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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread


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Posted : Oct 14, 2005 23:20
no one has mentioned the incredible Ultra Analog by Applied Acoustics. Its unbelievably FAT!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2005 15:33
yooo for all the dark and full on lovers, the ultimate bass killer machine ,the hard to find tau freeware 1.0 from 2000,with 2 of my presets ,just eq !!if you can t do a good bassline with that stop trance!


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Posted : Oct 16, 2005 00:45
Sorry, double-post...

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Posts :  16
Posted : Oct 16, 2005 00:45
Hello all,

what would be your first choice for bass in new analog hardware?

Would an Andromeda A6 do the thing or is there any better?

Thanks in advance.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2005 14:56



On 2005-10-16 00:45, Bluebice wrote:
what would be your first choice for bass in new analog hardware?

as said before almost any synth is good for bass

my choices: waldorf mw2/xt/xtk and novation nova.

others: waldorf pulse, norlead, virus, bass station, k-station, doepfer 303 clone, etc

          roll a joint or STFU :)

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  16
Posted : Oct 17, 2005 23:56
My question: "what would be your first choice for bass (for goa/psytrance) in new analog hardware?"

Well, I agree that almost any synth can do bass, but a good bass for trance that's another story. For example I don't think a Moog Voyager or something from Studio Electronics which is analog and new is a good option.

I asked for your first choice in new analog (not many analogs in your list and the Pulse is discontinued because Waldorf is closed, so you can't find it new).
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 18, 2005 11:23

On 2005-10-17 23:56, Bluebice wrote:
I asked for your first choice in new analog (not many analogs in your list and the Pulse is discontinued because Waldorf is closed, so you can't find it new).

i'm sorry... i didn't read the "new" thing... maybe because "new" isn't something wich is used to be asked for in synths

apart from the kstation, virus and nords everysynth i quoted is discontinued, not only the pulse wich is the only analog hibrid, the others are digital.

wich type of bass? rolling bass or other varietys?

          roll a joint or STFU :)

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  16
Posted : Oct 19, 2005 01:13

wich type of bass? rolling bass or other varietys?

Well, I don't know much about bass in psy but I can tell you some examples: Etnica (simulate the future), Xenomorph (gnomes), Noma (digital antichrist), Necton...

But if you can, I'd like to learn which variety of bass psytrance has and what "new" analogs could do them for each case. Please, let me know what you know

I read that when Goa started they were using TB303s and SH101 for bass. Would a FR Revolution do the thing for bass as a kind of emulation of the TB303? (I personaly see it more for acid than for bass).

For info, I have an Andromeda, but I guess it is better for pads than for bass, nevertheless, I was wondering if by adding a Sherman filter it would do the thing... (I plan to produce on a soft seq, in a home studio).

Thanks for your help.
Fat Data

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Posted : Oct 19, 2005 13:25
i love the sherman a lot for its crazy sound

what i dont like about it is the distortion tha adds to the sound by amplifieng to much so i dont think its suitable for psy basslines some crAAzy filtering action though!!

well if it works for you im ok!! just my opinion !!

andromeda on the other hand can produce some greeaat basses realy fat and juicy!!


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Posted : Oct 19, 2005 17:48

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Posted : Oct 19, 2005 22:56
Orange-atropa: I just ask for the idea of the Sherman, but I am open to your suggestions

mk47: Minimoog is "old" gear, I want "new", do you think the Voyager is as good for psy sounds? I heard is that it is not really the machine to buy for this.

I would be a nice add to the topic if someone could talk about all the types of bass that trance has, no?


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Posted : Oct 22, 2005 21:21
Quick tip:

I just stumbled across a neat trick last night while writing a tune: when dealing with full-on, KBBB style basslines, make the first B an octave lower. This gives the bassline some bounce.

So, if you have KC2C2C2, make it KC1C2C2. By itself the lower note lacks punch and body but being so close to the kick it actually gives the sensation of being part of the kick, so the kick goes "dooffffbrrrrbada" (okay, so it's hard to write about sounds).

Try it, you might like it.



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Posted : Oct 25, 2005 10:31
hey there, heres an old KVR thread where me and others wail the woes of basslines and Hujaboy replies! Some nice tips and advice. The first couple pages are a bit dull though.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2005 10:27
This tip may have supplied already. IMO it's a good one.

One thing about the psy bassline is it can sometimes get monotonous because of it's repetition of single 16th notes all sounding alike. Especially when it's monotone. Even with electronic music the ear enjoys natural sounding instruments.

So what I do to counter this is is have 2 to 4 synths playing the bassline co-operatively. Now, I don't mean they're all playing at once, but each synth plays a different note in a pattern.

By tweaking each synth slighty to give it a subltey different timbre you can acheive a more natural and less monotonous sound. If your sequencer has group channels, you can feed the synths into the one channel and apply EQ and compression (I like to sidechain my BBBB basslines)

My preferance for bassline synths btw and the Audiorealism 303 and the VB-1.

Also, about applying chorus to the bassline: I like to set up a sendFX track with a gentle chorus and EQ the lows out so the effect is only audible on the higher freq transients of the bassline (to avoid phase cancelation and node effects from the long wavelengths)

The same prinicbal can be used with any effect really, as long as you keep it away from the meat of the bass. Delay is an obvious one. PSP nitro has some nice presets that can add some trippy effects on top of the bass.

Hope this helps. Peace!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
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Posted : Oct 29, 2005 18:43
Okay I have just come across a problem when I EQ my bass line. I have the bass and kick playing so that they do not touch and if possible there is a gap between them. All is fine until I EQ the bass. Boosting and low/high filtering is fine but when I cut a notch out of the bass where ever its to heavy or where I want to let the kick come through the bass frequencies get boosted out side of the original note length. This means that the bass and kick will now meet. Why is this and how can I stop it from happening?

Here are some JPG's to explain what I mean.

1 bass with out EQ

2 bass with a 62Hz notch cut.

Please help.

 post production audio and synth modifications / repairs.
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