The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
Dainty Doll
June Rashava
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Posted : May 18, 2006 19:29
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Posted : May 19, 2006 09:35
Yes, killer machine... |
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Posted : May 19, 2006 12:37
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 20, 2006 02:01
Virus TI???? Are you joking????
Spending £1600 on a buggy machine, which doesn't do TI unless it is connceted as the only USB device, IF you are lucky?
I don't thinks so, dude.
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Posted : May 20, 2006 11:53
On 2006-05-20 02:01, Cannabis wrote:
Virus TI???? Are you joking????
Spending £1600 on a buggy machine, which doesn't do TI unless it is connceted as the only USB device, IF you are lucky?
I don't thinks so, dude.
It's really not that bad
Anyone who owned one of the first Virus A's will also remember they had their own share of annoyances which were sorted out in due course by Access and then some...
It probably depends on where one wants to sit on the innovation curve... established tech w/ established features/sound == stable, new tech w/ new features/sound == having to participate in the development of the product.
PLUR and say: "fluffy"
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 20, 2006 12:20
On 2006-05-20 11:53, hummingbird wrote:
On 2006-05-20 02:01, Cannabis wrote:
Virus TI???? Are you joking????
Spending £1600 on a buggy machine, which doesn't do TI unless it is connceted as the only USB device, IF you are lucky?
I don't thinks so, dude.
It's really not that bad
Anyone who owned one of the first Virus A's will also remember they had their own share of annoyances which were sorted out in due course by Access and then some...
It probably depends on where one wants to sit on the innovation curve... established tech w/ established features/sound == stable, new tech w/ new features/sound == having to participate in the development of the product.
PLUR and say: "fluffy"
According to virus forum, you'll find barely one who uses Virus TI "seriously" in studio. It isn't simply just THERE, and it will never be with its cheap ass USB 1.1. I would strongly recommend to save your money for something els. Or if you like Virus sound, buy a used Virus C.
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dual core
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Posted : May 26, 2006 18:26
hey everyone whats up ?????? i have been tweaking on my trilogy and zeta for days and am not able to get any results out of it ....could someone give some guidelines like in the modulation what to assign to what and the filters .....a hand would be tight .......i m cant anymore with the vb1 ....need a change take care people |
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Posted : May 26, 2006 19:31
On 2006-05-26 18:26, dual core wrote:
hey everyone whats up ?????? i have been tweaking on my trilogy and zeta for days and am not able to get any results out of it ....could someone give some guidelines like in the modulation what to assign to what and the filters .....a hand would be tight .......i m cant anymore with the vb1 ....need a change take care people
Biggest things learnt in the last month:
* Use a single Oscillator set to Saw until things start to sound reasonable before you even think of adding anything else. KISS KISS KISS KISS
* Don't use outboard FX until you simply cannot get it sounding any fatter.
* Grab the Cosmosis Albino patchset and analyse the bass patches.
* Leave LFO's, Modulation Matrix, FX, Fancy Filter Routings out of it.
* Use 1/32nd or even 1/64th note lenghts.
* Playing with note lengths and note velocities makes a difference. But KISS. (Nice to route teensiest bit of key velocity to filter cutoff.)
* Amp Env: Set attack to 0, sustain to 0, release to 0. Tweak decay until happy and only then Tweak Release.
* 99% of the character of the sound is going to come from how you set Filter Env Depth vs. Filter Cutoff. TweakyTweaky.
* Good starting point for Filter Env is: Half of Amp Env Decay, Half of Amp Env Release.
* Don't EQ or compress the bassline unless nothing else works. 99% of the time the problem lies with the synth programming.
* If any of this is greek to anyone, go read the SOS synth tutorials first and then come back.
* Make sure you are writing the bassline in the right octave. *blush*
* Work with a reference track in the same key&style as yours.
* Kick+Bass is surprisingly hard. Don't give up just because you didn't crack it in the first 100 hours of programming. Work on another track for a few days and then come back and try to get it to the next level.
* Did I mention KISS ?
