The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 15:33
I all full in love with the VB-1!!!
Totally agree with Zebra-N about the plug-ins (until now).
I have a Virus C and EMX-1 and i didn't find so good sounding bass as vb-1 with plug-ins!
I make psytrance 148-152 bpm!
Try to write shorter notes like 1/32 or 3/64,or generally don't let the notes stick with each other worked 4 me!
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Posted : Aug 20, 2005 17:22
i like Junglist, scorpion, vanguard, pentagon.. and tau for kinda gliding basslines.. |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2005 12:26
Try to take an ordinary violine sample and lower the pitch 2-3 octaves down , then cut it and envelope it as you like , its like working with clay , and you get a nice non-synthesized bass line.
  Please read the next reply for further information. |
Player One
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 26, 2005 04:11
Theres something about the Vb`1 sound that doesn`t feel right, even after trying to EQ the shit out of it ,can`t seem to get rid of that plucky sound. SYTRUS saved me from going mental with some clean fat bass synth presets.... Been experimenting with Z3ta a bit and seems like theres a lot of potential for a nice deep sound...<!!!!!! help with vb-1 ?????> |
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Posted : Aug 28, 2005 23:41
Agree with you Player One about Vb-1 plucky sound. I tried to remove it with EQ but didn't succesed. The span of frequencies of plucky sound is to wide to be removed by even best parametric EQ. However, I like the sound of Vb-1 (if I could remove the pluck) a lot and here is a question for people who who use Vb-1. Is it possible to get rid off Vb-1 plucking sound and how you do that?
Player One
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 29, 2005 06:43
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2005 16:22
sample the VB-1 and cut off the hardest part of the pluck. Leave enough pluck so u still have enough boom in the bass.
u can change the amount of pluck by changing where the plectrum strikes and lowering the bridge. it can almost sound as smooth as a fretless bass... but it keeps sounding like a guitar plucked by a plectrum so this will probably not be enough.
but why use the VB if u don't like the sound anyway (i don't...), i like the flexibility of a big synthesizer even for simple bass lines.
For crystal for example:
1 voice (mute the other voices). Classic saw as waveform (but since this is a wavetable synth u can use ur favorite sawtooth waveform), leave the filter open and amp open (no envelopes), play with the osc-settings untill it has the timbre ur looking for. Then put the filter like u want it (there are 2 bars, if u put the envelope in gate-mode the top-bar is the cutoff, otherwise the top-bar corresponds to the top of the envelope, the bottom bar to the bottom of the envelope, this is actually extremely handy!!). Then put the envelope in sync, but not in loop!! U only need 2 stages on the filterenvelope, one for attack and one for decay. Make the decay curve so it decays slowly at first and sharply at the end. drag the endpoint so it sync's with 1/16th. The amp envelope is also synced and not looped, it needs 3 stages, one for attack, one for the sustain, and then a release of 0 (in effect, putting it in gate mode). Also drag the endpoint to 1/16th. Mute all effects in the mixer panel. That's it , ur done... If u want 8th's between ur 16ths u'll have to automate the endpoint of the filter envelope and the endpoint of the release stage and the sustainstage of the amp envelope (or duplicate ur instance of crystal and drag them to 1/8th, but then ur using 2 softsynths at a time, not very efficient for notation and cpu-power). Personally i just sample the results note per note and then load them in my akai... this is the best bass i ever made (and it sounds great at 5000W, i tested it), i don't have an example online yet though...
with other synths u'll do about the same, but the immense flexibility of crystal gives u control over every detail of the bass, and i personally like that a lot. |
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Posted : Sep 9, 2005 15:45
On 2005-02-19 22:20, Ronaron303 wrote:
My answer is: VB-1 .
chek Mr.Cedric and crew newly web site
There in the section REMIX IT ,you will find a Bass samples from "Awaiking"track ,4patterns at all(yes,its highly produced and engenered bass sound that has been mastered)+all kind of material from that track,and you will fastly recognise a VB-1 sound
(bass patterns for shure)that they will show you that the Mr.Cedric and Nomad in love with VB-1 too.
Hi dude thanks for the link, i'm very interested in examples for the VB-1 as i can't get the sound I'm after...
but i can't find the re mix it section
where is it ?
cheers |
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Posted : Sep 12, 2005 10:28
vb-1 has a typical pluck sound , which cant be removed completey even through the use of Eq and not can it be flattened by Compression ... but thats its very basic sound , it works really well in some track .... but heck , why fret soo much over the vb-1 ??
Tau Pro will give u basslines for any track ud like , vanguard and albino also produce nice basslines and then there is always Spectrasonics Trilogy Bass Module .... experiment and see , what you like .... |
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Posted : Sep 13, 2005 00:52
Hey , If We Talk About Bassline , Anyone Can Tell Me How To Fix The Jump's Of The Audiorealism Bassline ?
Any Time That I Use Him Its Sound Like Hi Stuck And The Bassline
Anyone Can Help Here ? |
Player One
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 13, 2005 12:41
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 14, 2005 12:35
i just fell in love with VB-1
had to confess
  roll a joint or STFU :) |
IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin
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Posted : Sep 14, 2005 18:43
the pluck sounds comes when all notes are the same . but if u use alternate notes like c-d-c ,
or c-a-c , u dont get that irritating klick sound. if u do want to use same note bassline in one bar , export the audio into wav and then use the beat and bass which dosnt have the scratchy click , do not use the entire bar just one beat wit bass , i hope this makes sense lol
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Posted : Sep 20, 2005 13:40
hi ..about vb........
did anybody try to play in lower octaves that u r used to play??????
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Posted : Sep 21, 2005 07:54
vb1.dll ---->recycle bin---->empty recycle bin----->defrag---->format |