The Misted Muppet - From The Legend (Trancelucent)
Le Lotus Bleu
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2004 13:28
The Misted Muppet – From The Legend (Trancelucent)
1. The Mist 6’36
2. Machine Forest 7’37
3. Cat Visions 7’30
4. Midnight Tales 6’09
5. Innocense 7’20
6. Toward The Castle 7’24
7. Mercenaries 7’34
8. Might & Magic 6’39
9. From The Legend 7’58
10. Defender of The Past 2’18
Dagan Israeli & Tal Hassidi are The Misted Muppet, From The Legend is their debut album, the style is dedicated to acidic-energic/crazy full on, i would say that if Infected Mushroom has continue their original musical direction today (the one present in their 2 first albums) it could approach a bit the content of the Muppet’s one.
In The Mist, you can easily catch the movie soundtrack’s culture of Dagan, as the melody is clearly inspired by famous theme from The exorcist (i don’t say sampled or copied but i mean ‘in this way’). No too long introducing as you you plenty enter The Muppet sound in half second, the tone is given : their strong crazy acid full on style is completed with heroic fantasy-medieval atmospheres as sugested o the cover art.
The intro of Machine Forest reminds me to tell you about apart the movie soundtrack culture , you’ll also notice a traditionnal classical music background. Furthermore, sometimes here softly & in some others tracks (5 you see the impact of Tal’s loves for Drum n’ Bass in the rythmic.
I don’t know what kind of visions can appear in cat’s head but seems very intense & tormented through what you can listen in Cat Visions. Indeed i suspected someone putting sort of poison in the cat’smilk , but cats got 7 lifes so the animal is just drived crazy,getting counscious of his hard destiny & isn’t dying at all ; result at the counter, 6 lifes remaining for the cat, the cat wins.
Midnight Tales contains some nervous electric riffs, at 2’45 a break composed of a church organ melody & woman voice for a full medieval-gothic ambience before rebunding to the extreme-acidic usual Muppet soundscape.
Your spirit gets hanted by darkness forces, that’s what happen in Innocence, will you be strong enough to resist to their call ?
After a foggy intro, you understand the way to the castle isn’t free , some fightings are needed to reach the place. Riding your horse , holding up your sword, goahead Toward The Castle, you shouldn’t worry !
The castle’s den is more peacefull nevertheless there are always some people you should beware of :Mercenaries. Keep your gold’s purse in a safe place & if needed let’s go for a blade-battle.
Might & Magic has a tyîcal medieval sounding intro. It’s time to see this dear old Merlin & drink some of his new potions creations, major transformations, mutations or alterations good or bad are all possible. Take the liquids at your risk & peril, just let’s try & see the result…
Merlin still have the knack hopefully !
A screaming siren lead is quite present all along From The Legend, it’s probably the most nervous-excited stuff of the album which don’t obligatory means the best, no time to chill here, you must save your kingdom.
You have now reaching your graal, chill time in a mix of medieval & cinematic tones, you can rest
in peace with Defender Of The Past.
Favorites :1,3,4,6,8,9
Recommended for all Full-Oners
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Posted : Jun 19, 2004 22:42
WoWow what a original review!
seems like a soundtrack review for a big dark Epic Movie hehe
from what i heard on the radio and in the net, I have no fucking doubt this going to be one of the best releases of the year with Classic award!
full review, as soon as i get the original copy.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 20, 2004 01:24
this is one goooooood cd!
loads of psychedelic riffs and crazy beats. since i put my hands on it, this one hasn't left my car stereo.
nice to know some israeli artists are doing psy and not the usual mania for the masses.
my favourite is number 3, that cat sure had a rough night
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 23, 2004 01:48
This is an excellent album, very fresh !!
I describe it as night time melodic full on sound, with smatterings of Goa throughout.
Defeinitely one of teh freshest albums in a long time, you would be crazy not to check it out!@! |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 23, 2004 02:35
Le Lotus Bleu, good review and i agree with you on how it reminds one of old infected mushroom material and concepts.
i like the melodies of this album, although at points i felt they were underdeveloped.. like i was wishing for something a bit more from them and did not get it. also, it became quite predictable at points. i think its a good entry and i am interested to hear how these 2 develop in the future... their skill is high, but some ideas are 4-5 years old and are not so exciting... maybe this pathways have been bruned in my mind already. indeed goa elements felt and wicked base that reminds me of eskimo at some points. i really like the punchyness of the music, it is aggressive and all over the place. i also dig the cover art and the whole concept of "medieval trance".
had flashbacks of 1999 with it.... it was cool.
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Posted : Jun 23, 2004 09:39
The Misted Muppet – From The Legend 2004
Trancelucent or TIP? The music talks TIP characters, the authority goes for Trancelucent, this label going higher!
