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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  601
Posted : Mar 4, 2006 16:12
Hey Broken Toy!

Fantastic advice there man - big respect...

The only thing I'd personally add to that is that if (as I also do) you bounce the bass waveforms down and sample them, you can also edit - in samplers like Kontakt/Halion etc. - the phase... i.e. you can set where in the waveform the sound is triggered from - thus if you export one particular bass sound you can set it to trigger perfectly at a zero crossing...
Click-less, stable and punchy basslines...

The highpass advice is also super important and glad you mention it (it is often overlooked) - what i personally do is mix the track down into stems once it is complete... one for kick and bass (and sounds with bass) and the other for the rest of the track (bare in mind you need to be super happy with your mix before you do this)...

Some sounds can drive through highpass (particularly REQ2 - look on a spectrogram and see ) so I add another highpass to the non bass stem to make sure - i also automate the frequency of this highpass so that in sections where there is no kick/bass - i can let some bassy warmth shine through - i then push the highpass back up when the kick and bass hit... in turn giving them more power

Wicked advice though man!


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  32
Posted : Mar 5, 2006 23:12
I think the sytrus is very powerfull for very deep full on baselines like metamaxis, parasense etc
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2006 00:11
Nice advice jimmy.....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2006 04:29
Yes very nice advice from Jimmy! truedelic...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 06:12
hi does anyone have the link to the sidechain compression tutorial thread? i cant find it

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Posted : Mar 8, 2006 10:17
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2006 12:59
yah,,,v stastion and eq and cmp are the best
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Mar 10, 2006 21:26
The best tool you have is your mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
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Posted : Mar 16, 2006 03:14
Hello BassMonsters,

BrokenToy mentions using L2 in the bass and group channel.. what kind of threshold, release, and outceiling would one use in L2?.. dont use limiters myself other than for final home master so would like to know


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  125
Posted : Mar 16, 2006 18:05
any one can help me with Bassline in Cubase 3?
in icq 165387569           Mad Melody!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 08:38
lotral - whats your problem? any of the ordinary?
read mike A bass tutorial, and search isra for more info... or even check the sticky thread where there is a whole lot of info on most things...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  57
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 23:05

On 2006-03-10 21:26, New Era Scientist wrote:
The best tool you have is your mind

Yeah Man The Best Advise Till Now!!!! ahah           3õ (¯`·.¸.ø¤¤• P.L.U.R. • ¤¤ø.¸.·´¯) 3õ

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  5
Posted : Mar 18, 2006 18:15
As this is my first post, I first want to say hi to everyone out there. This forum is by far the best resource for psy producers. I love it.

As many many people before me allready wrote it, I am also looking for a bassline. Thanks allready for all the great tips given!

For sure many of you know some tracks produced by mino. I am looking for a sound coming close to the bassline in the track "Capsulated".
My guess so far is that it consists of two saws that are slightly detuned to each other and the sum is inverted. But I could also be deeply wrong. The trouble is that I cant get even close to the roling subbass character of the bassline.
I have had some success with the TauPro2 using a combination of saw1 + saw5 but this gave me more of a wave like the rolloff of the bassline every other Beat.

From that point I have not found a way to get the envelope right to give the rolling a nice attack (Best if you listen to the track, you will hear what I mean) . It seems to have some really finetuned attack.
If any of you have a suggestion on from where to work a way to something like it , I would greatly appreciate it!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  57
Posted : Mar 19, 2006 23:35
Welcome ZerreX !!!!!!

3õ (¯`·.¸.ø¤¤• P.L.U.R. • ¤¤ø.¸.·´¯) 3õ
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  355
Posted : Mar 20, 2006 10:03
I endorse this first post

and to add
8.) You can not only edit in samplers but in fader handles in SX can be a nice way to clean something up and make it tighter if the source wasn't very clean.

Basically in my experience if the synth can't produce clicks/pops at extreme attack, decay and release settings, you might as well route it to leads and wizzy fx instead because it's gonna fuck up your bassline with mud because it's filters and/or VCA are not designed to be fast enough to handle the really low stuff at high speeds.

Bass is about control. Free oscillation is not control. Any module that uses more than one oscillator while lacking phase initialization parameters (like a virus) is gonna be a phase inversion nightmare and the bass will sound weak.

Single oscillator synths free oscillate too but since there is no second oscillator to cause cancellations they don't sound as bad. ROMplers still sound better becasue the waveform initiates at the exact same time on every note, meaning that you don't have to worry about weird VCO inconsistencies at the same time you're trying to tweak VCF and VCA. This seems counterintuitive because it seems less authentic, but authentic is not the goal, this is trance, not IDM, and the goal is precision. Precision is as precision does.

Trilogy and sampled Minimoog uber alles.
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