The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
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Posted : Apr 6, 2006 16:19
Sorry for put the end on the bass problem adventure. (now all from you will can start to focus on the song)
for darkpsy, cronox and pentagon, it's good too...
and with many synths you can do good bass, but for general psy bass...
sonalksis compressor -> waves req6 -> if needed tc comp (sidechain, if the kick after choosed, well equed, pitched, sounds dist in relation of bassnote) don't forget to fine tune the sidechain.
P.s: Infected are using trilogy, erez said that on the IM forum.
If you want some mastering magic, i can tell too... it's interesting work on realtime mastered sound...
eran m
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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 15:22
hey ppl....
does any 1 know's with what instrument n3xu5 built is bass line in the song "banzai"....?
thx ahead.....
Yellow Warrior
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 10, 2006 17:00
Hello Everyone!
I don't know if this is already included in the many many pages here but i found this on Cosmosis's website and thought it might help someone. if you need more help, check his website
for other topics, look at the very end of the page, there are some topics which you might find interesting.
anyway, here goes........
My view is that there are three basic patterns in Trance basslines. Everything else is the variation and slight twist that you will want to give it to make it your own....
1. The Oom-pah (spookily enough features on many "progressive" German trance records)
At it's most basic consists, it of a quarter note bass note on every offbeat of the bar. That is to say if a bar is subdivided into 8th notes, then the bass note would come on every other beat; e.g on 2, 4, 6 and 8 while the kick would sound on 1, 3, 5 and 7. Add your own variation by e.g. patching filter to velocity and tweaking velocity....varying the note length etc... moving to another note (shock, horror! at the end of a 2 or 4 bar pattern - which also applies to the following lines too...
2. The Gallop. Consists of bass notes on these 16th note subdivisions in a bar: 3+4,7+8,11+12 and 15+16 Yea-harrr!
3. The Hum-a-danga Consists of bass notes on all 16th note subdivisions in a bar except on the beat - (where the kik lands: 16th. note subdivisions of 1, 5, 9 and 13. Popular in much full on Trance and Israeli trance in particular....
These are your basic patterns. You can play then straight or bring your own compositional skill into play by mixing them all up to create an individual line, varing some notes for accents. Another idea is patch the velocity to the filter in the synth. and adjust the note velocities (by small amounts) to create some accents, It=B4s up to you. Remember; whatever sounds good, is good.
Another important tip is that you should keep your sequencer note length quantization on a 64th note resolution. Varying the note lengths by small amounts can quite drastically alter the overall effect when it comes to Trance basslines, making the difference between a nice, tight funky groove or a drunken punk rock band at their first gig.
Now, for the bass sound.
A good place to start (and end) is setting the oscillator at a single saw wave, or if using two oscillators, a square wave mixed with a saw wave one octave above, at around 70/30 ratio low/high sounds great.
Also, if using more than one oscillator, I prefer to hit the sync. button (or similar function - Phase Init. on the Access Virus) to lock them both together to stop any phase variation at note on, which will play havoc with the levels of individual notes in the bassline. Trust me, you don't want this.
Filter the result with a 24db low pass filter, (but 12db can be cool too) Top tip: keep the resonance value low for basslines. From 0 - 25% res.
Set between 5 - 30% filter envelope depth.
Filter Envelope: Fast - medium decay on the env. filter. Filter env. Sustain at zero. Amount between let's say, between 5 - 50% (Often depends on the synth...)
Amp envelope: For now keep the attack and release as fast as possible without clicks - again depends on the synth - for now, keep sustain at maximum. Adjust the release in the range 0 - 20% until it sounds nice and sits with the kik.
Set up the kik, loop the track and tweak the above parameters until you are satisfied that it all locks together nicely.
Another top tip is: Choose a kik that fits with the key, or a key that fits with the kik. It doesn't have to be the same note neccesarily, just something that sounds consonant. Then tune the kik up or down a little in the sampler until the low frequencies gel best.20
And there you have it: ten years of making trance records distilled into a few paragraphs.
Good luck and happy tweaking.
Bilbo Bagginz
  Rather than feeling that you're about to have the rug pulled from under you, let me teach you how to dance on a flying carpet |
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Posted : Apr 10, 2006 21:19
I'm new to Cubase, used to produce with Reason, so I haven't gotten around to explore all the posibilities. But the Hydra (from Synapse Audio) has a nice sound. I've gotten some really fat and crunchy basslines with that one    "I reject your reality and substitute my own." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 15, 2006 15:21
for full on basslines trilogy go to saw waveforms (not patches)... minimum cutoff, minimum res, high env, set all the filter env to 0, increase the decay and sustain slowly. now t-w-e-a-k. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 16, 2006 05:29
Hi all, I have been reading about the best synths to use for bass that every body posted…
But there was something I do not understand..
You discussed about changing sound and sych with osc and how you sample the synths and layer them to over come this…
I was wondering if someone could expand on this…I am still struggling to understand…
Hope you can help
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 22:14
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 21, 2006 17:02
i think there is a sidechain who make it pump, if you have logic try the esm but don t except to have killer bassline like cpu before some months/years of work |
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Posted : Apr 22, 2006 14:44
On 2005-02-20 00:32, S.D6 (Yakir .B.) wrote:
for the dark trance artist's i recommended the VB1 + Waves REQ6 EQ + Waves Rcomp.
And for those ppl's who creat's fullon i recommend the Tau Pro vst
exactly what i use!!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 24, 2006 04:36
I'm having some issues with my basslines...
In most cases I can get a decent bass rolling but it will only sound good while playing certain notes/one note in the octave. I suppose that has to do with the EQ settings that I tailored for that/these notes while looping. what do you then do when you want to apply some variation to the groove by changing the notes? bounce the previous bassline and apply new EQ settings??
vstDOG. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 24, 2006 08:17
i use audiorealism bassline
and minimogue va (try selecting the 2step bass preset in minimogue and set the osc shapes to either sine or square, keep tweaking u'll get the proper bassline)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 25, 2006 23:34
Does anyone have alot of offbeat basses lying around they could upload? Im kinda stuck with my vst's, would like to have some new inspiration... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 06:47
ok read quite a few of the pages...
this is a question from a complete beginner
where on earth do i possibly get the vst and plugins mentioned?????
everyone seems to have all of them...!!
any healp GREATLY appreciated..
thanx! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 13:04
On 2006-04-27 06:47, Shaqattack wrote:
ok read quite a few of the pages...
this is a question from a complete beginner
where on earth do i possibly get the vst and plugins mentioned?????
everyone seems to have all of them...!!
any healp GREATLY appreciated..
there are many excellent freeware plugs available thesedays. run a search at and start experimenting.
as to the payware stuff you could actually buy a couple of pieces to get u started, or try p2p...that's all I can say
vstDOG. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 13:32
thanx a tonne mate...
jes been a day since i figured this out..and thus hooked on to it....wonder what took me so long to finally sit my ass on to the chair and start...
still in the process of creating the right bass...but wotevr i do...even if the tempo is at 145 with kicks still feels very slow...probably i gotta add tonnes more...
will try and figure it out...anyone kind enuff to help...wont mind either
thanx again...
cheers! |