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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2012 12:08

On 2012-03-04 05:41, loki wrote:
I know but we still have to take out our crankiness somewhere!?

Of course, that is indeed the root of the problem!
My comment was a bit cranky but at the same time instructive as I mention what newbies should and shouldn't worry about asking but now we have almoust fill out a page with this conversation and next time I post here will only be for instruction. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2012 03:53
the thing is that thread will be endless as it s not by reading the net anyone gonna get a great bassline and mix. read = eyes, mix = ears ,thats 2 different sense
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2012 13:43
What are your guys best tips on getting that 1/16th bassline? I want a bassline that also plays on the first note. So on the place of the kick.
I came up with the usual ideas.
- sidechain
- eq
- placing the notes a ms or so to the back

But still I always end up with a kick/ bass combination that sounds crap if the bassnote is also played on the 1st note. Any other ideas? Or do I just need to keep trying

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2012 14:58
try using a other track for the basslin notes that play at same times as the kick so you can eq these note to sound good with the kicks tail..and to adjust their level.
you need the right kick too ..dunno why but for example mbase kick (the kick in your first example sound similar, to me its probably a mbase processed kick) dont sound as weird with a bass on top as when i make a kick out of zebra or s like the tail and the bass mix well toghther, the low feel like having some air with these kick..the fondamental is not as the same place maybe,strange..
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 17, 2012 14:45

On 2012-04-15 13:43, supergroover wrote:
What are your guys best tips on getting that 1/16th bassline? I want a bassline that also plays on the first note. So on the place of the kick.
I came up with the usual ideas.
- sidechain
- eq
- placing the notes a ms or so to the back

But still I always end up with a kick/ bass combination that sounds crap if the bassnote is also played on the 1st note. Any other ideas? Or do I just need to keep trying

Maybe, and this is just an ideia, u could only use just the sub bassline for when the kick hits, cutting the kick at 45ish and sidechaining, i guess the bassnote should be a bit longer then the kicks tail, but a pain to get right i imagine
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 24, 2012 12:36
as erez would say

AF: A few minutes ago we were talking about your mixes. They are always very 'precise', with no redundancies on the spectrum, even when you have big synths playing. For example, I read in your forum that you said “the hard work is to mix things right and remove unwanted frequencies”. Would you reduce the spectrum of most of your instruments when mixing to reach this goal?

Eisen: I high-filter everything except the bass and the kick drum. Actually I made a plug-in in Reaktor that solved the issue of kick and bass. I basically made the side chain EQ in a way. Every time there is a kick, there is a high-pass filter on the bass line for example. Every time the kick plays, the bass line has a high-pass. I used to do it manually. Then I said, you know what, let’s do it in Reaktor, it’s pretty easy.

AF: It’s really working well. The bass and drums are really always very precise.

Eisen: You just clean the mix. Whenever the kick doesn’t play, it still sounds fat. Especially if you always want to have bass playing on the kick at the same time. That’s the biggest problem - you just find yourself doing a bass line that you don’t really want. Bassline without the ones on the kick. For me at least, we solved this issue for Infected. Except that, I low cut everything that doesn’t need bass, unless it’s a break, and in the break you can bring back all the bass. But when the kick comes, I think most of the mix sounds cleaner when you cut at least 100-120 Hz. Much clearer.

           me Progressive Project :
PsyTrance Project :

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Apr 29, 2012 05:36
hello isratrances,
anyone can help me? .. : D
recreating this bass, someone I can spend the preset of this bass?

thx for support!.
cheers from mexico.

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Posts :  241
Posted : May 13, 2012 08:01
Hi guys,

when transposing/making bassline note variations in a track to follow a melody pattern for example,should i apply different processing (eq,compression,etç...) to each new bass patterns i make?

I mean,let's say my main bassline root notes are G1/G2 but then i want them to be C2/D2#,then D2/F2,then F2/A2...should i create new and separate MIDI tracks and use different/all new processing on each individual pattern from scratch?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
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Posted : May 13, 2012 15:39
What you could do is to bounce all notes without processing and then treat each note differently on a separate channel. 
Alien Bug
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2012 17:50
it depends of what you want to do. for example its really easy to destroy your bassline by treat every note by different settings on compression/eq.
if you dont know what you want/need to improve in different notes it will be better to do nothing 

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Posted : May 17, 2012 23:30
i've lurked for some time, read the entire thread, followed half the links (esp. the PsyMusic UK's psydub thread! and Ott's contribs!) and man, i learned a LOT.

I have a heavy background in electronics, so i got out my oscilloscope and ran Kbbb on Ableton and first thing, watched envelope and timing. I used Operator to make a plain sawtooth, "square" envelope. Dragged in a Meaty kick (cuz it's built from Operator, therefore tuneable).

First thing I did was listen and HEAR the notes (E1) and kick and tweaked envelope attack and release for no click -- which was visible as a truncated wave. No need for a 'scope to see that.

Next tweaked note duration til i heard a 'proto' roll -- not really evident with a raw sawtooth.

and thanks Alien Bug -- i sidechained the kick to compress this (still raw) sawtooth on beat 1. Spent a few hours working out a feel and sound for kick duration itself and sidechained-compression A, R such that the kick decays within it's "time slot" without bleeding noticably into beat 2.

Here is where numbers diverge from HEARING: at the 137bpm i play with, each beat is a little over 100mS. The note envelope release time NUMBER that sounds good doesn't correspond to 100mS exactly; ears aren't linear and don't give a crap about numbers, our brains are hearing meaning and intent and following "what's important". BUT! when decay is long enough to overlap the next note, well of course you can hear the loss of definition as well as see it on the scope.

The above gave me a rational basis for what i can now do by ear/seat of the pants. Thanks so much to everyone in this thread!

Of course the above doesn't sound good (yet). But without a good foundation it's been all guesswork and farting around with knobs and dials.

Then i applied the enveloped filter as mentioned by many but outlined so succinctly and clearly by AlienBug. NOW! it starts to SOUND LIKE A !@!#(!@ GDMF KICKASS PSY BASS! OK!

From this point, tuning, effects, etc all make sense and work, or don't, based upon sound, intent, emotion and feel. But getting that deceptively simple basic stuff right, for me, was the first step. I'm still an utter novice but i feel like NOW i can actually learn something.


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Posted : May 18, 2012 22:07
Best bass?? Simply Spectrasonics Trilian.. You can design a punchy bass and then you can export the notes and put them in a sampler.. So easy.. Check a track of mine and if you like tell me your opinion.. Cheers!!

also for free download this one:

dont get it

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Posted : Jun 4, 2012 11:25
Dark bass with the old vb1... audio quality of the video is a crap but try do it on your monitors and see what you can get from it...


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  63
Posted : Jun 4, 2012 11:36
Theres no need to be sampling trillian as its sample based already and im pretty sure the envelopes and retriggering of osc's would be quite top notch anyway
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 03:28
from the old days of junglist to dune synapse synths produce some of the best full on bass !
in dune in the matrix it need a constant to the osc phase to retriger it (try +50)
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