PLUR and say: "I'll have the Merlot please."
dual core
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Posted : May 27, 2006 12:39
hummingbird shot for these instructions am gonna give it a good go ....take care |
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Posted : May 27, 2006 17:04
On 2006-05-26 19:31, hummingbird wrote:
On 2006-05-26 18:26, dual core wrote:
* 99% of the character of the sound is going to come from how you set Filter Env Depth vs. Filter Cutoff. TweakyTweaky.
* Work with a reference track in the same key&style as yours.
spot on advice there. |
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Posted : May 29, 2006 12:09
What about the nu refill for reason 3.0 called "Virology" ---> the sounds and presets from the Virus B and C
Who checked this nu stuff ?? Does it sounds like the real hardware ?
cheers |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 6, 2006 09:56
On 2006-05-26 19:31, hummingbird wrote:
On 2006-05-26 18:26, dual core wrote:
hey everyone whats up ?????? i have been tweaking on my trilogy and zeta for days and am not able to get any results out of it ....could someone give some guidelines like in the modulation what to assign to what and the filters .....a hand would be tight .......i m cant anymore with the vb1 ....need a change take care people
Biggest things learnt in the last month:
* Use a single Oscillator set to Saw until things start to sound reasonable before you even think of adding anything else. KISS KISS KISS KISS
* Don't use outboard FX until you simply cannot get it sounding any fatter.
* Grab the Cosmosis Albino patchset and analyse the bass patches.
* Leave LFO's, Modulation Matrix, FX, Fancy Filter Routings out of it.
* Use 1/32nd or even 1/64th note lenghts.
* Playing with note lengths and note velocities makes a difference. But KISS. (Nice to route teensiest bit of key velocity to filter cutoff.)
* Amp Env: Set attack to 0, sustain to 0, release to 0. Tweak decay until happy and only then Tweak Release.
* 99% of the character of the sound is going to come from how you set Filter Env Depth vs. Filter Cutoff. TweakyTweaky.
* Good starting point for Filter Env is: Half of Amp Env Decay, Half of Amp Env Release.
* Don't EQ or compress the bassline unless nothing else works. 99% of the time the problem lies with the synth programming.
* If any of this is greek to anyone, go read the SOS synth tutorials first and then come back.
* Make sure you are writing the bassline in the right octave. *blush*
* Work with a reference track in the same key&style as yours.
* Kick+Bass is surprisingly hard. Don't give up just because you didn't crack it in the first 100 hours of programming. Work on another track for a few days and then come back and try to get it to the next level.
* Did I mention KISS ?
PLUR and say: "I'll have the Merlot please."
do these patches work a lot better on Albino 1, cuz on 2 thy sound crappy |
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Posted : Jun 6, 2006 18:52
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 11, 2006 21:14
Hello to all!
Can you propose me some good vst's for progressive bass please?
I'm searching for a long time but i cant find any good vst!
Cheers |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 12, 2006 10:04
hi to all of u bass addictions...
i dont know y i am the first one thet
posting this tip... sham on u...
when u look at the pro's bassline
in soundforge u'll see that the nots are
diferent frome each other one of them is
clicy(very very small filter)
and the next one is not clicy (no highs)
like a medium filter on it...
and another tip is the lenth of the nots is not the same ex: if u make one not clicy
(open filter all the way 2 the right)
so make it 100 ms for psytrance(like dynamic)
and the next is 90 ms with med filter
(no hi's) but dont kill it ...
so it will b with some punch....
one more tip is when u use hi pitches nots
make them with low panch
so at the end will have something like:
k hi low med/hi
100ms 90ms 95/100ms
k low punch med punch hi punch
90ms 95/100ms 100ms
k med punch hi punch low punch
95/100ms 100ms 90ms
k hi punch low punch med/hi punch
100ms 90ms 95/100ms
last tip is 2 see in soundforg your favorites
basslines from artists and look fo the same
form of the waves in the vst's
hope it will clear the way... bye
sorry 4 posting here ..
  barak |