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The flow and the real party experience


Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 18:43:59
Ok... More and more, i find parties and events of 24 hrs or more having one style these days.

Very rarely i find the real party experience... Where in you start the music with Chill out/Downtempo... to progressive... to night.. to twilight and then on to morning trance.

These days i find parties/festivals with similar styles/lineups, throughout the entire duration... like morning trance/prog trance/goa trance all through at night... or darkpsy/twilight psy/ or high-tech morning or night style or whatever.... I can understand if its a smaller event that lasts till 4-5 hours... with an opening act and a headlining act.

why this decline in the real party experience? It does get really boring... After all this music is all about the experience isnt it?

Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
Posts :  3918
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 19:45

why this decline in the real party experience? It does get really boring... After all this music is all about the experience isnt it?

yes it was... now its all about trends! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 20:14           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - The flow and the real party experience
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