 2006-06-12 10:40, hyperionix1 wrote:
hi to all of u bass addictions...
i dont know y i am the first one that
posting this tip... sham on u...
when u look at the pro's bassline
in soundforge u'll see that the nots are
diferent frome each other one of them is
clicy(very very small filter)
and the next one is not clicy (no highs)
like a medium filter on it...
and another tip is the lenth of the nots is not the same ex: if u make one not clicy
(open filter all the way 2 the right)
so make it 100 ms for psytrance(like dynamic)
and the next is 90 ms with med filter
(no hi's) but dont kill it ...
so it will b with some punch....
one more tip is when u use hi pitches nots
make them with low panch
so at the end will have something like:
use the filter env 2 change it....
kick 100-110ms
hi click 100ms
low click 90ms
med click 95/100ms
kick 100-110ms
low click 95 ms
med click 100
hi click 90ms
kick 100-110ms
med click 95
hi click 100ms
low click 90ms
kick 100-110ms
hi click 90ms
low click 100ms
med click 95ms
In short.. use velocity to control the envMod of the Cutoff filter.. i guss. hehe
  Slipped in my sleep: "Back From Beyond" Iono Music.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 15, 2006 16:55
for a fat bassline ,sample a saw from a emagic synth or trilogy sh 101 maybe the imposcar saw is good too ,then import it in kontakt,load the pro53 filter as a insert with a env to modulate it. |
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Posted : Jul 17, 2006 22:27
well i say:
es 1, tau, es m?es m is not a syncronized plugin..if u put the atack at 0 ull see that the medium frequencies arn`t allways allways verify if the plugins are corectly working before using them ppll!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 12:17
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 15:44
the esm is a real sweet sounding plug...
why dont they make it a Vst... grrr
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 17:46
and Vibe Tribe - Zimba anyone has an idea? i'm curious about that unique thing, but not for personal use, just curiosity.
  Pyrex :: Traveling without moving |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 20:57
Stas from vibe tribe use to be here.. i hope he can share some secrets....
i really dig their new album.. its original melodic fullon... very playfull stuff... heads up for these guys.
awsome production...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2006 07:06
I really like:
- Muon Tao (or however you spell it)
- Albino
- Scorpion (this one is my current fave) |
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Posted : Jul 24, 2006 11:50
PlastiCZ - deep and crunchy
Hydra - just try preset sawbass1
MinimogueLUXUS - preset soulbass - beautiful warm bass for downtempo tracks
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Posted : Jul 25, 2006 15:19
VB-1, with lots of distortion and boosting the lows! |