I knew this going to be astounding release with age, and this happened even more then expected!
While you hears the album some names like infected mushroom, hallucinogen and so may pop up in your mind; the Reason for this is being for the product quality and the possibility to create stories with the sounds. But after you listen to it for the second time… you recognize a completely new style, different power with different limits.
These guys created completely own style with new ages and new limits, I would say NO LIMITS!
Straight from the start of the album [track#1] The mist you can feel the musical perception these guys have, with very exciting piano and cinematic effects you get storm of emotions, then from the soft piano come the break and strike hard, blast your head with monstrous power. Around 1:30 comes beautiful goa tune with massive sound, we are already at 2:41 break…some beautiful celestial voice come up from the mist and singing with celestial aura accompaniment (beautiful harmonization!) this just make you ready before storm of power going to hit you hardly, 3:14 thrilling break and then comes full power lead kicking your ass all over and its grow and grow and grow…ahhhh this is just perfect… going on and on with more and more exciting lines…
After we were survived in The Mist, we move on to the mechanical [track#2] Machine Forest , starts with an amazing musical of war movies, can feel winds of war in the air, here comes the beat and kick you hard, you start moving around and then in: 1:55 you were kicked out of this planet and come back with an amazing break leaves your mouth open, the machines start fighting with some amazing electricity lead and another melody comes and fit so well, 2:29 I want to cryyyyyyy what a beautiful line fits so perfectly in my mind like LFOs searching for you!!! You running and running but they are fast and coming to get you bitch!! Hehe the track developed with unique rhythms with metal feeling like machines beating it! Amazing how the name fit to this track…can talk about this track more and more there are so much material in this track (as in all the other tracks in the album) so I will finish by telling you 6:20 grow and grow and…. BOOM!!!!!!!! So fucking Brilliant break kick your ass so hard!!! Getting crazy in this part!!!
You have Past machine forest and you move on with insane cat [track#3] Cat Vision some cat surround you with his yell and kick you to another world, you start hallucinate with liquid synths and powerful leads that sounds like cats! Full frequencies track fill your head with brilliant breaks and dirty leads and crazy effects! Somewhere around 6:30 the cat scratch some dark melodies covers, this cat is fucking mentally ill!
The cat enjoyed playing with your mind, now it’s time to sit around the fire and listen to tales [track#4] Midnight Tales , this thrilling, open straight with effects that taking you down to be part of tale itself, some great riffs around 2:00 kicking hard the dance floor, get ready for smooth sing of women voice 3:18 sound like wicked witch cast a spell on you. The track continues with full power action leads streaming and makes you feel in mission. End of the track you past the tale and some effect takes you out from the tale.
After the mission in midnight tales some dark voices comes with message “you going to die soon” hehe [track#5] Innocence , this track is more soft than the others, no fights here, you surrounded by amazing vocals of women helping you making a research to find the way to the castle (which is the next track hehe), this track lets you come down with a bit dark aura. Some great melody around 4:00 and after comes very impressive rhythms with effects, get ready dude, war soon to come….
The innocence voice helped you find the path to the castle now it’s time to go forward it! [Track#6] Toward The Castle , again impressive start for the track very artistic, some wicked voice taking you straight to the base, with massive bass line and special you are on your way to the castle with powerful melodies with lots of effects and wicked parts and want to kill you!!! From 3:50 the track became really beautiful with some soft lead that take you higher and higher…4:40 here it comes here it fucking comes the boiling point and really massive melody come to take you something too beautiful to describes 5:44 and melody come to fit on the other one so perfectly, take you so hard you really feel like you in the way to the castle, hehe so high… I think the castle is in the sky strong emotions with those melodies!
Ok, you are in the castle, nothing to easy you know… time to become a mercenary and kill the people stand in your way [Track#7] Mercenaries ahhhh some cinematic steps of giants taking you to the beat…then Cat back (the one from Cat Visions hehe) with some lead that yell so smooth you want to kiss it hehe anyway, the cat healing you with his sound and you going on you find someone to kill…3:00 some really good rhythms… 4:00 you find the monsters!!! Killlerrr lead for killing those creatures!!! 4:50 some scary twisted piano make you feel really scary! Something happen…then come some lead and blast your mind full time job killing!
You move more the half way; it became harder and harder, time to use might and Magic [Track#8] Might and Magic , again and again… the start is fucking impressing something like medieval melody with powerful inspiration, as well as the start goes the power it continue with magical powerful bass line really impress this track going to blast lots of dance floor!!! Anyway some magical sounds kick all over taking you to something crazy 2:00 crazyyyyyyy something freaky! With lots intelligent effects kicking you out of this world and back! Around 4 time to take rest a get ready for the second round of magic fight, and here it comes full power electricity might and the magic’s come cover it perfectly…your power is unmatched now…
The time has come! You enrich your power to top, you faster, you smoother, u know magic, by intelligent line of effected lead u pumped in to scary place, things around look scary like hell things look like this is not real!!! [Track#9] From The Legend , fucking unbelievable track!!! All going to tell you about this track will leave your mouth open for long time!!! Crazy sirens take your mind to places you never seen before!!! Amazing melodies!!!! Never danced to such powerful lines! Hypnotic! Inspiring! Exciting! Not enough words what is going in this track!
After you past all the dangerous experiences, you can be proud, you are “defender of the past” [Track#10] Defender Of The Past , now you can rest peacefully with an kings tune that let you breath and pick up power till the next legend…
My fingers are a bit damage hehe
It is easy to notice that The Misted Muppet worked very hard on this; actually you can feel the soul in the music!!!
The concept is so beautiful built; the track names are inspiring and fit to the music itself.
This album will blast the dance floor very hardly for sure as well it is full pleasure musical art for home and wherever u hear it.
A brilliant debut, if there was an award for the best debut album, they won it already!
blast of Story telling in full range of colors
Thanks you Misted guys for me you are a Legend as well as this album!!!
Rank: 11/10 +1 bonus this is a debut album (I can’t believe it’s a debut!)! Lots of Respect! |
Electro Sun
Electro sun
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Posted : Jun 23, 2004 21:29
Dagan & Tal brings us insanity debut album
fresh sounds and style that leave you with your mouth open
fucking amzing album my freinds you will sure gonna rock the dancefloors .. best of luck with this release
my fave : 1 , 3 , 5 , 9 (!!!!!) , 10 (!)
Craziness To All |
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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 09:16
every second in this album is amazing, pure masterpiece!
The Mist leaves me with celestial feeling
Machine forest killllled me! Totally killer!
Cat Vision is craziness in its best will kill lots of people on the dance floor!
Might and Magic blew me out of this world!!
and FROM THE LEGEND track is impossible to forget!!! As others already said, my mouth is still open!
i like every track in this album more than the other... Each time I’ve heard a song from this album, I got the same feeling “This is the best track I’ve ever heard!”
smiled and was shocked, hallucinated so many times by those crazy melodies and those blasters rhythms and breaks.
this album gave me those feeling I though I will never feel again in trance, those exciting vibes in my body! Ahhhh
Incomparable creativity!
my favorites: 1, 2(!!), 3(!), 5, 6, 8(!) and 9(!!!!!!!!!!!)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 13:21
Finally i got it !!!
incredible !
amazing tunes.
im totally shocked !!!!
as said ... pure masterpiece !
never heard such original stuff like these.
so much power. tons of groove !
each track has its own character.
so artistic but still full of power.
the mist is such an excellent prelude !
full of color.
machine forest...WOW ! so much lines and melodies in one track ! EPIC !!!
might & magic , they simply took the old school and made it in a killer retro,
panic !!! SO much power !!!
simply amazing ! no words !
usually my perfect grade is 9\10 -
because there is no such thing as "perfect".
but...honestly - 10\10
Way to go muppets !
keep on going ! we all love ya !
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Posted : Jun 28, 2004 16:55
KICK asses, Exciting, Rhythmical, Cinematic, Amazing Melodies! Even the cover! THIS WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, a dream comes true! the best thing I got this year if not ever!
This music is better than hashish ;-)
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Memory Loss
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2004 23:01
The Sirens In From The Legand Kick My Ass Every Time..This Is Best Track For Me!!
But The All Album Is Masterpiece!!
Great HARD Work Dagan & Tal
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Posted : Jun 30, 2004 17:23
First track won End track won and all the tracks in the middle won!
since infected mushroom' classical album, I think this is the only album that have heard with only good tracks!
Every track is a legend by itself!
respect for that
all works together perfectly but the real favors: Might and Magic, From the legend, defender of the past.
keep it up! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2004 05:53
This is a monster of an album and deserves a full review from me, but such things take a little while... so for now I will say all the hard work that was obviously put into this album has completely paid off, and what we have is an extremely high-quality release... great cover, a full ten tracks without any duds that I can detect so far, cohesive concept, excellent production, and enough originality to truly make this stand out from the rest. If you only buy one full-on album this season this is the one I recommend!
I'll go a bit more into favourites when I've figured out just what they may be expect a review part 2 some day soon.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 1, 2004 08:33
I wonder how long they've been working on this album. From your reviews it sure looks to be a very promising new release.
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2004 15:04
Alot influences from Infected's The Gathering album..
some trax too noisy to my taste, but still I see here very very invested album IMO... good luck !
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